
"New Water Margin" is too rebellious, costing 450 million, and half of the handsome guys in the entertainment industry have been invited


The investment and production of the new version of "Water Margin" can be said to be a bold attempt and a tribute to the classics. In 2011, when the series was unveiled on TV screens, it not only attracted the attention of countless viewers, but also sparked widespread discussion and attention. The production cost was as high as 450 million, which was astronomical in the production of TV dramas at that time, which is enough to see the producer's attention and investment in this work.

First of all, this huge investment of money provides a solid foundation for the production of the series. From the beginning of casting, the producers put a lot of effort into finding the most suitable actor for the role. They not only carried out large-scale casting activities in China, but also invited a number of senior actors to join to ensure that the shaping of the characters can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The joining of these actors undoubtedly adds a lot to the series, and also makes the audience have more expectations for the characters.

Secondly, the investment of funds is also reflected in the filming and production of the series. The filming locations of the new version of "Water Margin" are all over the country, from the snowfields in the north to the mountains and rivers in the south, from the bustling city to the quiet ancient town, and every scene strives to restore the scenes in the original book. In order to achieve such an effect, the crew did not hesitate to spend a lot of time and energy, and even used high-tech means, such as CG technology, to enhance the visual effects in some special scenes.

"New Water Margin" is too rebellious, costing 450 million, and half of the handsome guys in the entertainment industry have been invited

In addition, the costumes and props for the episodes are also carefully designed and crafted. Each costume is as restored as possible to the style of the Song Dynasty, and every prop has been carefully selected and polished. These details not only make the series more visually appealing, but also allow the audience to better immerse themselves in the atmosphere of that era.

Of course, in addition to these obvious inputs, the post-production of the series is just as important. Music, editing, special effects and other aspects require a lot of money and the support of a professional team. The new version of "Water Margin" is not stingy in this regard, they have invited well-known musicians and editors in the industry, and strive to achieve perfection in every detail.

In general, the investment and production of the new version of "Water Margin" is a reinterpretation and innovation of the classics. It is not just a TV series, but also a journey of cultural heritage and artistic exploration. Although the investment is huge, the results and repercussions have proved that the investment is worth it. Through this series, the audience can not only relive the classics, but also feel the intentions and sincerity of the production team.

"New Water Margin" is too rebellious, costing 450 million, and half of the handsome guys in the entertainment industry have been invited

Compared with the old version, the new version of "Water Margin" has many significant differences, which are not only reflected in the adaptation of the plot, but also in the shaping of the characters and the narration of the story. In the new version, there are significantly more shots of the little people, which allows the audience to delve deeper into the inner world of these characters and their stories. In this way, some viewers jokingly said that the new version should be renamed "The Legend of Liangshan Heroes", because each character is like a chivalrous man on Liangshan, with his own unique story and personality.

This adaptation is undoubtedly a new interpretation and respect for the original work. In the old version, perhaps due to time and space limitations, many of the stories of the little people were not fully displayed. But in the new version, the characters get more attention, and their stories are given more emotion and depth. Such an adaptation not only enriches the plot, but also allows the audience to have a more comprehensive understanding of the lives and personalities of the heroes of Liangshan.

On Douban, the score of the new version of "Water Margin" is 7.9 points, which is a good score in domestic dramas, showing the audience's recognition of this drama. This score is not only a recognition of the production level of the series, but also a recognition of the innovation and attempts of the new version in adaptation. The audience likes this more nuanced and in-depth narrative, and they love this attention and respect for the little people.

"New Water Margin" is too rebellious, costing 450 million, and half of the handsome guys in the entertainment industry have been invited

Of course, this score also reflects that the new version is still lacking in some aspects. For example, some viewers think that the new version needs to be improved in terms of plot coherence and rhythm control, and the treatment in some places seems a little abrupt and stiff. But in general, the new version of "Water Margin" has made its own characteristics and innovations on the basis of respecting the original work, which is worthy of recognition and encouragement.

The difference between the new version and the old version is not only in the form, but also in the spiritual core. The new version pays more attention to the inner world and emotional expression of the characters, and pays more attention to the depth and breadth of the story. This adaptation has given new vitality to the classic work "Water Margin", and it has also allowed more young audiences to accept and like this work. Although there are still shortcomings, the new version of "Water Margin" is undoubtedly a successful attempt and exploration, which allows us to see the possibility of inheritance and development of classic works in the new era.

The cast of the new version of "Water Margin" can be called luxurious, and the joining of many well-known actors such as Zhang Hanyu and Li Zonghan not only brings high looks to the series, but also brings excellent acting skills. The participation of these actors undoubtedly adds a lot to the series, and also makes the audience have more expectations for the shaping of the characters.

"New Water Margin" is too rebellious, costing 450 million, and half of the handsome guys in the entertainment industry have been invited

First of all, Zhang Hanyu played Song Jiang in the play, his deep eyes and restrained performance perfectly interpreted Song Jiang's wisdom and bravery. Zhang Hanyu's acting skills are recognized in the industry, and he can accurately grasp the inner world of the character and let the audience feel the complex emotions of the character. His performance is undoubtedly a highlight of the new version of "Water Margin".

Lin Chong, played by Li Zonghan, is also impressive. His handsome appearance and superb acting skills make Lin Chong's role more three-dimensional and vivid. When Li Zonghan created the character, he paid attention to the grasp of details, whether it was his movements or expressions, he tried to achieve perfection. His performance allowed the audience to see a flesh-and-blood and emotionally rich Lin Chong.

In addition to these two leading actors, the other actors also performed well. They did not hesitate to sacrifice their personal image for the image of the character, showing a high level of professionalism. For example, some actors gain weight or lose weight in order to get closer to the role; Some actors have conducted a long period of training and preparation for the martial arts actions of the characters. This kind of professional attitude is admirable.

