
Admonish the old people who go back to the village to care for the elderly, even if they are rich and powerful, these 5 things must not be done

author:Worry-free evening breeze writes articles


Admonish the old people who go back to the village to care for the elderly, even if they are rich and powerful, these 5 things must not be done


The hustle and bustle of the city has exhausted many people, and the construction of the new countryside has made the countryside more and more charming.

Many retired elderly people have the idea of returning to the countryside to retire. Although the countryside is beautiful, it also has its own unique human feelings and rules.

For those elderly people who insist on returning to the village to retire, there are some things that can be treated with caution.

As someone from a rural background, I know the doorway. Returning to the countryside to retire for the elderly seems to be beautiful, but in fact it hides a mystery.

Can it really be as comfortable as you imagined?

It's really hard to say. The situation in the countryside is far more complicated than it seems.


Many retired elderly people want to go back to the countryside to retire and be at ease, but in practice, there are a lot of troubles.

Admonish the old people who go back to the village to care for the elderly, even if they are rich and powerful, these 5 things must not be done
Admonish the old people who go back to the village to care for the elderly, even if they are rich and powerful, these 5 things must not be done
Admonish the old people who go back to the village to care for the elderly, even if they are rich and powerful, these 5 things must not be done
Admonish the old people who go back to the village to care for the elderly, even if they are rich and powerful, these 5 things must not be done
Admonish the old people who go back to the village to care for the elderly, even if they are rich and powerful, these 5 things must not be done
Admonish the old people who go back to the village to care for the elderly, even if they are rich and powerful, these 5 things must not be done
Admonish the old people who go back to the village to care for the elderly, even if they are rich and powerful, these 5 things must not be done

When you go back to the countryside to retire, you can have a long snack, don't block yourself because of these things.

【Sublimation at the end】

Returning to the countryside for the elderly is to pursue a quiet and comfortable life, don't let these five things spoil the good mood.

It's like walking in the garden and trying to enjoy the view, but you accidentally step on a mud puddle.

Admonish the old people who go back to the village to care for the elderly, even if they are rich and powerful, these 5 things must not be done

The countryside is our root, and we also need to integrate with wisdom and protect that tranquility with a low profile.

Don't let the red things become a barrier between us and the countryside, just like don't let the dark clouds obscure the sunshine that should shine on the countryside.

Admonish the old people who go back to the village to care for the elderly, even if they are rich and powerful, these 5 things must not be done

Let's behave in peace of mind, in moderation, in the countryside this land,