
Self-disciplined life, sunset redder: a healthy lifestyle for the elderly

author:Kelly writes to create freedom
Self-disciplined life, sunset redder: a healthy lifestyle for the elderly

Yesterday I took the bus to the city library, I got on the bus from the starting station only a stop, into the carriage to see that there are not a few people, after brushing the fare of two yuan, I put the mobile phone in the bag, find a seat in the back and sit down, look at the street scene, look at the situation in the car, every time the car arrives at the station, the sound of the preferential card, the sound of the preferential card comes again and again, do not need to look to know that it is the elderly to get on the bus. Looking at it again, there are few stops of effort, and the carriages are basically full of old people. The old ladies wore all kinds of dresses, some carried backpacks, some wore casual clothes and sunhats, and the old men basically wore dark casual clothes, they didn't carry anything in their hands, and they should have just come out of the house at 1 o'clock at noon.

I have always said that the aging of society will become more and more serious, and the places I have been to in the past are of all ages, and I don't feel anything, but today I have a real experience of aging with the naked eye.

Self-disciplined life, sunset redder: a healthy lifestyle for the elderly

When people are young, they work tirelessly to earn money to support their families, and when they retire and get older, how can they spend the rest of their lives, so that their life experiences are beautiful and at the same time beneficial to others and society?

The body is the capital of the revolution and the capital of life, and without a healthy body as a guarantee, everything else is empty talk. Taking care of your body is the number one priority. With the increase of age, the body function will gradually decline, and when encountering problems, we must consider whether our body can withstand it, not be strong, do what we can do, do not worry, do not get angry, ensure peace of mind, and do not panic.

There is such an old man next to me, every day he walks on the side of the road or in the park in the family area with a small walkman, his gait is very steady, at first I thought he was seventy or eighty years old, and then my husband said that the old man is ninety-three or fourteen years old this year, and he is the father of his colleague, who participated in the war of liberation, and should be the youngest soldier at that time. The old man's life is very regular, he will walk and exercise every day, just walk alone while listening to music, never get together, and he doesn't watch him join in any fun. The old man is very polite, one day on the way my husband greeted him, introduced me to the old man, the old man responded to me while giving his hand to me, I felt that it was not appropriate as a junior, but this is his cultivation.

Self-disciplined life, sunset redder: a healthy lifestyle for the elderly

The old man doesn't smoke, and he only drinks two dollars a day, which should be a bar, how good a person's self-control is, to be able to do this! Excessive smoking and drinking will cause irreversible damage to the body, and some people are forced to give up smoking and drinking only when they are lying on the hospital bed and cannot move.

Some time ago, I heard from a colleague that an old man in their community had to drink three times a day, and he must drink every meal, and one night he drank too much, and he fell asleep on the stairs. He has only one son, who has settled abroad, and the old man lives alone, and I heard that he complains that no one has found him a wife, who would dare to live with him in such a situation?

It is said that when the youth is strong, the country is strong, but in fact, the elderly should also be self-reliant. The years will take away our youth and decay our bodies, but our spirit and mind cannot be lost, and our souls should be more tenacious and profound after the baptism of the years. When people are old, they should not only rely on the old, support the old, have fun with the old, but also do something and don't do when they are old!

Every article is sent with feelings, please like and forward it to those who need it, give people roses, and have a lingering fragrance in your hands.

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