
"Snow Desert Code" is the birth of a western writer

author:Qing Yao said

Title: The Snow Desert Code

Author: Chen Yanjin

I have been reading this book for a month, and although I have read a lot of books, I have hardly read books of this type of literary criticism.

The last time I read "Reading is a Refuge to Carry with You", there were some reviews of the works, and I could barely understand the works I had read.

This book is an interpretation of the writing background of the writer Xue Mo and his works.

But I have only read one of Mr. Xue Mo's works, "One Man's West", and I have never read any other "Desert Trilogy" and "Hometown Trilogy".

And there are a lot of references and analyses of Xue Mo's works in this book, because if you don't understand it, you will feel foggy.

"Snow Desert Code" is the birth of a western writer

It felt like there was a piece of porcelain with a pattern in front of him, and the critic said how good the color and texture were, but he said it under the notion that the thing was a vase or a plate.

But for me, I don't have that concept at all, and I don't know what to look at.

I'm used to reading and thinking about books, and I'm not used to reading with full indoctrination.

After reading two chapters, the brain began to repulse.

If you read the original book and then read the review, there will be a contrast, a deeper idea.

But I haven't read it, and it's very painful to read, and of course this situation is also because of my greed.

It's a pleasure for a book blogger to be able to link to the editor, so at the beginning, it was really a refusal to come, resulting in reading some books that were not suitable for him.

But what you promised must be done.

Fortunately, I finally stumbled over the reading, and today I will combine the author's views in the book and the previous reading of "One Man's West" to write a little story about Mr. Xuemo:

"Snow Desert Code" is the birth of a western writer


The Literary Path

As the author's inscription says:

"Literature makes people human, real people, better people."

Xue Mo is a native of Liangzhou, Gansu Province, and his family has been poor since he was a child, and his life is difficult.

But in this remote and backward small village where you can't even find a book, the young Xue Mo has a strong interest in Liangzhou Xianxiao.

Deeply influenced by his father and fellow villagers, he learned a lot from virtuous and filial piety, especially nourishing his idealistic spirit.

He was born afraid of the sun and could not work in the sun like his younger siblings.

He can't work, but he likes to read very much, and this natural hobby is destined for him to deal with words on the road of life.

Different from ordinary rural children, Xue Mo knew what he wanted since he was a child, and he knew from the beginning that people needed to keep reading if they wanted to change their fate and live a more meaningful life.

Whether it was in middle school or later when he went to Wuwei Normal School, he was racing against time and reading voraciously.

Reading a lot of books broadened his horizons, and it also allowed him to know many great writers and many different ways of writing their works.

Slowly, he began to write a diary, practice the basic skills of writing, describe life experiences and accumulate materials.

After graduating, he taught, read, write, and exercise.

With a salary of 39.5 a month, in addition to eating, everything else is used to buy books and literary magazines.

At the age of 25, he met the first noble man on the road of literature: Ran Dan.

Ran Dan affirmed his writing talent.

After reading "One Hundred Years of Solitude", Xue Mo created his own Virgo "Long Smoke and Sunset", and officially embarked on the road of literary creation.


Literary thought

The ideas contained in a literary work are the soul of the work, and the origin of this thought does not happen overnight.

The reason why Xue Mo became Xue Mo was that he was almost strict with himself.

He wrote in "One Man's West":

"My method is to cultivate my personality, to break all the attachments in my life, and to wait for the channel to be truly unblocked. After that, I practiced for another seven years, and finally I got what I needed. ”

Xue Mo discovered that only great souls can give birth to great works.

So he continued to cultivate his personality, he didn't care about money and material things, he only had to read, write and meditate in his life.

In addition to this influence, his brother's death also sublimated his mind.

Death makes everything seem to lose its meaning.

"Death is frightening, and nothingness is equally frightening."

In order to resist these two feelings, people put their dreams on the stage to resist mediocrity and impermanence.

After that time, Xue Mo said:

"What is there not to let go of when the ultimate destination of all greed is the grave? In the face of death, fame and fortune are really a thing of the past."

Comprehending the illusion of fame and fortune and the fate of greed, the writer begins to realize that the most important thing is to leave something meaningful in his limited life.

Death made him transparent, and meditation gave him wisdom and compassion.

Together, these form the essence of his literary thought.

"Snow Desert Code" is the birth of a western writer


Writing Secrets

One side of the water and soil to support the other side. Xue Mo has lived in Liangzhou, a region with the historical heritage of the ancient kingdom of Western Xia, since childhood, and each work has the breath of the soil in which it was born.

The writer has turned all the interviews, investigations and materials he has collected on this land into stories that flow out of his pen.

For example, "Wild Fox Ridge" is written as the story of Liangzhou hero Qi Feiqing.

The author went deep into the west to interview the descendants of the Ma family's camel caravan and many of the tuo styles that were still alive at that time, learned everything about the camel caravan, and finally completed this work.

Regarding writing skills, Xue Mo said:

"When I write, there is no language, no structure, nothing but happiness, the happiness that becomes everything in the world. Whatever you write, it's what it is, it's not that it controls me, it's that I become it. ”

The powerful perception of life and the exploration of life gave birth to "The Mantra of Western Xia", "The Blue Wolf of Western Xia" and "The Deathless King Kong Heart".

Xue Mo has also been meditating for many years, meditating if he can't write, writing when he feels like he comes, and finally there is a mysterious writing power that has always accompanied him.

If there is no utilitarian mind, this power will always be with him.

This power allows him to write at any time, whether he is writing, talking or speaking, on any occasion.

Write at the end:

The birth of a writer is inseparable from the soil that nurtures him and educates his relatives, friends, and mentors.

The reason why Xue Mo became Xue Mo is the selfless dedication of his wife, the strong support of his parents, and the result of his own hard work.

His works profoundly analyze the joys and sorrows of the creatures on the land that nurtured his life, and completely show us a three-dimensional west.

The strong geographical and cultural color of the West and the outstanding personality constitute the distinctive characteristics of his works.

The deeper intention is to reflect on human nature from the perspective of art and ecology, reposition human culture, and criticize anthropocentrism.