
Yan Yikuan, won love, but lost his career

author:Apple says entertainment

In the entertainment industry, the name Yan Yikuan used to be like thunder. His story begins in college, when his classmates were still struggling for professional knowledge, Yan Yikuan had already embarked on the road of acting.

Yan Yikuan, who is still in his sophomore year, was photographed by the crew with his outstanding appearance. His first role with lines and cameras was "Love Letter" and "Love Involving the Sun, Moon and Star" with Xu Jinglei, the "Goddess of Literature and Art".

Such a starting point is undoubtedly enviable. It was this experience that changed Yan Yikuan's perspective on learning. He no longer thinks that "going to school is staying up time", but seriously delves into the skills that an actor should have.

In the end, he successfully obtained his graduation certificate with all A's. However, the road to acting has not been easy. Yan Yikuan once met a rich woman and offered the condition of "follow me and give you 100 million" to support him.

Yan Yikuan, won love, but lost his career

For Yan Yikuan, who was born in a working-class family, this is undoubtedly an astronomical amount. But he refused without hesitation, because he was unwilling to give up his dream of being an actor and did not want his life to be restricted.

After graduation, Yan Yikuan devoted himself to his acting career. Since 2000, he has continued to output more than two TV series and movies a year, and has never stopped for 20 years, which can be called a model worker in the industry.

He is not afraid of hard work, as long as there is a play, he can stay in the crew all year round. In the tempering again and again, Yan Yikuan's acting skills have become more and more mature. From Yi Jifeng in "Young Bao Qingtian", to Liu Shaokang in "Dragon Gate Dart Game", and then to Li Jiancheng in "Li Shimin, King of Qin", Yan Yikuan has created a distinctive role.

He can play a tough guy or a villain, although he rarely plays the leading role, but with his unique appearance and constantly improving acting skills, he has gradually become a rising rookie.

Yan Yikuan, won love, but lost his career

In 2011, Yan Yikuan's acting career ushered in an important moment. On the well-known gossip forum, after the enthusiastic support of netizens and years of discussion, Yan Yikuan, Zhong Hanliang, Qiao Zhenyu, and Huo Jianhua were rated as the "Four Beauties of the World".

This title represents "the four beautiful men in the current entertainment industry who are most in line with the public's aesthetics". However, this seemingly glorious title brought a lot of trouble to Yan Yikuan.

At that time, the conditions for running for election were "good looks, not popular", which also led to the saying that "the four beauties of the world, and the end of the world is not popular". For Yan Yikuan, who is on the rise in his career, this is undoubtedly a double-edged sword.

In the face of this title, Yan Yikuan's attitude was particularly entangled. At first, he openly stated that he had never agreed to participate in the Four Beauties, and that he was all forced. He even responded with the word "hehe", an attitude that made netizens who had participated in the voting feel unhappy and caused a lot of criticism.

Yan Yikuan, won love, but lost his career

However, as time passed, Yan Yikuan's attitude changed again. He later took the initiative to go to the Tianya Forum and told everyone: "I'm back". Faced with netizens questioning his remarks that he came back to be Simei, he immediately responded: "It's not back, it's always been."

He even apologized to Tianya netizens in front of the camera, admitting that he had done a lot of wrong things, and he shouldn't quit rashly for a while, hoping to be the Yan Yikuan that everyone likes.

This capricious attitude has confused fans and the public. At the same time, the careers of the other three "Four Beauties of the World" are thriving. Zhong Hanliang and Huo Jianhua were promoted to the front line one after another, and Qiao Zhenyu also continued to make appointments, and won the award softly.

Only Yan Yikuan seemed to be stagnant and ended up in a tepid and embarrassing position. This stark contrast not only made Yan Yikuan feel pressured, but also made him begin to reflect on his career path.

Yan Yikuan, won love, but lost his career

Is the title of "Four Beauties at the End of the World" a boost or a shackle to his career? This is a question that perhaps only time will tell. In Yan Yikuan's acting career, opportunities and misses go hand in hand, and several important role choices have become key turning points in his career.

