
Yang Likun's husband Tang Fenglou: His beloved wife has passed away for 22 years, and his persistence is tearful

author:An An said gossip

July 21, 2000, Changsha, Hunan Province, an ordinary but destined to be remembered. Tang Fenglou, 79, sat on a bench in the hospital corridor, his hands trembling slightly, his eyes full of disbelief and deep grief.

Just a few minutes ago, his beloved wife, the famous actor Yang Likun, closed her eyes forever. Recalling the last moment, Tang Fenglou's heart was like a knife. When he hurried to the hospital, Yang Likun was no longer able to speak, but only shook his hand with a weak force.

At that moment, Tang Fenglou felt everything his wife wanted to express - apologies, reluctance, and nostalgia for life. Yang Likun's departure is not only the loss of a partner for Tang Fenglou, but also the loss of a part of his life.

However, in addition to grief, Tang Fenglou secretly made up his mind: he would continue to protect his wife's memory and spirit in his own way. From that day on, Tang Fenglou began a long and affectionate wait.

Yang Likun's husband Tang Fenglou: His beloved wife has passed away for 22 years, and his persistence is tearful

Every morning, he would stand in front of Yang Likun's portrait and whisper about the bits and pieces of life. Sometimes it's the children's recent situation, sometimes it's the changes in society, as if Yang Likun has never left, and is still the closest listener in his life.

In order to inherit Yang Likun's artistic spirit, Tang Fenglou devoted all his resources to establish the "Furong Town Cultural Park" in the ancient city of Phoenix in Xiangxi. This small but rich cultural park not only showcases Yang Likun's life and artistic achievements, but also regularly hosts various cultural events, attracting many fans and tourists.

Despite his advanced age, Tang Fenglou still insists on going around the Cultural Park every day to make sure everything is in order. In the eyes of many people, Tang Fenglou's behavior may seem a little persistent, even a little paranoid.

But for him, it is the most profound interpretation of love. "I promised her that I would take care of our children and that her art would be passed on." Tang Fenglou often said this, with a determined light in his eyes, "As long as I am alive, I will always guard her memory."

Yang Likun's husband Tang Fenglou: His beloved wife has passed away for 22 years, and his persistence is tearful

In the "Furong Town Cultural Park", Tang Fenglou can often be seen telling the story of Yang Likun with his grandchildren. His voice trembled a little from old age, but his eyes flashed with pride and affection.

In this way, he is not only guarding his wife's memory, but also passing on this deep love to the next generation. Tang Fenglou's persistence not only touched his relatives and friends, but also touched countless strangers.

People see in him the purest and most enduring power of love. As he said: "Love does not end because of the barrier of life and death, on the contrary, it will get deeper and deeper."

In 1966, just as Yang Likun's acting career was in full swing, a sudden political storm completely changed the trajectory of her life. The just-completed movie "Furong Town" was labeled as a "poisonous weed" before it could be released nationwide.

Yang Likun's husband Tang Fenglou: His beloved wife has passed away for 22 years, and his persistence is tearful

As the heroine, Yang Likun is inevitably involved in this political whirlpool. It was a suffocating night, and what was once a smiling colleague suddenly turned into a terrifying-looking critic.

Yang Likun was pushed onto the stage, and in the face of the angry faces of the audience, she felt dizzy. "I'm just an actor in my 20s, I've only acted in a few movies, why should I suffer like this?" She cried out in her heart, but no one listened.

During those dark years, Yang Likun experienced countless criticisms and personal attacks. She was shaved "yin and yang", forced to wear a high hat, and even put in a "cowshed".

The once glamorous movie stars are now huddled in dark, damp corners, barely living on a simple bed made of hay. However, the gears of fate did not stop spinning.

Yang Likun's husband Tang Fenglou: His beloved wife has passed away for 22 years, and his persistence is tearful

In August 1972, after a sudden fainting, Yang Likun was diagnosed with a serious heart attack. This bad news was like a bolt from the blue, which not only shattered her dream of returning to the screen, but also cast a shadow on her life.

