
They are both husband and wife in and out of the play, and they have been working together for 18 years, and their married life is enviable

author:Xiaoyang's view of history

Foreword: There are countless on-screen couples in the entertainment industry, although they are very sweet in the play, they are generally strangers outside the play. And Xin Baiqing and Zhu Yuanyuan not only played a couple many times in the play, they are also a very loving couple outside the play, and the two have spent 18 years together and are still in love.

They are both husband and wife in and out of the play, and they have been working together for 18 years, and their married life is enviable

In 1993, they were admitted to the Central Academy of Drama at the same time, where they had the opportunity to meet. One day, a campus activity was organized in the school, and Xin Baiqing hurried to the theater to participate in the event. And Zhu Yuanyuan was standing in the center of the stage at that time, she was wearing a slightly old school uniform, dancing and laughing with her companions. Although Xin Baiqing felt that her outfit was a little too "old-fashioned", he was still attracted by the innocence and vitality of Zhu Yuanyuan.

They are both husband and wife in and out of the play, and they have been working together for 18 years, and their married life is enviable

As time went on, the two began to have many opportunities to co-star in dramas. Every time she rehearses, Bai Qing can find a new shining point in Zhu Yuanyuan, she is serious about her performance, and she is enthusiastic and kind to her friends, these excellent qualities all attract Xin Baiqing. Once Zhu Yuanyuan accidentally sprained her ankle during a rehearsal, Xin Baiqing carried her on her back without hesitation and trotted all the way to the school doctor's office. Since then, the relationship between the two has begun to heat up rapidly, and they are not only good partners when working together, but also good friends in life.

They are both husband and wife in and out of the play, and they have been working together for 18 years, and their married life is enviable

But how can you be willing to be only friends in the face of someone you really like? Xin Baiqing had to admit that he was deeply attracted to Zhu Yuanyuan when he first met her, so he kept looking for opportunities to confess to Zhu Yuanyuan.

They are both husband and wife in and out of the play, and they have been working together for 18 years, and their married life is enviable

Soon the opportunity came. That time, the school held a sports meeting, and Xin Baiqing signed up for the high jump project. He broke the school's all-time record in the competition, and the audience was so excited that he was even known as the "Little Prince of High Jump". At that time, the student who won the championship received a prize, a bag of laundry detergent and two bars of soap.

Don't look at it as a small thing, but in that era of scarcity, these things cost a lot of money. After the award ceremony, Xin Baiqing took the prize and walked straight to the downstairs of Zhu Yuanyuan's dormitory and handed her the gift. He said, "This is what I bought with my sweat, and I hope you can take it."

They are both husband and wife in and out of the play, and they have been working together for 18 years, and their married life is enviable

Zhu Yuanyuan asked him, "Why did you give it to me?" He replied: "Because it was the first time I had earned something with hard work, I wanted to give it to the most important person to me." These two short sentences made Zhu Yuanyuan's heart start to collide, isn't this a confession! Zhu Yuanyuan took the things, turned around and rushed back to the dormitory building.

They are both husband and wife in and out of the play, and they have been working together for 18 years, and their married life is enviable

Zhu Yuanyuan had no sleep that night, and she wondered if Xin Baiqing was confessing to herself? In fact, Zhu Yuanyuan had already secretly agreed to get along with him, but neither of them had pierced the layer of window paper first. The next day, Xin Baiqing called Zhu Yuanyuan over after class, he apologized for his reckless behavior yesterday, and made a formal confession to Zhu Yuanyuan. Because he thinks that a girl's confession still needs to have a sense of ritual. This time, Zhu Yuanyuan also agreed to his confession, and the two officially held hands.

They are both husband and wife in and out of the play, and they have been working together for 18 years, and their married life is enviable

However, the relationship between the two was not completely smooth sailing, and the school clearly stipulated that freshmen were not allowed to fall in love at that time, so as to avoid being distracted by love. However, the power of love can surpass everything, and Zhu Yuanyuan and Xin Baiqing decided to "commit crimes against the wind". Since they are not allowed to fall in love during the day, they secretly date at night. When night falls, they will quietly sneak out of their dormitories, find some secret corners that few people visit, and enjoy the sweet time between them.

They are both husband and wife in and out of the play, and they have been working together for 18 years, and their married life is enviable

The college years are like a white horse, and they are over in the blink of an eye. Many people say that graduation season is equivalent to breakup season, but Xin Baiqing and Zhu Yuanyuan still guard their love after graduation. They embarked on their respective career journeys with a love for acting. At the end of their busy schedules, they would also talk to each other on the phone to share the joys and sorrows of the day. Although the busy work has made the time for the two to see each other very little, their love can withstand the test of time and distance, but it has developed stronger and stronger in these obstacles.

They are both husband and wife in and out of the play, and they have been working together for 18 years, and their married life is enviable

Couples who have not quarreled do not exist, and of course there have been conflicts between Xin Baiqing and Zhu Yuanyuan. During that time, Xin Baiqing's work pressure was very high, and he began to contact online games in order to relieve the pressure, at first he just felt that the game had a certain positive effect on the release of pressure, but after a long time, he also began to indulge in it and couldn't extricate himself. Zhu Yuanyuan was also very anxious to see Xin Baiqing so addicted to the Internet, because of this incident, the two of them had many conflicts, and even Zhu Yuanyuan once thought about breaking up in anger.

But then she thought about it, it was really not easy for the two of them to get to this point, could it be so easy to separate? Later, she started a long talk with Xin Baiqing, and the two slowly solved all the misunderstandings in the conversation. Zhu Yuanyuan also began to spend a lot of time with Xin Baiqing every day to help him quit Internet addiction. In the end, Xin Baiqing successfully got rid of Internet addiction, and the relationship between the two became stronger and stronger.

They are both husband and wife in and out of the play, and they have been working together for 18 years, and their married life is enviable

In 2006, the two ended their 13-year long-distance love run and officially entered the palace of marriage. At the wedding, they exchanged vows, exchanged diamond rings, and promised to rely on each other in the future, whether rich or poor. Although the life after marriage is very sweet, there are still ordinary trivial daily life. In order to be able to take care of the family wholeheartedly, Zhu Yuanyuan chose to slow down the pace of work and devote herself to the family. Xin Baiqing was very moved when he saw his wife thinking about their family like this, and he was determined to give Zhu Yuanyuan the best life.

They are both husband and wife in and out of the play, and they have been working together for 18 years, and their married life is enviable

In 2008, their daughter was born, and the arrival of this little princess added countless joys to the family. From a two-person world to a family of three, their roles are also changing, if they used to only see each other in their eyes, then now they have more concern in their hearts. Xin Baiqing is not only Zhu Yuanyuan's most solid support, but also the superhero in her daughter's heart, using her shoulders to support a blue sky for this family. Zhu Yuanyuan is not only a supporter of Xin Baiqing, but also the most perfect mother in her daughter's heart.

They are both husband and wife in and out of the play, and they have been working together for 18 years, and their married life is enviable

Time passes, and in the blink of an eye, Xin Baiqing and Zhu Yuanyuan have gone through 18 years of ups and downs hand in hand. In the vanity fair of the entertainment industry, many people have lost their original innocence for fame and fortune. But Xin Baiqing and Zhu Yuanyuan let people see the most beautiful appearance of love, and they used their actions to interpret the true meaning of "holding the hand of the son and growing old with the son".

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