In 2011, Yu Zheng, known as the "Star Master", came to the door with the role of "Eight Elder Brothers" tailored for Yan Yikuan. This should have been an excellent opportunity for Yan Yikuan to hit the front line, but he politely refused on the grounds that "his hair can't be shaved".

As a result, this role finally fell into the hands of Feng Shaofeng. When "Palace Lock Heart Jade" was broadcast, Feng Shaofeng took advantage of this to become famous in one fell swoop, while Yan Yikuan missed a great opportunity.

History always seems to repeat itself. At the time of the start of filming of "The Legend of the Ancient Sword", Yan Yikuan once again became the best choice in the hearts of thousands of audiences. The role of "Ouyang Shaogong" seems to be tailor-made for him.

Yan Yikuan, won love, but lost his career

However, due to various reasons, Yan Yikuan once again missed out on this important role. In the end, this role was obtained by Qiao Zhenyu and helped him achieve the popularity of his career.

Not only that, Yan Yikuan also encountered a rare opportunity. He participated in a script that brought together many big names, and he thought it would be another peak in his career.

However, the heavens did not fulfill people's wishes, and the drama was finally killed because of Fan Bingbing's yin and yang contract incident and Gao Yunxiang's sexual assault scandal. This series of opportunities and misses has put Yan Yikuan's career development into a bottleneck.

He used to have high hopes, but he watched the actors of the same period become famous one by one, but he has always hovered between the first and second lines. Some people say that whether you can be popular or not, the vision of picking the script is very important.

Yan Yikuan, won love, but lost his career

Looking at the seventy or eighty TV series that Yan Yikuan has acted, he is either being a villain or on the way to playing soy sauce. No matter how good his appearance is and how good his acting skills are, it is difficult to achieve a real breakthrough in the position of supporting role.

These experiences have undoubtedly brought great distress and pressure to Yan Yikuan. He began to reflect on his choices and think about his acting path. However, in the ever-changing world of the entertainment industry, opportunities are fleeting, and every choice can become the key to determining fate.

Yan Yikuan's experience may be a true portrayal of the career of many actors. Yan Yikuan's acting career is not only affected by the choice of roles, but his low EQ words and deeds have also caused him a lot of trouble, which has become a major obstacle to his career development.

In an interview, when asked "how is the difference between Qin Shubao and Yan Qing", Yan Yikuan's answer caused an uproar. He said: "The former needs to sink down, and the latter only needs to be handsome, and the handsome will be left to Zhang Han."

Yan Yikuan, won love, but lost his career

These words not only elevated himself, but also directly belittled his colleague Zhang Han. This undisguised stepping behavior made passers-by and fans frown. Yan Yikuan's interaction with fans is also often problematic.

During the filming of the crew of "Winning the World", fans hoped that he could share his daily life on social platforms more, or take the time to hold fan meetings. However, this seemingly ordinary request triggered a strong reaction from Yan Yikuan.

He scolded at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, which seriously hurt the feelings of fans. In the face of online criticism, Yan Yikuan chose an unusual way to respond.

Unlike other celebrities who choose to be silent or close the comment area, he frequently goes out to tear up with netizens and black fans. Far from quelling the controversy, this has further exacerbated the contradictions.

Yan Yikuan, won love, but lost his career

This series of words and deeds made Yan Yikuan's popularity accumulated for many years quickly drain. His social media following has dropped from tens of millions at its peak to just a few million.

This huge gap has undoubtedly dealt a serious blow to his career development. Yan Yikuan's experience highlights the importance of emotional intelligence in the entertainment industry. Even if you have excellent looks and acting skills, if you can't properly manage your relationship with the media, fans, and peers, it will be difficult for you to gain a long-term foothold in this competitive industry.

