
Drinking urine and barking while learning to learn, a 19-year-old boy was "bullied" by 4 people, and the whole network was shouting for severe punishment

author:Xiaoyang's view of history


Bullying has always been a problem, but it is almost impossible to eliminate it at the source.

A lot of bullying starts from school, and children's education has problems since childhood, and if you want to solve these, it can be said that you should start educating children from kindergarten and how to have the correct three views.

Drinking urine and barking while learning to learn, a 19-year-old boy was "bullied" by 4 people, and the whole network was shouting for severe punishment

But the reality is that due to family and environmental factors, many children are spoiled and ignored during kindergarten. After going to primary school, they are even more lawless, their parents are busy and can't control them, and their teachers can't control them, which leads to evil in their hearts.

Most of the perpetrators of bullying are teenagers, and in terms of the law, they are also in a stage of inadequacy. That's why they're so arrogant......

Drinking urine and barking while learning to learn, a 19-year-old boy was "bullied" by 4 people, and the whole network was shouting for severe punishment

Ningjin County issued a police notice on June 27 that included four teenagers in detention on suspicion of picking quarrels and provoking trouble.

In fact, this incident made a big fuss in the local area, and it is a typical "bullying" behavior, although it did not happen on campus, but it was also because of some relationships with the school, which led to this incident.

Drinking urine and barking while learning to learn, a 19-year-old boy was "bullied" by 4 people, and the whole network was shouting for severe punishment

Back in the afternoon of May 4, four boys invited a 19-year-old boy to their designated place. The other party is introverted and does not dare to contradict them when they arrive, so they can only be forced to endure bullying.

Three 16-year-old boys, one 17-year-old boy, would be ruthlessly violent to a 19-year-old boy, it is terrible to think about.

These boys have dropped out of school and have not studied, but when they were studying before, they also had a very perverse personality, often collecting protection money from classmates and forcing each other to do indecent behavior.

Drinking urine and barking while learning to learn, a 19-year-old boy was "bullied" by 4 people, and the whole network was shouting for severe punishment

The 19-year-old boy, unable to withstand the pressure of four people, was forced to kowtow and crawl on the ground. They were still angry, and punched and kicked him again, and the boy's face was covered in blood, and several of them did not let go.

In the opinion of several people, as long as the boys were not in danger of life, the police would not arrest them. In their eyes, this kind of bullying is very fun and fun.

The boy was forced to kneel, but the men still did not let him go, and out of nowhere they found a few ropes, tied him, and pulled him back and forth on the ground.

One of them seemed still not satisfied, and crouched down with one hand on his head to make him learn to bark.

Drinking urine and barking while learning to learn, a 19-year-old boy was "bullied" by 4 people, and the whole network was shouting for severe punishment

The boy did so, and for just over an hour, the boy knelt, was punched, kicked, and forced to drink urine....... It can be said that in addition to not being in danger of his life, the boy suffered from physical and mental "bullying".

Eventually, a boy took out his phone and recorded his embarrassment, wanting to post it on the Internet so that everyone could make fun of him.

It's hard to imagine how evil this group of children really is in their hearts. They are also too lawless, how can they be so cruel to people who are almost the same age?

Drinking urine and barking while learning to learn, a 19-year-old boy was "bullied" by 4 people, and the whole network was shouting for severe punishment

The boy who is bullied is very timid, and he does not know whether he feels useless or is afraid to tell his family that he will be subjected to more serious violence.

He endured this in silence alone, without telling his family and friends.

If it weren't for the fact that the video was posted by themselves, and neither the family nor the police knew what happened to the boy, how could they help him get justice?

After a police investigation, it was confirmed that several of the boys had committed "illegal" behaviour and they were immediately detained.

Drinking urine and barking while learning to learn, a 19-year-old boy was "bullied" by 4 people, and the whole network was shouting for severe punishment

The oldest of these boys is only 17 years old, but none of them are studying, and they usually mix with society and do some shady things. From June 15 to June 21, the police detained four men one after another, and the case has not yet ended.

Bullying peers is certainly not all of these boys, maybe there are other illegal behaviors on them, and the police need a certain amount of time to detect.

Drinking urine and barking while learning to learn, a 19-year-old boy was "bullied" by 4 people, and the whole network was shouting for severe punishment

An insider revealed that this time the family of the boy who was bullied will not back down half a step, and will definitely let the four boys be punished accordingly.

Others said that the four boys had often bullied others at school before, and had caused many people to drop out of school, and the school could not bear it, so several of them dropped out.

Unexpectedly, even if they dropped out of school, their behavior did not stop, but continued to do evil.

Parents can't control such people, and the school can't manage them, so they can only be handed over to the law to manage, otherwise they won't know what will happen in the future!

Netizens shouted one after another, they must be severely punished, and they can't just open up because they are young.

Drinking urine and barking while learning to learn, a 19-year-old boy was "bullied" by 4 people, and the whole network was shouting for severe punishment


I thought that school bullying was scary enough. But I never thought that even if these children were dropped out of school, dropping out of school would be just as terrible, and the harm they brought to society was far from being as simple as bullying.

If they don't take advantage of their minors to forcibly educate, then in the future, they are likely to go astray and become criminals. Doing evil for a long time has filled their hearts with a dark side.

Drinking urine and barking while learning to learn, a 19-year-old boy was "bullied" by 4 people, and the whole network was shouting for severe punishment

I hope that this time, when the police detain a few people, they can use the law to make them understand that the only way to continue to do evil is to go to jail. If you want to use a reasonable way to make a few people wake up, I'm afraid it's very difficult. Some people are evil engraved in their bones, and it is better to persuade them to be good, than to use more evil methods to restrain them.

This time, it was really a fluke, if someone hadn't sent these videos, those people would have gone unpunished. This incident also tells everyone that when you are bullied, you must not be timid, take the initiative to make it public, and report it to the police, which is the best way.

The more you tolerate it, the more rampant the bad guys become.