
Wang Xiaofei didn't celebrate her birthday on the cruise, leaving her mother and friends, but she actually "ran away" with Ma Xiaomei!

author:Heaven and earth


In the bustling and noisy business world, the name Wang Xiaofei is like a famous brand, not only because of his family's glorious background, but also because of his unique achievements in the business battlefield.

On June 27th, this day is not only the node of Wang Xiaofei's annual growth, but also a milestone in the expansion of his career territory - Qingdao Maliuji and the hotel opened on the same day, making this day extraordinary.

Wang Xiaofei didn't celebrate her birthday on the cruise, leaving her mother and friends, but she actually "ran away" with Ma Xiaomei!

A birthday feast without gunpowder

Imagine a birthday party that your friends are plotting to plan, what kind of surprise it will be? In a secluded and luxurious private clubhouse, golden balloons and purple ribbons are intertwined, like a fantasy paradise under the stars.

On the table, there is a wide variety of delicacies, from French foie gras to Chinese roast duck, and every bite is the ultimate teasing of the taste buds.

Wang Xiaofei didn't celebrate her birthday on the cruise, leaving her mother and friends, but she actually "ran away" with Ma Xiaomei!

And the specially customized birthday cake, three layers high, the top layer is Wang Xiaofei's favorite chocolate, on which his portrait is cleverly outlined with frosting, and it is also written: "Happy birthday Mr. Wang Xiaofei!" This sweet surprise made people can't help but raise the corners of their mouths.

Wang Xiaofei didn't celebrate her birthday on the cruise, leaving her mother and friends, but she actually "ran away" with Ma Xiaomei!

A low-key philosophy that moves forward steadily

Wang Xiaofei, a man who can eat with his face but wants to fight for his talent.

In this impetuous era, he chose a path that few people took - low-key.

It's not because of a lack of enthusiasm, but because of the dedication to work and the strict management of self-image.

His inner monologue may be just that: "True success doesn't need to be publicized." ”

This attitude coincides with his ambition to lay out the future, and every seemingly inconspicuous decision is paving the way for the rise of the next business empire.

Wang Xiaofei didn't celebrate her birthday on the cruise, leaving her mother and friends, but she actually "ran away" with Ma Xiaomei!

Qingdao double happiness is coming, and Ma Liuji's gorgeous set sail

On June 27th, on the coastline of Qingdao, the opening celebration of Ma Liuji and the hotel was like a grand festival.

The red carpet was rolled out, celebrities gathered, and the flash of the media came and went, recording the glory of this moment.

According to statistics, more than 1,000 people participated in this event, with record-breaking sales and hundreds of millions of media exposures, all of which are announcing: Wang Xiaofei's business empire has added new wings.

Wang Xiaofei didn't celebrate her birthday on the cruise, leaving her mother and friends, but she actually "ran away" with Ma Xiaomei!

The deep camaraderie behind the birthday cake

When the exquisite birthday cake is slowly pushed into the center of the party, it is not only a visual feast, but also an emotional transmission.

Every sugar flower, every line of blessings, carries the endless support and love of his friends.

A trace of surprise flashed in Wang Xiaofei's eyes, and she was immediately filled with emotion.

At this moment, he may realize that no matter how brilliant his career is, having this group of friends by his side is the greatest luck.

Wang Xiaofei didn't celebrate her birthday on the cruise, leaving her mother and friends, but she actually "ran away" with Ma Xiaomei!

Romance on the sea, Zhang Lan's dancing style

Although the cruise party didn't work out, the scenery at sea became a different story.

Zhang Lan, the eternally energetic mother, danced on the deck in a long flowing dress, like a touch of color in the sea breeze.

Her dancing steps are light and her smile is bright, as if to tell the world that no matter how the years change, she is still alive.

In the live broadcast room, the audience was infected by this enthusiasm and praised it one after another, and at that moment, Zhang Lan became the focus of the audience.

Wang Xiaofei didn't celebrate her birthday on the cruise, leaving her mother and friends, but she actually "ran away" with Ma Xiaomei!

A true monologue on social platforms

Wang Xiaofei's explanation on social platforms revealed sincerity and apology between the lines.