These controversial events became an important turning point in Yan Yikuan's career. It not only affects his public image, but may also directly affect his future drama and development opportunities.

How to improve emotional intelligence and how to better interact with the public has become an important topic that Yan Yikuan has to face. In Yan Yikuan's acting career, love has become an important turning point.

Yan Yikuan, won love, but lost his career

At the peak of his career, he made a decision that surprised many people - to make his relationship with Du Ruoxi public. The decision came very suddenly. Yan Yikuan ignored the pressure of the company and public opinion from the outside world, and chose to make his relationship public.

Immediately afterwards, a series of actions such as proposing, obtaining a license, and getting married were carried out quickly, showing his firmness in this relationship. After marriage, Yan Yikuan became a "model of a good man". He frequently shows affection on social platforms, and even has to be with his wife during filming.

Although this behavior has won praise from many people, it has also made some people question whether he is too dependent on the relationship. However, this sweet love seems to form a contradiction with his career development.

used to be one of the "Four Beauties of the End of the World", but now it is not as hot as before. Yan Yikuan's career has slowed down significantly, and the quantity and quality of new works have declined. In the face of doubts on the Internet, Yan Yikuan chose a radical way to deal with it.

Yan Yikuan, won love, but lost his career

He no longer remained silent, but went down many times to tear up with the black fans. Although this practice shows his determination to maintain love, it also makes the popularity he has accumulated for many years quickly lose in disputes again and again.

Yan Yikuan's experience has sparked a public discussion about how artists balance love and career. Some people think that he attaches too much importance to his feelings and neglects his career development, while others appreciate his courage to dare to pay for love.

It is undeniable that this relationship did bring Yan Yikuan a sense of happiness. Despite the setbacks in his career, he seems to have found his home in his love life.

This also makes people think, between fame and fortune and true love, what is the most precious? Yan Yikuan's choice may represent a change in values. In this fast-paced entertainment industry, he chose to pursue his true feelings instead of blindly chasing fame and fortune.

Yan Yikuan, won love, but lost his career

Although this choice may affect his career development in the short term, it also gives him satisfaction in love. Yan Yikuan and Du Ruoxi's married life, although ordinary, is full of sincere emotions.

However, even such an ordinary life cannot escape the scrutiny of the public. On the special day of the 10th wedding anniversary, Yan Yikuan carefully prepared a surprise - a white rose.

This should have been a romantic move, but it unexpectedly aroused questions from netizens. It turned out that this flower was a gift from fans, and Yan Yikuan directly transferred it to his wife. This move was interpreted by some as not attentive enough, and was even labeled as "slamming the door".

However, in Du Ruoxi's eyes, her husband's behavior is not a problem. What she values is Yan Yikuan's actual dedication in life. For example, Yan Yikuan took the initiative to hand over his bank card after a year of marriage, telling his wife that he could spend whatever he wanted.

Yan Yikuan, won love, but lost his career

What's even more touching is that Yan Yikuan insisted on writing his wife's name on the house they bought before they got married. These details show that although Yan Yikuan is not good at words, he expresses his love for his wife with practical actions.

In Du Ruoxi's view, her husband is a good man who doesn't understand romance and is a little stingy, but very practical. Compared with those men who talk flatteringly, but actually have no action, Yan Yikuan's sincerity is even more valuable.

Yan Yikuan and Du Ruoxi's married life embodies an ordinary but sincere love. Their stories tell us that love doesn't need to be vigorous, but that real dedication and mutual understanding are the keys to maintaining a relationship.

Although Yan Yikuan has encountered many setbacks in his career, he is undoubtedly successful in married life. In his own way, he interprets what true love is, what is responsibility and responsibility.

Yan Yikuan, won love, but lost his career

This kind of firm love may be an important force that supports him through the trough of his career. In this entertainment industry full of variables, the marriage of Yan Yikuan and Du Ruoxi is undoubtedly a beautiful landscape.

Their stories have also given many people hope and confidence in love.

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