
This groom's way of picking up is crazy! You're sure to burst into tears of laughter when you see what happens to him!


The groom's way of picking up the kiss was so crazy that it caused the audience to burst into laughter! You're going to laugh to tears! Let's take a look at what he went through and what kind of surprise his out-of-the-ordinary behavior added to the wedding!

This groom's way of picking up is crazy! You're sure to burst into tears of laughter when you see what happens to him!

The groom almost didn't catch this test when he met with an accident

As we all know, the bride and groom's big day is not without surprises, and today we are going to introduce a story about the groom's way of kissing. The groom took great pains to prepare for the wedding, preparing a crazy session that made all the guests curious and laughing.

Unlike the traditional way of picking up relatives, the groom chose a rather special move that stunned everyone. It is understood that he was a professional skydiver before, and he is full of love and pursuit of extreme sports. So, at this important moment, he did not hesitate to put his skills to good use.

This groom's way of picking up is crazy! You're sure to burst into tears of laughter when you see what happens to him!

The groom almost didn't catch this test when he met with an accident

At the wedding scene, everyone was looking forward to the arrival of the groom. However, when everyone saw the groom in a custom-made wedding dress and a vest with a colorful parachute, there was immediately a burst of laughter. He was literally like an angel falling from the sky, not a mortal walking towards the bride.

Just when everyone thought it was just a simple decoration, he stood on the edge of the stage, suddenly opened his arms, and resolutely leaped into the void. All eyes were on him, and everyone held their breath, nervously waiting for his next move.

This groom's way of picking up is crazy! You're sure to burst into tears of laughter when you see what happens to him!

The groom almost didn't catch this test when he met with an accident

At the moment when everyone was stunned, he elegantly levitated in mid-air, sliding downward through a series of precise control movements. His expression was full of confidence and excitement, which made people feel the joy and desire in his heart. At this moment, it was as if he was the master of the world, leading everyone into a completely different realm.

As he descended, people marveled, and his courage and determination made it impossible to ignore. Soon, his foot touched the ground and he successfully completed a wonderful skydive. Accompanied by applause and cheers, he walked heroically towards the bride, and the two hugged each other tightly, as if telling their extraordinary love story.

This scene made everyone present

This groom's way of picking up is crazy! You're sure to burst into tears of laughter when you see what happens to him!

The groom almost didn't catch this test when he met with an accident

People were happy and laughing. Both young and old people are infected by this crazy and romantic move. Everyone took out their mobile phones to record this unforgettable moment, leaving precious memories.

This groom's way of picking up is crazy! You're sure to burst into tears of laughter when you see what happens to him!

The groom almost didn't catch this test when he met with an accident

The groom's approach to the wedding has refreshed everyone's perception of wedding surprises and turned the wedding into an exciting adventure. His courage and creativity are admirable, and he also injects endless vitality and passion into the newlywed life.