
Why didn't Wang Jianlin implement an arranged marriage for Wang Sicong? There were rumors that Wang Sicong and Ma Huateng's daughter Ma Manlin were together, and Ma Huateng, who was in a hurry, came out directly to refute the rumors.

author:There is a face to talk about entertainment

Why didn't Wang Jianlin implement an arranged marriage for Wang Sicong?

There were rumors that Wang Sicong and Ma Huateng's daughter Ma Manlin were together, and Ma Huateng, who was in a hurry, came out directly to refute the rumors.

A serious entrepreneur, an entrepreneur of a level or even a higher level, who would be willing to marry his daughter to a person who has so many flowers, more than ten or twenty ex-girlfriends, to the extent that the whole network knows.

Who would want to entrust their daughter to such a person?

#聊聊王思聪# #王思聪升级当爹# #王健林王闪闪#

Why didn't Wang Jianlin implement an arranged marriage for Wang Sicong? There were rumors that Wang Sicong and Ma Huateng's daughter Ma Manlin were together, and Ma Huateng, who was in a hurry, came out directly to refute the rumors.
Why didn't Wang Jianlin implement an arranged marriage for Wang Sicong? There were rumors that Wang Sicong and Ma Huateng's daughter Ma Manlin were together, and Ma Huateng, who was in a hurry, came out directly to refute the rumors.
Why didn't Wang Jianlin implement an arranged marriage for Wang Sicong? There were rumors that Wang Sicong and Ma Huateng's daughter Ma Manlin were together, and Ma Huateng, who was in a hurry, came out directly to refute the rumors.
Why didn't Wang Jianlin implement an arranged marriage for Wang Sicong? There were rumors that Wang Sicong and Ma Huateng's daughter Ma Manlin were together, and Ma Huateng, who was in a hurry, came out directly to refute the rumors.

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