
Past events of the Corps: The big black man married a beautiful wife, and the instructor said that this was not a messy mandarin duck score

author:In the spring breeze

"Da Li" is another name for Li Yinsheng, because he is tall and muscular, so some people also call him "Big Man". Although his complexion is not white, he has a burly physique, hence the nickname. Li Yinsheng is a Shanghai man in his seventies, but he and his wife now live in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, because his wife is from Hangzhou.

Although Li Yinsheng's wife has passed her prime, she is still charming. Her skin is fair, which is in stark contrast to Li Yinsheng. I can't help but wonder, what is the charm of Li Yinsheng to marry this beautiful woman from Zhejiang? In order to find the answer, I found the contact information of Master Li Yinsheng through a cultural friend. Master Li Yinsheng talked about his past and shared his experience and emotional life as a soldier of the Corps. It made me even more curious to know his story. What method did he use to win the heart of this beautiful wife?

In the unforgettable summer of 1964, Li Yinsheng, a young man who was only 18 years old, with enthusiasm and determination for the country, decided to respond to the call of the country and volunteered to go to the border areas of Xinjiang to contribute his own strength to construction. On the day they left Shanghai, they took a bus from family and friends to the city and finally arrived at the train station. After saying goodbye to his parents and relatives, he boarded a train bound for Xinjiang. This journey is full of challenges and expectations, and he is about to start a new life.

Past events of the Corps: The big black man married a beautiful wife, and the instructor said that this was not a messy mandarin duck score

During the journey to Xinjiang, when the train arrived at Daheyan Station, Li Yinsheng and his companions got off the train, and without resting, they boarded an open-top truck waiting there. The truck took them to the station of the 2nd Agricultural Division. Here, more than 100 new young border supporters from Shanghai were assigned to different units of the Second Agricultural Division. Among them, Li Yinsheng and dozens of his companions were assigned to a company under the 21st Regiment. They are looking forward to starting a new life in Xinjiang.

Living in the Corps at that time, although the conditions were difficult, compared with their previous comrades-in-arms, Li Yinsheng and them were already lucky. At least they have a fixed place to live, and they no longer need to pitch tents and sleep in the wild on the desert Gobi Desert. However, for the newcomers to the Shanghai branch, the Gobi desert, adobe barracks, and low dens in front of them all made them feel heavy. This Gobi Desert will be the main battlefield of their military reclamation fighters, who will fight here, sprinkle their blood and sweat on this land, turn the desert into an oasis, and make the Gobi Desert a treasure trove of food for the motherland. Everyone can feel the weight on their shoulders because the land requires their efforts and dedication. In the face of challenges, they did not flinch, but strengthened their faith and determination. They believe that if we all work together, we will be able to accomplish this difficult task.

After being assigned to the squad, after a day of rest, we began to study and train. The whistle beeped, hung around the neck by the platoon commander and squad leader, which was a signal for the assembly. The old tractor wheels outside the barracks clanged like the bells of the soldiers as they began their labor. Everyone listened very attentively to the guidance of these voices.

Changing into a green military uniform, without a collar badge or cockade, and holding a cantuman in hand, everyone began to work hard. The third shift of the company to which Li Yinsheng and his comrades belonged was tasked with diverting water to wash the alkali and improve the soil to make it more suitable for growing crops. Although their work is arduous and arduous, they do not flinch for the sake of better agricultural production.

After getting up in the morning and eating, I go to the endless desert to dig the ridges and release water to eliminate alkalinity, and the lunch is my lunch. We don't finish the day until the sun sets. The hardships of these ten hours of work are really difficult to express in words. After returning to the camp, some of the soldiers did not even bother to eat dinner, and just lay on the wooden beds, snoring like thunder, and could not wake up no matter how they screamed. They were so tired that they didn't even have time to take off their clothes before they fell asleep. This kind of hard work is really unforgettable.

