
Fat Donglai announced the report on the "rolling dough" incident: 100,000 customers who complained about it were rewarded and 8.83 million were compensated!

author:Daewoo Shiwen 431

The food safety storm caused by a bowl of rolling dough, Fat Donglai is heavily punished!

In this scorching summer, a bowl of seemingly ordinary rolling dough has set off a monstrous wave of food safety in Xinxiang, Henan. On the evening of June 25, a customer exposed the poor sanitation of the "rolling dough" processing site of a joint venture catering merchant in Xinxiang Fat Donglai Supermarket on the short video platform, but he did not expect that this move not only made him receive a cash reward of 100,000 yuan, but also triggered a series of jaw-dropping chain reactions.

Fat Donglai announced the report on the "rolling dough" incident: 100,000 customers who complained about it were rewarded and 8.83 million were compensated!

Fat Donglai, a well-known retail giant in Henan, has always won the trust of consumers with its concept of "honest management". This food safety incident gave them a slap in the face. In the face of the crisis, Fat Donglai's reaction speed and handling strength are really eye-catching.

This is the charm of the enterprise: I eat the dough rolling, but I will not refund 1,000 yuan, because Fat Donglai treats himself as a person more than myself! I'm afraid that if Fat Dong comes and leaves, no one will treat me as a human being anymore!

Fat Donglai announced the report on the "rolling dough" incident: 100,000 customers who complained about it were rewarded and 8.83 million were compensated!

After receiving feedback from customers, Fat Donglai immediately took resolute measures. They not only demanded that all the stalls of the joint venture merchants of the catering department of the two stores in Xinxiang be closed, but also set up a special investigation team. This attitude of "it is better to kill a thousand by mistake than to let one go" shows that they have zero tolerance for food safety problems.

Fat Donglai announced the report on the "rolling dough" incident: 100,000 customers who complained about it were rewarded and 8.83 million were compensated!

What is really amazing is the six-page long investigation report released by Fat Donglai at about 2 a.m. on June 27. The report not only discloses the ins and outs of the incident in detail, but also announces a series of astonishing measures:

1. Reward customers with 100,000 yuan in cash. This initiative will undoubtedly encourage more consumers to have the courage to expose food safety problems and contribute to social supervision.

2. Refunds will be given to customers who purchased rolled dough and spicy noodles between June 9 and 19, 2024, and will be compensated with 1,000 yuan per serving. This decision involved 8,833 goods, with a total amount of 8.833 million yuan! This kind of generous compensation not only reflects the sincerity of Fat Donglai, but also uses practical actions to restore consumer confidence.

3. Severe penalties will be imposed on the merchants involved. Not only is a fine of 5,000 yuan, but also the contract is terminated, the cooperation is terminated, and the cabinet is withdrawn within a time limit. Fat Donglai also reserves the right to pursue its legal responsibility, and this thunderous method will undoubtedly have a deterrent effect on other merchants.

4. Serious handling of the relevant responsible persons. The first supervisor and quality controller of the Xinxiang catering department were dismissed due to serious dereliction of duty, and all other management above the squad leader were dismissed. Even the manager of Xinxiang was canceled for year-end benefits due to poor supervision. This top-down accountability system demonstrates Fat Donglai's determination to face up to the problem and scrape the bones to cure the poison.

Fat Donglai announced the report on the "rolling dough" incident: 100,000 customers who complained about it were rewarded and 8.83 million were compensated!
Fat Donglai announced the report on the "rolling dough" incident: 100,000 customers who complained about it were rewarded and 8.83 million were compensated!
Fat Donglai announced the report on the "rolling dough" incident: 100,000 customers who complained about it were rewarded and 8.83 million were compensated!
Fat Donglai announced the report on the "rolling dough" incident: 100,000 customers who complained about it were rewarded and 8.83 million were compensated!
Fat Donglai announced the report on the "rolling dough" incident: 100,000 customers who complained about it were rewarded and 8.83 million were compensated!
Fat Donglai announced the report on the "rolling dough" incident: 100,000 customers who complained about it were rewarded and 8.83 million were compensated!

There is much more to this incident than meets the eye. Let's dive a little deeper:

First of all, this incident reflects a gap in the food safety regulatory system. Although Fat Donglai has special quality control personnel and management systems, there are still such serious problems. This shows that there may be formalism and formality in daily supervision. How to establish a truly effective food safety supervision mechanism is worth pondering for all food business operators.

Second, this incident exposed the lack of integrity of some merchants. The deliberate concealment and unauthorized alteration of the processing premises by the merchants involved reflects the fact that some traders do not hesitate to take risks for the sake of profit. How to stick to the bottom line in the fierce market competition is a test that every merchant needs to face.

Moreover, this incident also reflects the awakening of consumer rights and interests protection. The courage and action of reporting customers not only protect their own rights and interests, but also seek benefits for the majority of consumers. This kind of active participation in social supervision deserves recognition and encouragement.

Finally, Fat Donglai's handling also triggered some thoughts. On the one hand, their decisive response and large reparations have undoubtedly won the public's favor; But on the other hand, does it also reflect that there are negligences in their daily management?

Would such a high cost be avoided if day-to-day monitoring was in place?

1. Food safety is no small matter. Both operators and consumers should always tighten this string.

2. Integrity management is the lifeline of an enterprise. The temptation of temporary profits cannot withstand the long-term benefits brought by integrity.

3. Crisis handling capability is one of the core competitiveness of enterprises. Fat Donglai's decisive response and handling measures have restored public confidence to a certain extent, and this kind of crisis public relations is worth learning from other enterprises.

4. The power of public scrutiny should not be underestimated. Every consumer should have the courage to expose problems and contribute to the creation of a safe food environment.

5. Institution-building and implementation are equally important. If a perfect system is not strictly enforced, it will be just a dead letter.

In this era of high transparency, any issue related to food safety can cause a storm of public opinion. For enterprises, instead of struggling to cope with it after the fact, it is better to strictly control it in daily operations. For consumers, they should also keep their eyes open and have the courage to defend their rights. Only when everyone does their part can our food safety environment be truly improved.

This is a classic case of dealing with public opinion, not covering up, not shirking, and being responsible.

Fat Donglai announced the report on the "rolling dough" incident: 100,000 customers who complained about it were rewarded and 8.83 million were compensated!

Fat Donglai's crisis handling can be said to be very happy, and it has also sounded the alarm for other enterprises. However, what we are more looking forward to seeing is that there will be no more such incidents in the future. Everyone can eat with peace of mind, this is our common expectation.

Let us supervise together, work together, and contribute to creating a safe and honest consumer environment!