
The Immortal Red Army, the Eternal Soul of the Party -- The reporter visited the accounts of five centenarian Red Army veterans


Beijing, 29 Jun (Xinhua) -- The Red Army is an indelible military number.

The Long March, a heroic epic full of pride.

From 1934 to 2024, a full 90 years have passed since the departure of the Long March of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. Are they doing well?

On the occasion of the party's 103rd birthday, Xinhua News Agency reporters embarked on a search journey with great anticipation and found five old Red Army soldiers, including one Tibetan Red Army female soldier of the year.

They are all 100 years old, the oldest is 109 years old.

Lanzhou, Gansu, the 940th Hospital of the Joint Logistics Support Force. Bao Yanzhang, a 101-year-old veteran of the Red Army, ushered in the 76th anniversary of joining the party before "July 1st".

"All the physical examination indicators are very good, and the mental state is also very good." Ding Xiaohan, director of the department, introduced. The medical staff bought cakes and celebrated a "political birthday" for the elderly in the ward.

Bao Yanzhang was as happy as a child, got up very early, and specially instructed his daughter Bao Junfeng: "Put on a party member badge for me." ”

Although he has forgotten many things, Bao Yanzhang still remembers the time and place of joining the party 76 years ago, and can even recite the oath of joining the party from beginning to end with a strong Ansai accent in northern Shaanxi.

When reading "Never Betray the Party", Bao Yanzhang used all his strength.

The Immortal Red Army, the Eternal Soul of the Party -- The reporter visited the accounts of five centenarian Red Army veterans

↑On June 24, 2024, Bao Yanzhang, a veteran of the Red Army, exchanged views with the medical staff of the 940th Hospital of the Joint Logistics Support Force. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Ding Xiaohan)

Lu'an, Anhui Province, a self-built small courtyard. Hu Zhengxian, 106, is an 86-year-old party member. This "red ghost", who participated in the revolution at the age of 12 and later experienced the Long March, has been a carpenter for three generations, and has never eaten a full meal before joining the Red Army.

With his father's entrustment that "you have to find another way to live", Hu Zhengxian grew from an illiterate soldier to one of the first batch of technical investigators of the Red Army, known as the "Red Wind Listener".

"I have done one thing in my life: follow the party and work hard for the party's cause." Hu Zhengxian said that the "way to live" he found was to "follow the party."

The Immortal Red Army, the Eternal Soul of the Party -- The reporter visited the accounts of five centenarian Red Army veterans

↑On June 25, 2024, the reporter interviewed Hu Zhengxian (center), a veteran of the Red Army, in Lu'an City, Anhui Province. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Sun Xiaodong)

Taiyuan, Shanxi, the 985th Hospital of the Joint Logistics Support Force. 106-year-old Ma Zhixuan's ears are a little back, and when he eats breakfast, he needs to wear headphones to listen to the news on TV.

Ma Zhixuan, who served as the head of the main regiment during the war years, is still concerned about the international situation.

Three times over the meadow, two climbed the snowy mountain. Ma Zhixuan's father, Ma Tianfu, and his third brother, Ma Lixuan, died on the way to the Long March and in the Hexi Corridor respectively, and only Ma Zhixuan looked forward to victory.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Ma Zhixuan, who had two gunshot wounds on his body, was appointed as the first chief of a warehouse. After receiving the order, Ma Zhixuan only asked someone to bring a message to his wife, and then plunged into Taihang Mountain.

In 1955, the Chinese People's Liberation Army conferred the title for the first time, and Ma Zhixuan was awarded the rank of colonel. Some people say that he is too much of a loss, at least he should be a colonel. Ma Zhixuan waved his hand: "What rank should those who sacrificed be awarded?" ”

The Immortal Red Army, the Eternal Soul of the Party -- The reporter visited the accounts of five centenarian Red Army veterans

↑On June 23, 2024, Ma Zhixuan (second from left), a veteran of the Red Army, was interviewed by reporters at the 985th Hospital of the Joint Logistics Support Force. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Yun

felt that he was not a loss, and Min Jingde, who was also awarded the rank of colonel in the same year. The children said: "He felt that it was not easy for him to survive, and he never felt that he had any credit. ”

Nanjing, Jiangsu, Eastern Theater General Hospital. With 4 gunshot wounds on his body and 2 shrapnel in his body, Min Jingde, who has experienced a hundred battles, has not talked much in his life and rarely talks about his combat experience.