Li Yinsheng's complexion was not fair-skinned, but after a period of wind and sun exposure on the Gobi Desert, his skin became darker and he looked thinner. They had a total of eleven fighters in three squads in a platoon, including the squad leader. Among this group of fighters, Li Yinsheng is the tallest and has the darkest skin. Therefore, the squad leader Zhang Liancai gave Li Yin a nickname called "Big Black One". After that, the comrades-in-arms of the whole company no longer called him by his real name, but affectionately called him "Big Black Man". Li Yinsheng didn't care about this nickname, he thought he was tall and mighty, and his complexion appropriately reflected his experience in the desert. He felt the nickname was apt.

On a very windy day in September, the sky was dusk and the sand flew to the ground. Due to the bad weather, the fighters could not go out to work. So, the instructor decided to arrange a political study activity. Near lunchtime, squad leader Wu of the cooking class hurriedly found Company Commander Wang, and he reported that the problem of insufficient manpower in the cooking class was still not solved.

After some discussion, squad leader Wang and the instructor finally decided to select a member from the class with the largest number of people, that is, a row of three classes, to go to the cooking class. There were four platoons in the whole company, and only one platoon had three squads with a number of people that could not be compared with other platoons. Therefore, they selected the tall and mighty Li Yinsheng to join the cooking class. In this way, the "big man" Li Yinsheng was officially transferred to work in the cooking class.

Li Shengyin handed over his hard-working tools to the team leader, and then happily went to the cooking class to report. After arriving at the cooking class, he asked squad leader Wu about his task: "Squad leader Wu, what should I do?" Squad Leader Wu smiled and told him: "Li Shengyin, you are in charge of carrying water, this is a level that the new soldiers in our cooking class have to go through." ”

There were more than 100 people in the entire company who needed to eat, and it was not easy for only one person to carry water to meet the needs of the cooking class. In particular, in order to carry water, you have to walk to the side of the branch canal two miles away, and there is still a difficult way to walk, which makes the work even more challenging.

In one corner of the kitchen, there are five huge buckets, which were originally used to carry diesel fuel but have been converted into water tanks. Each tank can hold five loads of water, and they are neatly arranged together. And in the courtyard outside the kitchen, there are three giant water tanks that are also converted from oil drums. The water in these tanks was used by the soldiers for washing.

For the first time to carry water, Li Yinsheng went under the leadership of squad leader Wu. They drew water from the seepage well next to the canal and brought it back in iron drums. Squad leader Wu told Li Yinsheng: "Don't rush to fill it, it's enough to keep two-thirds of the water level in the iron bucket." "That way, they can make sure they have an adequate supply of water.

Li Yinsheng carried water for the first time, and he decided to fill all the water tanks in one go and rest. But after a whole morning, the five tanks were still not fully filled. Tired, he insisted on continuing despite the short rest. The afternoon still didn't stop, but the buckets still couldn't fill the tank. In the end, he could only stop helplessly, lamenting that the filling of the water tank seemed to be out of reach.

Li Yin had been picking water for five or six days in a row, and he was very serious about picking up a bucket of water, but he had not been able to fully fill all the water tanks. Through this experience, he realized that carrying water is a work that requires continuous hard work, and there is no free time, so as to ensure the water needs of the whole team. Even if squad leader Wu has free time, he will pick up a bucket to help carry water to give Li Yinsheng some chance to rest. They know that only by constantly carrying water can they ensure that everyone's daily needs are met.

Li Yinsheng spent four years in the cooking class, and the years flew by, transitioning from winter to spring, year after year. Over the course of four years, his shoulders and soles grew thick calluses from hard work. He picked up countless poles, and he had already lost count of how many had been broken. From the original "big black man" to the present, Li Yinsheng has become a sturdy "big black man". He became more fit and gained a lot of weight.

In the fall of 1968, the new instructor Zhu took over. He learned that the "big black man" had been picking up water in the cooking class for more than four years. Instructor Zhu thought that someone should be replaced to take on this task, so he arranged for a new Shanghai young man, Li, to carry water instead of Li Yinsheng. However, the new young man fell ill due to overwork after two days of carrying water, and in desperation, Li Yinsheng could only continue to take on the task of carrying water.

