
Zhou Xun Magnolia responded to "The Legend of Da Ru" and complained: "Forgive the audience like forgiving Wei Yanwan"

author:Xiaoyang's view of history

Foreword: Recently, the 29th Magnolia Awards came to an end, and Zhou Xun won the "Magnolia Award for Best Actress" for his wonderful performance in "Imperfect Victim". It stands to reason that this should be well deserved, but recently she has been complained about her role in "The Legend of Ruyi" in her early years, so there is also some controversy about her winning the award.

Zhou Xun Magnolia responded to "The Legend of Da Ru" and complained: "Forgive the audience like forgiving Wei Yanwan"

She did not hesitate to travel long distances to attend the Magnolia Awards ceremony of the Shanghai TV Festival, and flew back to China from the United States overnight. It can be seen that Zhou Xun himself is in very good condition, and he does not seem to be affected by the criticism on the Internet some time ago. At this time, she won the crown and inevitably was opened up by reporters, and in the face of reporters' questions, Zhou Xun still maintained her elegance and calmness. Faced with this sensitive question, Zhou Xun replied: "Now the times have changed."

Zhou Xun Magnolia responded to "The Legend of Da Ru" and complained: "Forgive the audience like forgiving Wei Yanwan"

This answer undoubtedly pushed Zhou Xun into the forefront of public opinion. You must know that Zhou Xun in the early days was a veritable "Three Golden Queens" in the hearts of the public, and her aura was unique in domestic entertainment. Even many co-actors are full of praise for her, and her acting skills were once considered a benchmark for acting.

However, as "The Legend of Ruyi" was ridiculed by netizens, Zhou Xun was also pulled off the altar. The outrageous plot and distorted values in the play have made many viewers rise to Zhou Xun himself, and they think that it is Zhou Xun's coffee position that can be freely deleted from the plot, which leads to today's incoherent plot.

Zhou Xun Magnolia responded to "The Legend of Da Ru" and complained: "Forgive the audience like forgiving Wei Yanwan"

The whole drama seems to exist to praise her, and the actors and directors of the crew are all based on her. Zhou Xun thinks that Ruyi is the queen, so she can't take the initiative to harm people, even if she borrows a knife to kill people.

This point has caused controversy among many people, who think that if you don't have a palace fight, why do you go to shoot a palace fight scene? It seems that Zhou Xun's values are like this, her understanding of some characters is too shallow, and in her concept, there are only good people and bad people.

Zhou Xun Magnolia responded to "The Legend of Da Ru" and complained: "Forgive the audience like forgiving Wei Yanwan"

In fact, Zhou Xun is not to blame, because looking back at her road to fame, it can be seen that Zhou Xun has gone very smoothly all the way, becoming famous at a young age, and being praised as a god-like existence in middle age. Therefore, she can't empathize with the people at the bottom, and in her world, love is the only deposit that people pursue.

Zhou Xun Magnolia responded to "The Legend of Da Ru" and complained: "Forgive the audience like forgiving Wei Yanwan"

The only hardship Zhou Xun has endured in her life is probably what she experienced in her childhood. Zhou Xun's family situation is very bad, her father is a film factory worker, and her mother is a salesperson. Although her parents have worked hard, the family's financial situation is still very tight. Zhou Xun once recalled that childhood in public, she said, "My family used to be very poor, and I didn't even have a dollar. ”

Zhou Xun Magnolia responded to "The Legend of Da Ru" and complained: "Forgive the audience like forgiving Wei Yanwan"

She recalls that the saddest part of her childhood was probably the divorce of her parents. Her parents divorced when she was just remembering, and the reason for the divorce was because of personality incompatibility. Zhou Xun lived with her mother, and since then she has lived with her mother and younger siblings. Because her family situation was so poor, she dropped out of junior high school. She did suffer for a while, and at that time she tried various professions in order to make ends meet.

Zhou Xun Magnolia responded to "The Legend of Da Ru" and complained: "Forgive the audience like forgiving Wei Yanwan"

So why do you say that Zhou Xun is lucky? In 1991, director Xie Tieli was in full swing for the casting of "Tomb Desert". The other roles in it have been finalized, but the role of the little fox demon Jiaona has not been finalized. Just when the director was at a loss, he saw a photo of Zhou Xun on the wall calendar. There is a detached beauty in Zhou Xun's eyes, which is just in line with Jiaona's character characteristics. So he began to look for this girl, and finally found Zhou Xun after several twists and turns.