Despite this, Yang Likun did not give up. With the encouragement and support of her future husband, Tang Fenglou, she began a long road to recovery. On May 22, 1973, Yang Likun and Tang Fenglou officially became husband and wife and began a life of mutual affection.

Life after marriage is not easy, Yang Likun's health is good and bad, Tang Fenglou has to work to support his family and take care of his wife, but he has never complained. In October 1976, with the change of the political situation, Yang Likun was finally "rehabilitated".

She took off the "hat" on her head and returned to the stage of her acting career. However, years of ordeal and illness have left an indelible mark on her.

Yang Likun's husband Tang Fenglou: His beloved wife has passed away for 22 years, and his persistence is tearful

She is no longer the youthful and beautiful "Furong Town", but a middle-aged woman who has experienced vicissitudes. In the years that followed, Yang Likun fought tenaciously against the disease.

She worked hard in hopes of making up for lost time. In February 1977, she officially transferred back to Shanghai and rejoined the Shanghai Film Studio. Despite her deteriorating health, she still insists on working and interprets her love for acting in her own way.

However, fate always seems to play cruel jokes on her. In 1997, Yang Likun suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and although she recovered temporarily under Tang Fenglou's careful care, her health deteriorated.

Tang Fenglou recalled: "At that time, I had to massage her every day, feed her medicine, and help her with rehabilitation training. My heart broke when I looked at her in pain. On July 21, 2000, Yang Likun finally left this world at the age of 58.

Yang Likun's husband Tang Fenglou: His beloved wife has passed away for 22 years, and his persistence is tearful

At the last moment of her life, she held Tang Fenglou's hand and whispered "It's okay", as if she was comforting her heartbroken husband and summing up her ups and downs in her life.

Yang Likun's life is like the movie she starred in, full of laughter and tears, glory and tribulation. She has experienced the pinnacle of her career and tasted the hardships of political movements; She has tasted the sweetness of love, but also endured the torture of illness.

However, no matter what difficulties she faced, she always maintained a strong and optimistic attitude, interpreting the meaning of life in her own way. Yang Likun's story is not only a personal biography of an actor, but also a microcosm of that special era.

Her experience allows us to see the impermanence of fate, and also makes us feel the tenacity of human nature and the power of love. In Yang Likun's ups and downs in life, Tang Fenglou is undoubtedly the most important pillar.

Yang Likun's husband Tang Fenglou: His beloved wife has passed away for 22 years, and his persistence is tearful

Their encounter seems to be arranged by fate. In 1971, at an exhibition in Qinzhou, Guangdong Province, Tang Fenglou, a 28-year-old geological engineer, met Yang Likun, who was at a low point in his life.

At that time, Yang Likun was no longer the radiant movie star, but a woman who was criticized and physically and mentally exhausted. However, Tang Fenglou saw that strong and beautiful heart under her haggard appearance.

Attracted by Yang Likun's talent and tenacity, he resolutely decided to take care of this woman who had been treated unfairly. Although the people around him advised him to think twice, thinking that being with a "problem element" would affect his future, Tang Fenglou said firmly: "I only know that she is a good person and a talented actor."

I don't care what other people think. On May 22, 1973, after a simple ceremony, Tang Fenglou and Yang Likun officially became husband and wife. There is no grand wedding, no luxurious banquet, just two loving hearts and a vision for the future.

Yang Likun's husband Tang Fenglou: His beloved wife has passed away for 22 years, and his persistence is tearful

Life after marriage is not easy, Yang Likun's health is good and bad, Tang Fenglou has to work to support his family and take care of his wife, but he has never complained. In those difficult years, Tang Fenglou showed extraordinary perseverance and responsibility.

Not only does he have to take care of his frail wife, but he also has to raise two young children. I go out to work before dawn every day, and I don't come home until late at night. Even so, he still insisted on massaging Yang Likun every day to help her relieve her pain.

