
With a budget of 1.7 billion yuan and a total length of 180 kilometers, why does the Funan Canal make Vietnam sit on pins and needles?

author:Read fun facts together

In Cambodia, a major move is in the pipeline, and that is the construction of a new Funan Canal. This project is not only about Cambodia's economic independence, but also has the potential to change the economic and political landscape of the entire region.

With a budget of 1.7 billion yuan and a total length of 180 kilometers, why does the Funan Canal make Vietnam sit on pins and needles?

Cambodia, a country located in Southeast Asia, has its own coastline and ports, but most of the time, its international trade is carried out through the rivers of Vietnam. Why? Because these rivers are key points to connect to international routes.

As a result, whenever Cambodia wants to transport goods through these rivers, it has to pay high transit fees to Vietnam. It can be said that Vietnam has made a lot of money in this way.

With a budget of 1.7 billion yuan and a total length of 180 kilometers, why does the Funan Canal make Vietnam sit on pins and needles?

This situation has always been a source of dissatisfaction for the Government and people of Cambodia. Why should the development of our own country be controlled and restricted by our neighbors?

This thinking eventually led the Cambodian government to take a bold decision: to build a new route, the Funan Canal. The canal is planned to cut through a branch of the Mekong River and lead directly to Cambodia's main port, entirely within Cambodian territory.

With a budget of 1.7 billion yuan and a total length of 180 kilometers, why does the Funan Canal make Vietnam sit on pins and needles?

The total length of the canal is estimated to be 180 kilometers, spanning the four provinces of Kep, Kampot, Takeo and Kanla. The project has a budget of up to $1.7 billion and is scheduled to begin in August 2023 and be completed within four years.

The completion of this canal will bring huge economic benefits to Cambodia. It can not only reduce dependence on Vietnamese ports, but also significantly reduce logistics costs and improve the efficiency of cargo transportation.

With a budget of 1.7 billion yuan and a total length of 180 kilometers, why does the Funan Canal make Vietnam sit on pins and needles?

However, as soon as the project was announced, it immediately attracted strong opposition from Vietnam. The Vietnamese side initially claimed that the construction and opening of the canal would affect rice cultivation in its territory, citing environmental concerns.

It is understood that Vietnam is concerned that the canal will divert water from the Mekong River, which may affect the amount of water downstream. But in reality, the canal is planned to use only about 0.05% of the Mekong's water, which is almost negligible for the entire Mekong basin.

With a budget of 1.7 billion yuan and a total length of 180 kilometers, why does the Funan Canal make Vietnam sit on pins and needles?

Vietnam's real concern may be more driven by economic interests. There is no need to rely on Vietnam's transport routes, and Cambodia will no longer pay transit fees, which is a huge economic loss for Vietnam.

In addition, Vietnam also hinted at the possibility of more drastic measures against Cambodia, which has caused a certain amount of concern and concern in the international community.

With a budget of 1.7 billion yuan and a total length of 180 kilometers, why does the Funan Canal make Vietnam sit on pins and needles?

Against this backdrop, Cambodia's Funan Canal project is not only a simple economic project, but has almost become a symbol of Cambodia's struggle for autonomy in the international arena.

The Cambodian government and people are pinning their hopes on this project, hoping that it will change the country's economic structure, reduce foreign dependence, and increase the country's independence.

With a budget of 1.7 billion yuan and a total length of 180 kilometers, why does the Funan Canal make Vietnam sit on pins and needles?

The specific construction plan of the project has been formulated, and the relevant EIA report is also being intensified. Despite the many obstacles and challenges, the Cambodian government has shown unprecedented determination to make the project a success.

This controversy over the Funan Canal is an opportunity for Cambodia to fight for more voice; For Vietnam, it may be a time to reconsider relations with its neighbors.

With a budget of 1.7 billion yuan and a total length of 180 kilometers, why does the Funan Canal make Vietnam sit on pins and needles?

So in the end, I would like to ask: is this canal really just a simple waterway, and what do you think about it?

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