Past events of the Corps: The big black man married a beautiful wife, and the instructor said that this was not a messy mandarin duck score

Three years have passed in a hurry, and the Wu squad leader of the cooking class has been promoted to the head of affairs, and Li Yinsheng has taken over the position of the squad leader. Despite this, he insisted on carrying water for the cooking class. Although the company equipped the cooking squad with two water trucks (one with a modified diesel drum on a shelf), it was not possible to pull the water truck alone through the rough stretch of road. Therefore, Li Yinsheng still chooses to carry a bucket on his shoulder. When the comrades-in-arms were free, the three of them would work together to pull the water wheel to fetch water, but everyone was busy with their duties and did not have much free time. Therefore, the work of carrying water still needs to be completed by Li Yinsheng himself.

In order to allow the fighters to devote themselves to productive work, the army at that time strongly advocated that men and women of appropriate age could freely develop relationships and get married. Therefore, many eligible comrades-in-arms have entered the palace of marriage and found their favorite partners. However, Li Yinsheng has not been able to find a suitable marriage partner for various reasons. Although his comrades-in-arms had introduced him to several female warriors, the girls were reluctant to associate with him because of his dark complexion. This caused Li Yinsheng's marital problems to fall into trouble for a while. However, in the end, he did not give up looking for his other half, and he firmly believed that one day he would find someone with whom he knew him. Through constant hard work and active searching, he finally succeeded in finding someone who could appreciate him and entered the palace of marriage with her.

In the autumn of 1971, we welcomed a new member to our cooking class, her name is Yao Xin, from Zhejiang. She was twenty-two years old at the time, with outstanding appearance, fair skin, and tall build. Yao Xin is a hygienic person, whenever she is not busy with work, she will be busy in the compound, either washing clothes, brushing shoes, or carrying out daily cleaning work.

A cook saw Yao Xin's excessive use of water resources, so he directly criticized her: "Xiao Yao, do you know that this precious water resource was picked up by our squad leader from the big canal in the distance. Every load of water is hard to come by, how can you waste it so casually? ”

Looking at Yao Xin's tearful eyes, Li Yinsheng smiled comfortingly and said to her: "Don't be sad, I will do more work in the future, and you can wash." Li Yinsheng's kindness and kindness made Yao Xin feel warm in her heart and deeply moved. She found that Li Yinsheng was the first person to ask her to take a serious look.

In the following days, Li Yinsheng showed meticulous care and care for Yao Xin. He noticed that there was an old comrade who always made all kinds of demands on Yao Xin, and even some nitpicking. So, Li Yinsheng stood up to speak for Yao Xin, he said: "Yao Xin is a girl, we should be more tolerant and understanding." The tradition of our cooking class has always been to help each other and to be united and friendly. As an old comrade, you should take the lead in setting an example. He emphasized that as a member of the team, everyone should respect and support each other and work together for the harmony and progress of the team.

From the support of the squad leader, Yao Xin was sheltered, and the veteran could not blame him anymore. The other comrades in the class gave Yao Xin warmth. Slowly, Yao Xin found Li Yin's lifestyle appealing, and would help him clean his shoes and clothes from time to time. Everyone expressed their understanding and support for the mutual assistance relationship between Yao Xin and Li Yin.

Past events of the Corps: The big black man married a beautiful wife, and the instructor said that this was not a messy mandarin duck score

In the early autumn of 1972, Li Yinsheng was promoted to the company's chief of affairs, and the relationship between him and Yao Xin became even closer. During that time, a tractor had been introduced to transport water to the cooking class, so that the soldiers of the cooking class no longer had to carry buckets of water on their shoulders. This brings great convenience to the whole cooking class.