Zhou Xun Magnolia responded to "The Legend of Da Ru" and complained: "Forgive the audience like forgiving Wei Yanwan"

Since then, Zhou Xun's acting career has been like taking an elevator and has begun to flourish. The follow-up works such as "Suzhou River" and "Li Mi's Conjecture" have won many film gold awards, and he has become a veritable "Three Golden Queens". So for Zhou Xun, her career development is very smooth, so she is very unable to empathize with the hardships of the people at the bottom, which also leads to her view of things is not too one-sided.

Zhou Xun Magnolia responded to "The Legend of Da Ru" and complained: "Forgive the audience like forgiving Wei Yanwan"

Then someone asked, "Since Zhou Xun has not suffered anything, why is she so emotional when she plays those love seeds?" In fact, this question is not difficult to answer, the reason why Zhou Xun was able to perform very well in some films is not only her own talent, but also inseparable from her many emotional experiences.

Zhou Xun Magnolia responded to "The Legend of Da Ru" and complained: "Forgive the audience like forgiving Wei Yanwan"

She has been in a total of nine relationships since her debut, and there is almost no window period. Her first boyfriend was Lei Ming, and the two belonged to a campus relationship. once planned to enter the palace of marriage hand in hand, but later due to the big difference in the development of their careers, they finally broke up.

Zhou Xun Magnolia responded to "The Legend of Da Ru" and complained: "Forgive the audience like forgiving Wei Yanwan"

Her second boyfriend is Dou Peng. The two came together because of their attraction to each other, but this idealized love ultimately failed to resist the troubles of life's trivialities. In the end, the two broke up because of some irreconcilable contradictions. Her third boyfriend is Jia Hongsheng. The two met and fell in love because of the filming of "Suzhou River", but this relationship only lasted for a year. Later, because of Jia Hongsheng's drug use, Zhou Xun couldn't accept breaking up with him.

Zhou Xun Magnolia responded to "The Legend of Da Ru" and complained: "Forgive the audience like forgiving Wei Yanwan"

Her fourth boyfriend is Pu Shu. The two developed a relationship because of the filming of the movie "When the Flowers Bloomed", and Zhou Xun was attracted by his charm. But the relationship lasted just two months. Her fifth boyfriend is Li Yapeng. The two of them fell in love because of the play, but when they came out of the play, they found that they only liked that role. In the end, the relationship lasted only two years before they broke up.

Zhou Xun Magnolia responded to "The Legend of Da Ru" and complained: "Forgive the audience like forgiving Wei Yanwan"

Her sixth boyfriend is Li Daqi. The beginning of this relationship was a little wonderful, because Zhou Xun urgently needed a look to attend the press conference, and Li Daqi happened to be there. The two developed feelings for each other in the process of cooperation, and the relationship lasted for five years, and then broke up due to personality incompatibility. Her seventh boyfriend was Wang Shuo, and the relationship lasted for a year. The reason for the separation was because Zhou Xun felt that Wang Shuo would only use money to please her, and what she needed was a use that could provide her with emotional value.

Zhou Xun Magnolia responded to "The Legend of Da Ru" and complained: "Forgive the audience like forgiving Wei Yanwan"

Her eighth boyfriend is Gao Shengyuan. This is the only relationship that has worked out, and the two got married in 2014, but their marriage only lasted five years. It is said that after Zhou Xun arrived in the United States, she found that she really couldn't adapt to the living habits there, coupled with her and Gao's busy work, and finally broke up. Her ninth boyfriend is Excellence. The two met while recording a variety show, and were later photographed by the paparazzi entering and leaving the same unit building, and their relationship was confirmed. At present, the relationship between the two is very stable.

Zhou Xun Magnolia responded to "The Legend of Da Ru" and complained: "Forgive the audience like forgiving Wei Yanwan"

It can be seen that Zhou Xun's rich emotional experience gives her the ability to empathize with love. I hope that Zhou Xun will be able to polish the role carefully in the future and look at things from a more comprehensive perspective. I am very much looking forward to her making another breakthrough in her acting career in the future.

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