
Babies all over the world will have 3 terrifying "rebellious periods"! Solve it all in 1 move!

author:A decay is not decaying

Why do children enter the obsessive phase? How to deal with it correctly?

Babies all over the world will have 3 terrifying "rebellious periods"! Solve it all in 1 move!


Every child will go through different stages in the process of growing up, and the stubbornness period is often a stage that frightens many parents. At this stage, the child's rebellious behavior will be very obvious, they will become very stubborn, and the demands on their parents are often "don't", "I'll do it myself", etc., and sometimes they will suddenly become very selfish, and even have some obsessive-compulsive symptoms.

The stubbornness period generally occurs when the child is about 1 and a half years old to 3 and a half years old, at this time the child's self-awareness begins to slowly awaken, but their expression and cognitive ability are not mature enough, so in the interaction with parents, there are often some contradictions and conflicts. So, when the child enters the stubborn period, how should parents deal with it correctly?

Babies all over the world will have 3 terrifying "rebellious periods"! Solve it all in 1 move!

1. Performance of the stubborn period

Babies all over the world will have 3 terrifying "rebellious periods"! Solve it all in 1 move!

1. "Unnecessary"

When children enter the stubborn period, they will often say "no" to their parents' requests, and they will repeatedly say that sometimes it is something they like, but just because their parents say let him do it, he will instinctively refuse.

Babies all over the world will have 3 terrifying "rebellious periods"! Solve it all in 1 move!

2. Sudden selfishness

Children may not behave particularly selfishly in their daily lives, but once they enter the period of stubbornness, they will become very selfish and will put their own needs first and ignore the feelings of others.

Babies all over the world will have 3 terrifying "rebellious periods"! Solve it all in 1 move!

3. Obsessive-compulsive symptoms

Some children will have some obsessive-compulsive symptoms during the obsessive period, such as being sure to do something according to their own ideas, otherwise they will lose control of their emotions and even lose their temper.

Second, the correct way to deal with it

1. Guide the competitive mentality

When children show obvious rebellious behaviors, parents can appropriately guide their competitive psychology, such as competing with children to see who can finish eating first when eating, or competing with children to dress faster when dressing, in this way, children can slowly accept the arrangement of parents.

2. Give choice

In daily life, parents can appropriately give their children the right to make some choices, such as letting them choose what clothes they want to wear, or what fruits they want to eat, in this way, they can satisfy their children's self-awareness and cultivate their independent guessing ability.

Babies all over the world will have 3 terrifying "rebellious periods"! Solve it all in 1 move!

3. Use action instructions

When dealing with some dangerous behaviors of children, parents can try to avoid using negative words such as "no" and "no", but can use simple and clear action instructions, such as when the child wants to touch some dangerous things, you can directly pull his hand away and tell him that doing so will hurt.

4. Develop a sense of responsibility

In the process of children's growth, a sense of responsibility is a very important quality, parents can cultivate children's sense of responsibility through some daily things, such as let them participate in housework, or give them some opportunities to take care of small animals appropriately, in this way, children can understand care and responsibility.

3. Guide your child correctly

When children enter the stubborn period, what they need most in their hearts is to be understood and respected, so when parents get along with their children, they must pay attention to correct guidance, learn to listen to their children's inner thoughts, and give them enough understanding and support.

When children are rebellious, parents can give them some space to express their emotions appropriately, can encourage them to speak out loud, and can also teach them some correct ways to express emotions, through such methods, it can help children establish a healthy sense of self, and can also let them slowly learn to understand and respect others.

In the process of guiding children correctly, parents should also learn to control and let go appropriately, and give children enough autonomy to experience decision-making and responsibility within the appropriate range, so as to help them grow up healthy and happy.


Stubbornness is not only a challenge for children, but also an opportunity for parents to grow and learn, through getting along with children, parents can better understand and communicate with each other, and can also let them slowly learn how to respect and care for children.

When children are rebellious, parents should maintain enough patience and understanding, and believe that each child is unique, with their own unique brilliance, and only by feeling it with their hearts can they discover their beauty.

In addition to dealing with rebellious behavior, parents should also focus on creating a harmonious family atmosphere, so that children can thrive in such an environment, but also full of understanding, respect and trust between family members, I believe that through the joint efforts of everyone, we will be able to get through the stubborn period and usher in a better tomorrow.

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