One day, Instructor Zhu said in front of Yao Xin: "I think the female comrades in our company have a bit of a problem with their vision, and the 'big black man' Li Yinsheng is a very good person, but no one seems to like him." I'll take him to the regiment headquarters on a blind date tomorrow, maybe a girl will take a fancy to him. Yao Xin wanted to say something when she heard this, but the words came to her mouth and swallowed again, her face turned red, and she didn't dare to say it. She thought to herself, "Commissioner Li is actually a very good person. ”

Back in the office area, Instructor Zhu tapped the table and said with a smile: "Ha, I think there is a bit of a possibility between the 'big tall man' and Yao Xin." When the old company commander heard this, he frowned, shook his head with a slight smile, and said, "Old Zhu, you are really foolish." That Yao Xin looks sweet, how could he fall in love with that 'big tall man'. ”

Instructor Zhu said confidently: "I'm not just talking about it, you can observe it." If this does not work, I will go to the Peacock River and catch fish for you to eat. "His confidence reveals professionalism and firmness, and his grasp of things is by no means open. If you are in doubt, you might as well wait and see how he wins. If he did, it would be a manifestation of his insight; Otherwise, he will prove his determination and sincerity by taking matters into his own hands, including fishing from the Peacock River. His words were simple and clear, revealing a strong determination and confidence.

Soon after, Yao Xin and Li Yinsheng, known as the "big black man", made their relationship public. The old company commander came to Yao Xin and asked with concern: "Xiao Yao, you know that Li Yinsheng is a well-known 'black man' in our company, marriage is a major event in life, you have to think carefully." Yao Xin replied, "Company commander, you don't just care about appearance, do you?" What I liked was Mr. Lee's charisma, not the color of his skin. He can persist in carrying water in the cooking class for eight years, who else can have such perseverance except him? Her words made the old company commander feel a little ashamed, and he hurriedly smiled and said, "Okay! Very good! When the time comes, I will officiate at your wedding. He understood Yao Xin's determination and choice, and respected her decision.

At the end of that year, the strong Li Yinsheng and the beautiful Yao Xin entered the wedding hall and tied the knot happily. The story of the tall man marrying a petite and beautiful wife quickly spread among the ranks, and the soldiers discussed the matter as soon as they had time, using it as a topic of entertainment, and at the same time spreading it as a good story in the Second Agricultural Division.

Past events of the Corps: The big black man married a beautiful wife, and the instructor said that this was not a messy mandarin duck score

Master Li's marriage problem has finally been satisfactorily resolved. During this period, the great news of Instructor Zhu's promotion also came, and he was transferred to the regiment as the deputy political commissar. Instructor Zhu once said that if Master Li's marital problems were not properly handled, he would always be worried in his heart and would not be able to go to work in the group with peace of mind. In fact, the reason why Master Li's marriage problem was successfully resolved was because Instructor Zhu secretly pulled the strings for him. At the beginning, Yao Xin's decision to be transferred to the cooking class was also due to Instructor Zhu's clever plan. Everything went as he wished, the marriage problem was solved, and Instructor Zhu was able to go to his new post with peace of mind.

Yao Xin's married life is very happy, which is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. She was convinced that her wisest decision would be to find a husband who was satisfied. She always taught her daughter with her own experience that when choosing a partner, you should not only look at the appearance, but more importantly, look at the character and inner beauty of the other party. She firmly believes that this is the cornerstone of a long-lasting and happy relationship. Yao Xin has always emphasized that true happiness does not come from the attraction of appearance, but from the inner acquaintance and fit. She hopes that her daughter can find someone who is truly worthy of trust.

After Li Yinsheng retired, she returned to her hometown of Hangzhou with Yao Xin. He said that Yao Xin grew up here and has become accustomed to life here. He said that as a man, it doesn't matter where he lives, as long as Yao Xin feels happy in life, he is satisfied. He chose to return to Hangzhou with Yao Xin, probably because he felt that life would be happier in her familiar hometown.

At present, Li Yinsheng and his wife still live in the beautiful city of Hangzhou, while their family lives in the bustling city of Shanghai. The life of their family is very happy and enjoyable. Mr. and Mrs. Li mentioned that although they cherish their time in Hangzhou, especially his wife, who loves life here, they are also planning for the future. Li Yinsheng said that when they were old and unable to take care of themselves on their own, they would move to Shanghai to live with their daughter and son-in-law. They hope to stay in Hangzhou for an extra year and enjoy the good time here.