
Countdown to 10 days! What are the highlights of Hong Xiuzhu's trip to the mainland?

author:Reliable noodle r9M

Countdown to 10 days! What are the highlights of Hong Xiuzhu's trip to the mainland? To answer this question, we should recall a previous speech from her.

Countdown to 10 days! What are the highlights of Hong Xiuzhu's trip to the mainland?

In fact, the news of her future visit to the mainland was revealed as early as April when Mr. Ma came. She gave the news in an interview, and she said at the time that she would lead about 200 Taiwanese young people to Hangzhou to participate in the Youth Development Forum.

So, everyone has to ask: Isn't it strange or not, in addition to her special identity, what else is there to see? It's not like Mr. Ma, who took a few people for a walk and went back.

In fact, if some friends think so, they may not have noticed the special features of her arrangement.

Countdown to 10 days! What are the highlights of Hong Xiuzhu's trip to the mainland?

We know that Mr. Ma's exchange was actually relatively one-way. In other words, their group just watched and walked along the way, stopping to continue visiting, but there was no in-depth communication. Only when I was at Peking University, there were some exchanges between young people, but at other times there were relatively few because their itinerary was too intensive, from south to north, through three provinces and cities, and the time was only about ten days.

However, the group brought by Hong Xiuzhu this time is two-way, and there should be two main highlights.

First, in terms of time, they will stay in Hangzhou from July 6 to 12 for seven days. This means that there is plenty of time to attend the entire forum, rather than just the opening or closing. A long time means more opportunities to communicate, and they only stay in one place for seven days, which is different from Mr. Ma's frequent change of location before.

Countdown to 10 days! What are the highlights of Hong Xiuzhu's trip to the mainland?

This allows them to participate in forums during the day and explore the city at night to learn more about the local culture and interact with the locals.

Second, in terms of modalities, they will adopt a grouping approach. For example, what is the advantage of dividing the 200 people into 10 groups of 20 people each, and then having the same 200 land personnel talk to them one-on-one?

Countdown to 10 days! What are the highlights of Hong Xiuzhu's trip to the mainland?

If you look at it superficially.

Secondly, eating and living together can deepen the friendship between us, and if we group these people, there will not be a situation where "there are too many people to let go".

And from these small details, it can be seen that Hong Xiuzhu is really attentive, and this method is also relatively unique. Personally, I believe that this way to promote cross-strait youth exchanges may be more useful than Mr. Ma's.

Countdown to 10 days! What are the highlights of Hong Xiuzhu's trip to the mainland?

Of course, in all fairness, the author personally prefers Hong Xiuzhu, she is more upright and bold, especially at the level of speaking, we will find that if we look back at her classic quotations, it sounds exciting.

At the end of the story, in fact, the author compares these two people, and I don't want to explain anything. Both of us deserve to be respected for our common cause, and we welcome them. So, what are everyone's expectations for Sister Hong's visit?


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