
#头条创作挑战赛 ##李一桐身上爬蜈蚣被提醒抱拳感谢#粉丝们焦急地试图引起李一桐的注意 because there was a huge centipede crawling on her lap

author:Pick up the fox

#头条创作挑战赛##李一桐身上爬蜈蚣被提醒抱拳感谢#粉丝们焦急地试图引起李一桐的注意, because there was a huge centipede crawling on her lap, but she didn't realize it, and still maintained an innocent smile. The fans' worries and anxieties almost overflowed the screen, and they desperately wanted to remind her, but it seemed that it was too late.

It wasn't until the centipede was inadvertently noticed by Li Yitong and tried to deal with it on its own that she discovered this frightening truth. She scrambled to try to get the centipede away from her, but apparently it wasn't a simple matter.

At this critical moment, Liu Yuning appeared in time, and he quickly and calmly helped Li Yitong shake his sleeves and successfully shook the centipede off her body. Seeing the huge centipede fall to the ground, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but the panic in their hearts was still difficult to calm. Such an experience undoubtedly left a deep impression on everyone present.

#头条创作挑战赛 ##李一桐身上爬蜈蚣被提醒抱拳感谢#粉丝们焦急地试图引起李一桐的注意 because there was a huge centipede crawling on her lap
#头条创作挑战赛 ##李一桐身上爬蜈蚣被提醒抱拳感谢#粉丝们焦急地试图引起李一桐的注意 because there was a huge centipede crawling on her lap
#头条创作挑战赛 ##李一桐身上爬蜈蚣被提醒抱拳感谢#粉丝们焦急地试图引起李一桐的注意 because there was a huge centipede crawling on her lap

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