Tang Fenglou's love is not only reflected in his daily life, but also in his support for Yang Likun's career. In the 80s of the 20th century, when Yang Likun returned to work in Shanghai Film Studio, Tang Fenglou resolutely resigned from his job in Guangdong and returned to Shanghai to accompany his wife.

He said: "I know how much she loves acting, and all I have to do is support her and let her have no worries." In 1997, Yang Likun had a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, and Tang Fenglou took care of her every step of the way.

Yang Likun's husband Tang Fenglou: His beloved wife has passed away for 22 years, and his persistence is tearful

When the doctor told Tang Fenglou that Yang Likun might only have three months to live, he burst into tears and said, "As long as she still has a breath, I will always be by her side."

Under his careful care, Yang Likun miraculously lived for another three years. Yang Likun often said with emotion: "If it weren't for Fenglou, I might not be able to hold on for a long time." He is the greatest support and strength in my life.

And Tang Fenglou always smiled and said, "This is what I should do." As husband and wife, we should support each other and get through this together. On July 21, 2000, Yang Likun finally passed away.

At the last moment of her life, Tang Fenglou held her hand tightly, and tears slipped silently. Yang Likun's last words were "It's okay", as if comforting her heartbroken husband and summarizing the difficult years they had gone through together.

Yang Likun's husband Tang Fenglou: His beloved wife has passed away for 22 years, and his persistence is tearful

The love story of Tang Fenglou and Yang Likun explains what it is to truly share hardships and hardships. Their relationship, which became more and more tenacious in the face of adversity, became a moving story.

Even in the 22 years between life and death, Tang Fenglou's love for Yang Likun has never decreased, and he continues to guard this deep relationship in his own way. In Yang Likun's ups and downs in life, 1958 to 1966 was undoubtedly her most glorious period.

During this time, the two films she starred in, "The Story of Liubao" and "Furong Town", not only made her a household name, but also left a strong mark on the history of Chinese cinema.

In 1958, the movie "The Story of Liubao" starring Yang Likun was released nationwide and achieved great success. The film has aroused strong repercussions at home and abroad, and Yang Likun has become famous in one fell swoop.

Yang Likun's husband Tang Fenglou: His beloved wife has passed away for 22 years, and his persistence is tearful

The image of "Apricot Blossom" played by her is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and is known as "the first rural girl in New China". With this movie, Yang Likun became one of the hottest actresses at the time, and at the age of only 17, she was already standing at the peak of her acting career.

Yang Likun's performance in "The Story of Liubao" is natural and smooth, and the image of a simple and hard-working rural girl is vividly portrayed. Her acting skills have been well received by the audience and industry insiders, and have also won her more performance opportunities.

However, what really made Yang Likun famous in film history was the movie "Furong Town" released in 1964. In this movie, Yang Likun once again played the female number one "Hu Yuyin". She vividly interpreted the strength, courage and wisdom of an ordinary rural woman, allowing the audience to see the unique charm of Chinese rural women.

The success of "Furong Town" not only made Yang Likun one of the most popular actresses at the time, but also earned her international fame. The film has won important awards internationally, and Yang Likun's acting skills have been recognized by the international film industry.

Yang Likun's husband Tang Fenglou: His beloved wife has passed away for 22 years, and his persistence is tearful

Her portrayal of "Hu Yuyin" is still regarded as a model for rural women in China, influencing generations of audiences and actors. During this glorious period, Yang Likun has created a series of vivid screen images with her unique performance style and profound acting skills.

Her performance is natural and smooth, portraying the inner world of the characters in a delicate and nuanced way, so that the audience is deeply moved by the characters she creates. However, just when Yang Likun's career was at its peak, fate played a cruel joke on her.

In 1966, the Cultural Revolution broke out, and the just-completed "Furong Town" was labeled as a "poisonous weed", and Yang Likun suffered persecution and criticism for ten years.

