
Guidelines for the prevention and detection of cancer in women at an age of high incidence

author:Xiaofang medical science
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When many people reach middle age, some of the body's organs begin to decline and their functions deteriorate, which seems to be an irreversible phenomenon. But with timely prevention and regular check-ups, we can still effectively stay away from many diseases, especially cancer.

Declining physical function and cancer risk

In middle age, women's bodily functions inevitably begin to decline. With age, the deterioration of organ function becomes a natural phenomenon.

In particular, the function of some key organs such as the ovaries and uterus is reduced, which greatly increases the risk of cancer. The symptoms of cancer in the early stages are often subtle, which also makes diagnosis difficult.

Guidelines for the prevention and detection of cancer in women at an age of high incidence

Common female cancers such as cervical, endometrial and ovarian cancers can easily be overlooked or mistaken for mild diseases, thus missing the best time for treatment. This situation is particularly noteworthy.

We have to face the fact that the body of middle-aged women is in a delicate state of balance, and the slightest carelessness can lead to health problems. Therefore, paying attention to changes in physical functions and having regular health check-ups is the key to cancer prevention.

The importance of routine gynaecological check-ups

Routine gynaecological check-ups are a key tool for early detection and prevention of cancer in women. An annual comprehensive gynecological check-up can help women stay informed about their health and identify potential problems.

Physical examination items include uterine adnexal ultrasonography, endometrial echo and endometrial thickness assessment, and adnexal examination. These tests can help doctors detect abnormalities in the lining of the uterus, cysts, and fluid dark areas.

Guidelines for the prevention and detection of cancer in women at an age of high incidence

Uterine adnexal ultrasound is an ultrasound that detects the condition of the uterus and its appendages to see if there is an abnormal mass. This test is painless and non-invasive, and provides a very visual view of the condition of the uterus and ovaries.

An endometrial echo test can determine whether the endometrium is normal thick, and if the lining is too thick or too thin, it may indicate an underlying problem.

Guidelines for the prevention and detection of cancer in women at an age of high incidence

Examination of the adnexal area is done to detect cysts or other abnormalities in the ovaries and fallopian tubes. These test results, combined with clinical symptoms, can help doctors develop a personalized treatment plan and intervene in time to prevent the condition from worsening.

Cervical TCT and HPV testing

Cervical TCT is an advanced cervical cancer screening technique with a very high detection rate. It can detect cervical cancer and its precancerous lesions at an early stage through the fine observation of cervical cells.

Cervical TCT is one of the most effective cervical cancer screening methods, with a very high accuracy rate and can detect early cancerous phenomena and even some subtle cellular changes.

Regular HPV testing is equally important. HPV is a human papillomavirus, and certain high-risk HPV infections are the main causative factors for cervical cancer.

Guidelines for the prevention and detection of cancer in women at an age of high incidence

Through HPV testing, it is possible to determine whether you are infected with high-risk HPV and thus enable early intervention and treatment. HPV testing is not only for women over the age of 45, regular testing is recommended for all women who are sexually active, especially those who have multiple sexual partners or a history of unsafe sex.

What to do if you have symptoms

If a woman experiences uncomfortable symptoms such as foreign body sensation and tingling in her daily life, it is very necessary to seek medical attention in time. Self-monitoring and recording of symptoms can help doctors better understand the condition and make more precise treatment plans. Avoid self-medication.

Guidelines for the prevention and detection of cancer in women at an age of high incidence

Through the above measures, women can effectively prevent and control the occurrence and progression of cancer. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, regular check-ups, timely medical treatment and scientific care can help women better protect their health at a high risk age. Hopefully, this article will help you become more health-conscious, take proactive precautions, and enjoy a healthy life.

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