"New Water Margin" is too rebellious, costing 450 million, and half of the handsome guys in the entertainment industry have been invited

In terms of character building, the actors of the new version of "Water Margin" have their own unique understanding and interpretation. They are not just imitating or copying the characters in the original book, but on the basis of respecting the original work, they have added their own understanding and innovation. This kind of innovation makes the characters more plump and three-dimensional, and also allows the audience to feel the unique charm of the characters.

In general, the cast and character building of the new version of "Water Margin" are one of the important factors in the success of the series. The outstanding performance of these actors not only brings the characters to life, but also greatly improves the enjoyment of the series. Their professionalism and dedication also make people full of respect and expectation for this series.

The new version of "Water Margin" can be said to have put a lot of effort into the matching of roles and actors, and the choice of each role has been carefully considered, striving to achieve a perfect fit between actors and roles.

First of all, let's talk about Song Jiang, this role is played by Zhang Hanyu. Zhang Hanyu's calm temperament and deep eyes coincide with the image of Song Jiang, the leader of Liangshan's heroes. Song Jiang's resourcefulness, benevolence and leadership were fully demonstrated under Zhang Hanyu's interpretation. His aura of not being angry and arrogant convinces people that he is the Song Jiang who can lead the group.

"New Water Margin" is too rebellious, costing 450 million, and half of the handsome guys in the entertainment industry have been invited

Let's take a look at Wu Yong, this role is played by Li Zonghan. Wu Yong was Liangshan's brain trust, known for his wit and cunning. Li Zonghan's cunning eyes and witty demeanor perfectly interpret Wu Yong's ingenuity. His performance in the play makes people seem to see a living Wu Yong, and his every strategy and layout is amazing.

The role of Gongsun Sheng, played by a powerful actor, may not be as famous as Zhang Hanyu and Li Zonghan, but his performance is just as impressive. Gongsun Sheng is a Taoist priest in Liangshan who is good at spells, and this role requires the actor to have a certain sense of mystery and otherworldly temperament. The actor's performance in the play, whether it is from the appearance or demeanor, makes people feel Gongsun Sheng's fairy wind bones.

In addition to these three main characters, the other roles are equally wonderful to match with the actors. For example, the actor who plays Wu Song, his burly figure and resolute eyes make people see at a glance that this is the hero who fights tigers. And the actor who played Lin Chong perfectly demonstrated Lin Chong's bravery and loyalty with his handsome appearance and superb martial arts.

"New Water Margin" is too rebellious, costing 450 million, and half of the handsome guys in the entertainment industry have been invited

Each actor blends his or her own characteristics with the character's personality, making each character lifelike and with a unique charm. This kind of high fit between the actor and the character not only gives the audience a deeper understanding of the character, but also greatly improves the texture of the whole series.

In the new version of "Water Margin", we can see that whether it is the protagonist or the supporting role, every actor is fully committed to the shaping of the role. They not only strive to match the characters in appearance, but also put a lot of effort into their inner emotions and personality traits. This kind of dedicated attitude and professional interpretation have given the audience a deeper understanding and feeling of the characters in the new version of "Water Margin".

The new version of "Water Margin" has received widespread attention and discussion since it was broadcast. Although the 1998 CCTV version of "Water Margin" has become a classic in the hearts of many people, the new version still has won the recognition and love of the audience with its unique charm and innovative adaptation.

"New Water Margin" is too rebellious, costing 450 million, and half of the handsome guys in the entertainment industry have been invited

The new version of "Water Margin" pays more attention to the inner drama and emotional changes of the characters in the plot, so that the audience can have a deeper understanding of the characters and motivations of the heroes of Liangshan. At the same time, the new version has also put a lot of effort into the visual effects, whether it is the restoration of costumes, props or scenes, it has reached a very high level. The excellence in these details allows the audience to feel the dedication and professionalism of the production team in the process of watching.

In terms of casting, the new version of "Water Margin" is also star-studded. The joining of powerful actors such as Zhang Hanyu and Li Zonghan has added a lot of highlights to the series. Their superb acting skills and in-depth understanding of the roles have given the audience a more three-dimensional and vivid understanding of these Liangshan heroes.

Of course, the new version of "Water Margin" also faces some controversy and criticism. Some viewers think that the new version is too radical in some parts of the plot adaptation, which is different from the setting of the original book. Some viewers also feel that the new version needs to be improved in terms of rhythm control, and the advancement of some plots seems to be a little delayed. But in general, the new version of "Water Margin" has been affirmed and praised by most audiences.

"New Water Margin" is too rebellious, costing 450 million, and half of the handsome guys in the entertainment industry have been invited

On platforms such as Douban, the score of the new version of "Water Margin" also reflects the audience's recognition. Although the rating of the new version is slightly inferior compared to the 1998 CCTV version, this does not prevent it from becoming a good drama worth watching. Many viewers said in the comments that the new version of "Water Margin" has a unique charm in character creation and emotional expression, which is refreshing.

The success of the new version of "Water Margin" is also due to its courage to innovate and try on the basis of inheriting the classics. It does not simply copy the old version, but adds its own understanding and interpretation on the basis of respecting the original work. This innovative spirit makes the new version of "Water Margin" stand out among many costume dramas and become a distinctive and in-depth work.

So, having said so much, I don't know which Liangshan hero is the most handsome in everyone's hearts? Is it Song Jiang who is wise and brave, or Lin Chong, who is handsome and dashing, or Wu Song, who is loyal and courageous? Everyone is welcome to leave their opinions in the comment area, and let's discuss and share their love and expectations for the new version of "Water Margin".

"New Water Margin" is too rebellious, costing 450 million, and half of the handsome guys in the entertainment industry have been invited

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