Unfortunately, the 109-year-old Min Jingde has a language barrier, and may no longer be able to tell the stories of the southern and northern wars in person.

The Immortal Red Army, the Eternal Soul of the Party -- The reporter visited the accounts of five centenarian Red Army veterans

↑On June 21, 2024, the reporter interviewed Min Jingde (first from right), a veteran of the Red Army, in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Wang Cheng)

In a dry retreat in Dujiangyan, Sichuan, Wang Quanying, a female soldier of the Tibetan Red Army, had just celebrated her 103rd birthday, and her daughters made their mother's birthday simple and lively.

On the arduous Long March, the female soldiers of the Red Army experienced brutal battles, high-intensity marches and harsh environments. In 1935, 14-year-old Wang Quanying joined the Red Fourth Front Army on the Long March in Jinchuan, Sichuan. In less than a year, Wang Quanying lost contact with the troops during the battle of Danba and later settled in Anjia, Sichuan.

Until 1984, Wang Quanying was recognized by the civil affairs department as a wanderer in the Red Army and enjoyed the preferential treatment of retired soldiers.

He did not personally experience the revolution leading to victory, nor did he join the party, nor did he even write his own name, but Wang Quanying was full of admiration and gratitude for the party and the Red Army. In the hearts of the old man, the party and the Red Army are the same concept.

Loyalty, optimism, gratitude, contentment, regardless of personal gains and losses, are the common character traits of the five 100-year-old Red Army veterans.

Daughter Liu Guihua said that every time she asked Wang Quanying "Is the Red Army good?" she would say: "Good!" Good! The Red Army gave us food. While doing needlework, Wang Quanying joked with the people around him, looking forward to a happy life at the age of 120.

The Immortal Red Army, the Eternal Soul of the Party -- The reporter visited the accounts of five centenarian Red Army veterans

↑On June 24, 2024, in Dujiangyan City, Sichuan Province, Wang Quanying (right), a veteran of the Red Army, shook hands with reporters and said goodbye. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Bingxuan

Despite his advanced age, paying party dues on time has always been regarded by the veterans of the Red Army as a concrete embodiment of fulfilling the obligations of party members. If he is sick and hospitalized, he will contact the dry rest center to make up for it as soon as he is discharged from the hospital. Every time he entrusts his daughter to pay the party dues, Hu Zhengxian will ask: "Did you pay the party dues for me?" The old man was so forgetful that he would continue to ask, "Did you pay the party fee for me?" ”

In the course of teaching by word and deed, the party spirit is transformed into a fine family style. In 2019, Min Jingde gave him the commemorative medal of "Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China" issued by the state to his grandson Min Bin, and at the same time gave him 8 words: Work hard to build the country.

Ma Zhixuan's hopes for the younger generations are hidden in the names he gave to his children. Korea, Chaoping, and Korea...... Each one is oriented towards the party and the country. "He has always demanded that we build the motherland well." The second son, Ma Chaoping, said.

Time passes, and those eventful years will eventually fade away. It is gratifying to note that the veterans of the Red Army have received the care and care of the party and the government as well as the whole society in their old age.

In Dujiangyan, Wang Quanying, a female soldier of the Red Army, can enjoy a living allowance from the government every month. Although Ma Zhixuan's speech was already vague and his Sichuan accent was very strong, Cheng Xin, the director of the Cadre Rest Center, could still accurately "translate" every sentence of Ma Lao, which was the "ear skill" practiced in daily work. (Reporter Li Yun, Li Bingxuan, Li Minggang, Li Xiaoming, Han Xueyang)
