
What are the highlights of digital village construction

author:China Gansu Net
What are the highlights of digital village construction

China Gansu Net, June 28 (Northwest Corner, China Gansu Net reporter Cheng Jian) On June 28, the Gansu Provincial Digital Village Construction Site Promotion Conference was held in Pingliang. The meeting fully implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 20th Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee, thoroughly implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the "three rural" work, summarized the effectiveness of the province's digital village construction, arranged and deployed key tasks, and coordinated the development and improvement of the province's digital village work.

In recent years, all localities and departments in the province have conscientiously implemented the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, in-depth implementation of digital rural development actions, and the province's network information system has continued to increase overall coordination and policy support, and the construction of digital villages has achieved positive results, providing strong support for comprehensively promoting the province's rural revitalization and accelerating the modernization of agriculture and rural areas.

In 2023, 4,716 new 5G base stations will be built in rural areas in the province, achieving continuous 5G network coverage in areas above townships and towns, and more than 60% of administrative villages will have 5G network coverage. The coverage rate of optical fiber broadband network and 4G network in administrative villages has reached more than 99%, and the digital development of infrastructure in the fields of highways, environmental protection, meteorology, natural resources, health care, and public security monitoring has also been steadily promoted. Nearly ten agricultural information service platforms, such as the Gansu provincial platform of China's agricultural product supply and demand analysis system, agricultural product quality and safety traceability, and "12316", tend to improve their functions.

What are the highlights of digital village construction

More than 16,000 villages (communities) in 86 counties and districts and more than 1,400 towns (streets) in the province have opened service sub-sites in the Gansu government service network, releasing a total of 765,000 government service items, and equipped with 1,710 government service self-service terminals to achieve self-service declaration and handling of more than 4,600 high-frequency service items.

The online sales of agricultural products in the province reached 27.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 11.16%. Through the "Gannon Cloud" platform, farmers are supported to use their mobile phones to learn at any time, and about 160,000 students have registered. Since 2023, the province has held 57 training sessions of the "I@ Gansu Internet Enrichment Expo" network anchor training for new farmers in the Internet Information Campaign, achieving full coverage in 14 cities, prefectures and Lanzhou New District, and cultivating more than 19,000 new Internet information farmers.

What are the highlights of digital village construction

The meeting pointed out that at present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation has developed in depth, new technologies have accelerated their evolution, accelerated the transformation and upgrading of industrial digitalization, intelligence and greening, and profoundly changed the mode of agricultural production, rural governance and farmers' lifestyles. Accelerate the construction of an effective path to become a cyber power and a digital China.

The meeting emphasized that at present, the construction of digital villages is still facing problems and challenges such as unbalanced regional development. All localities and departments in the province should take the liberation and development of digital productivity and the stimulation of the endogenous power of rural revitalization as the main direction of attack, focus on consolidating rural digital infrastructure, focus on developing rural digital economy, focus on prospering rural digital culture, focus on improving the efficiency of rural digital governance services, focus on improving farmers' digital literacy and skills, and further strengthen the overall coordination, overall promotion and supervision of the implementation of digital rural development in the province.

The meeting required that all localities and departments in the province should adhere to overall planning and coordination and take multiple measures at the same time, and strive to strengthen organizational policy guarantees; Persist in consolidating the foundation and expanding applications, and better play the role of digital empowerment; Adhere to demand-driven and problem-oriented, and strive to improve the effectiveness of key work; Adhere to the overall promotion and key breakthroughs, and actively explore characteristic development paths; Adhere to government guidance and market leadership, and continue to enhance endogenous development momentum; Adhere to the pilot and demonstration guidance, consolidate the security foundation of digital villages, drive the modernization of agriculture and rural areas with informatization, help the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas, and strive to write a new chapter in the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Gansu.

What are the highlights of digital village construction

At the meeting, a video of informatization empowering Gansu digital village construction was played; Representatives of Heilongjiang Province and Chongqing Municipality, representatives of Gaolan County, Gaotai County and Yumen City, three national digital village pilot projects in Gansu Province, and representatives of China Telecom Gansu Company made exchange speeches respectively; The participants also visited the Jinghechuan 10,000 Mu Modern Agricultural Industrial Park in Kongtong District, the Shengli Smart Agriculture Project in Pingliang City, and the Xinli Village Digital Village Comprehensive Information Service Cloud Platform.

98 people attended the meeting, including relevant persons in charge of provincial and municipal internet information departments, agricultural and rural departments, and member units of the provincial digital village construction joint conference mechanism.