He thanked his friends for their efforts and expressed regret for not being able to attend the cruise party.

This truth allows people to see his emotions and temperature as an ordinary person in addition to his identity as an entrepreneur.

The response on the Internet was more understanding and encouragement, which made him more convinced that sincerity is the best public relations.

Wang Xiaofei didn't celebrate her birthday on the cruise, leaving her mother and friends, but she actually "ran away" with Ma Xiaomei!

The warmth and strength of the family

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei's "elopement" may just be a little willfulness that they want to escape from the spotlight and enjoy a moment of tranquility.

Leaving two sets of footprints on the beach, and looking at each other tenderly during dinner, these ordinary and precious moments make their feelings stronger.

And Zhang Lan, the mother who has always been silently supporting behind her back, her persistence and vitality are the best interpretation of the family spirit.

She traveled to various occasions, not only for her career, but also to give her family more love and support.

Wang Xiaofei didn't celebrate her birthday on the cruise, leaving her mother and friends, but she actually "ran away" with Ma Xiaomei!

The ripples of the network, the emotional resonance

On the big stage of the Internet, the voices of netizens are like bottles and cans on the seasoning rack, sweet and sour, bitter, spicy and salty, with all five flavors, but what is gratifying is that it is more like a cup of warm hot cocoa, which brings warmth and resonance.

Ms. Zhang Lan, as if she is a perpetual motion machine, her vitality makes people admire, just like the online version of the "goddess of energy", with her actions to tell everyone that age is just a number, enthusiasm is the fuel of life.

Wang Xiaofei didn't celebrate her birthday on the cruise, leaving her mother and friends, but she actually "ran away" with Ma Xiaomei!

When it comes to Wang Xiaofei's choice, netizens showed rare understanding and tolerance, as if saying: "Hey, buddy, we all understand that every turn on the road of life is to meet better scenery." ”

Such an atmosphere makes people feel that the Internet is not only a virtual space, but also a small universe full of human warmth.

Wang Xiaofei didn't celebrate her birthday on the cruise, leaving her mother and friends, but she actually "ran away" with Ma Xiaomei!

What's even more interesting is that this incident seems to have become a wonderful catalyst for everyone to open up the conversation and share their exclusive secrets for family and success.

Some say that family is a safe haven, and success is the sail of a long voyage; Some joked that success may be the tail that can't be caught, but family is the light that always illuminates the way home.

These perspectives complement each other, like the brightest stars in the night sky, making this online starry sky even more dazzling.

Wang Xiaofei didn't celebrate her birthday on the cruise, leaving her mother and friends, but she actually "ran away" with Ma Xiaomei!

Birthday revelation and a new chapter in life

In Wang Xiaofei's universe, 365 pebbles of time pave the way for a year, and the one marked as "birthday" is not just a number game, a gentle nick on the annual ring.

This day is a unique moment for him to look back on the past with grateful eyes and touch the future with the wings of hope.

It's like a small station on the road of life, making people stop, not just celebrating the gifts of the years, but also like tasting a pot of old wine, reminiscing about those smiles and tears, and then moving forward with a warmer heart.

Wang Xiaofei didn't celebrate her birthday on the cruise, leaving her mother and friends, but she actually "ran away" with Ma Xiaomei!

In the way of celebrating his birthday, he prefers low-key gentleness, unassuming but affectionate, as if to say: "Hey, growing up is for yourself." ”

Home, this warm haven, has become the best place to celebrate, and the smiling faces of the family shine brighter than any bright lights in the flickering candlelight.

Career is also an indispensable delicacy in this annual feast, and every achievement is a clarion call for a new beginning, reminding him that no matter how high the mountain top, the road under his feet is a new challenge.

Wang Xiaofei didn't celebrate her birthday on the cruise, leaving her mother and friends, but she actually "ran away" with Ma Xiaomei!


Wang Xiaofei's story is like a good drama to be continued, and each chapter hides twists and surprises.

June 27, a date that couldn't have been simpler, became extraordinary because of his attitude and experience.

It not only records the age of a man, but also connects the wonderful equation of success, love and dreams.

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