
What is the effect of constant strain thermal cycling of nickel on stress recovery in high-temperature shape memory alloys

author:It's loose

Wow! Have you heard? That magical shape-memory alloy is a magic metal!

Not only does this bizarre alloy remember its shape, but it's also super elastic, it's a yoga master in the metal world! It's made up of titanium, nickel, and other mysterious elements, like a chef's secret recipe, except that the dish is for robots.

What is the effect of constant strain thermal cycling of nickel on stress recovery in high-temperature shape memory alloys

However, the superhero of the metal world also has its soft spots. In a high-temperature and high-pressure environment, it is like an ice cream that has been sunburned, and its performance will slowly deteriorate. So the scientists decided to give it a hot yoga camp to see how long it could last without melting.

What is the effect of constant strain thermal cycling of nickel on stress recovery in high-temperature shape memory alloys

You may ask: why do you want to toss this weird metal? Hehe, because it's the darling of the engineering world! From fasteners to actuators, this guy simply can do anything. Imagine your braces suddenly becoming a Transformer, isn't it super cool?

What is the effect of constant strain thermal cycling of nickel on stress recovery in high-temperature shape memory alloys

Scientists have found that the alloy can recover stresses of up to a staggering 800 megapascals. What is this concept? It's like an elephant standing on your fingernails! Moreover, through some bells and whistles, such as precipitation strengthening, grain refining, etc., it can also be made stronger.

What is the effect of constant strain thermal cycling of nickel on stress recovery in high-temperature shape memory alloys

Then comes the brutal test of the metal superstar. Scientists made it in the shape of dog bones and cylinders (it sounds like a toy for a robot dog) and tortured it with various instruments... Oh no, it's a test.

What is the effect of constant strain thermal cycling of nickel on stress recovery in high-temperature shape memory alloys

The test process was almost like filming a metal 007 stunt scene: a temperature change of 30°C to 300°C, a heating rate of 20°C per minute, and a variety of tension and compression. This metal agent is choking!

What is the effect of constant strain thermal cycling of nickel on stress recovery in high-temperature shape memory alloys

The result? Pleasantly surprised! This nickel-based alloy has shown super stability and oxidation resistance, and is simply the elixir of the metal world! Moreover, its mechanical properties and shape memory effect have been significantly improved, just like eating a metal version of a Super Snickers.

What is the effect of constant strain thermal cycling of nickel on stress recovery in high-temperature shape memory alloys

However, scientists warn against adding too much nickel to this alloy, or it may become like a grumpy Hulk, unstable and prone to tantrums.

What is the effect of constant strain thermal cycling of nickel on stress recovery in high-temperature shape memory alloys

In the future, scientists intend to use more advanced microscopes to study this amazing alloy, just like they would if they were going to photograph a metal version of CSI. They hope to unravel the secret of nickel's improved performance on alloys, and maybe even find traces of aliens!

What is the effect of constant strain thermal cycling of nickel on stress recovery in high-temperature shape memory alloys

In conclusion, this research opens the door to the future. Imagine that in the future we may have a car that repairs itself, or a mobile phone that deforms! It's a science fiction movie come true!

What is the effect of constant strain thermal cycling of nickel on stress recovery in high-temperature shape memory alloys

Netizens also reacted enthusiastically to the study. Someone excitedly said: Great! I can finally make my Transformers dream come true! Some people also ask worriedly: will this alloy suddenly wake up one day and rule the earth?

What is the effect of constant strain thermal cycling of nickel on stress recovery in high-temperature shape memory alloys

So, what are your thoughts on this amazing shape memory alloy? Are you already fantasizing about the technology of the future? Come and share your ideas with everyone in the comment section! Don't forget to like and follow, and next time we will continue to bring you more interesting stories about the tech world!

What is the effect of constant strain thermal cycling of nickel on stress recovery in high-temperature shape memory alloys