The former actress became a member of the "Black Five" overnight and was forced to give up her beloved acting career. Looking back on these glorious years, Yang Likun once sighed: "At that time, I felt that I was the happiest person in the world.

Yang Likun's husband Tang Fenglou: His beloved wife has passed away for 22 years, and his persistence is tearful

There is no substitute for being able to play different characters and bring the audience into the story. Even in the last years of her life, her eyes still twinkle when she talks about "The Story of Willow Castle" and "Hibiscus Town."

Although Yang Likun's acting career was interrupted, the artistic achievements she created in this short golden period have forever remained in the historical corridor of Chinese films.

The images of "Apricot Blossom" and "Hu Yuyin" created by her have become classics of that era, and have also become examples for many actors to learn from later. Yang Likun has made indelible contributions to the Chinese film industry with her talent and hard work.

Yang Likun's story is an inspirational legend that has gone from the countryside to the screen. On April 27, 1942, she was born in an ordinary peasant family in Qijia Township, Yuanling County, Hunan Province.

Yang Likun's husband Tang Fenglou: His beloved wife has passed away for 22 years, and his persistence is tearful

As the ninth of 12 children in the family, Yang Likun has experienced the hardships of life since she was a child. Her parents run a small grocery store, and although the family is not wealthy, it is still a real thing.

However, fate seems to have arranged a different path for her early on. When she was 10 years old, Yang Likun's mother unfortunately died, and she was forced to drop out of school and join her eldest brother who was a cadre in the city.

This seemingly unfortunate turn of events opened the door to the world of art for her. With the help of her eldest brother, Yang Likun had the opportunity to get in touch with theatrical performances. She was born with a talent for acting, and soon made a name for herself in the school's literary and artistic activities.

Yang Likun's sister-in-law, who was a cadre of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee at the time, saw her potential and sent her to study in a local primary school. By chance, the director of the Hunan Provincial Song and Dance Troupe came to the school to select talents.

Yang Likun's husband Tang Fenglou: His beloved wife has passed away for 22 years, and his persistence is tearful

Yang Likun attracted the attention of the director with his natural and smooth performance. However, she was not admitted due to her young age. The director said to Yang Likun: "You are very talented, but you are still too young, come back when you grow up."

The defeat did not dampen Yang Likun's confidence. On the contrary, it strengthened her determination to pursue art. In 1954, 12-year-old Yang Likun took the initiative to sign up for the selection of the Hunan Provincial Song and Dance Troupe.

Although her brother was worried that she was too young and did not agree with her going, Yang Likun insisted on her choice. In the end, under the repeated consideration of the leaders of the song and dance troupe, Yang Likun was exceptionally admitted.

The leaders said: "Although this child is young, he is very aura and can make an exception for admission." In this way, this little girl from the countryside embarked on a journey of art.

Yang Likun's husband Tang Fenglou: His beloved wife has passed away for 22 years, and his persistence is tearful

Life in the cabaret was not easy. Yang Likun has to carry out high-intensity training every day, from basic skills to performance skills, she works hard and strives to improve. Her diligence and talent were quickly recognized by her teachers and classmates in the group.

In 1954, Yang Likun came to Changsha with the troupe to perform. At that time, she was participating in the first Hunan Provincial Workers, Peasants and Soldiers Art Performance, and although she was the youngest, her performance was warmly welcomed by the audience.

This experience made Yang Likun more determined to pursue her artistic dreams. In this way, Yang Likun has embarked on the road of art step by step from an ordinary rural girl through her own efforts and talents.

Yang Likun's husband Tang Fenglou: His beloved wife has passed away for 22 years, and his persistence is tearful

Her story tells us that as long as we have dreams and perseverance, we can create an extraordinary life even if we come from an ordinary background. Yang Likun's upbringing is not only her personal history of struggle, but also the epitome of countless artists in that era.

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