
The audience was pinched by Yu Zheng again? Respecting the audience and listening to the audience is a quality that should be had

author:Explode to eat melons
The audience was pinched by Yu Zheng again? Respecting the audience and listening to the audience is a quality that should be had

In the ever-changing world of the entertainment industry, Yu Zheng's name has always coexisted with topics and controversies. But recently, the screenwriter and producer seems to have ushered in the second spring of his career, and a "Ink Rain and Clouds" not only made the audience watch it with relish, but also made Yu Zheng gain a lot of "passerby fans". No, the show hasn't finished yet, and the extra has already been arranged, this speed, this efficiency, is faster than the takeaway brother!

The audience was pinched by Yu Zheng again? Respecting the audience and listening to the audience is a quality that should be had

Speaking of "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds", the biggest highlight of this drama is "respect for the audience". In this era of "daddy" film and television dramas, the audience always seems to be forced to accept some inexplicable values. But "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds" is different, it is like a clear stream, which is refreshing. There is no high-minded moral preaching in the play, only down-to-earth characters and plots. The heroine Xue Fangfei is not a virgin, she has her own goals and ambitions, and she can do whatever it takes to get revenge. This kind of real and unpretentious character design makes the audience addicted.

Moreover, "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds" also knows how to satisfy the emotional value of the audience. In this era of the proliferation of big heroine dramas, the audience has long been tired of the kind of wife literature dressed in the garb of a big heroine. But "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds" is different, it clarifies two main lines, one is the heroine's path of revenge, and the other is the entanglement between her and Jiang Li. The plot is compact and not procrastinating, so that the audience can't stop watching. In particular, the decisiveness and determination of the heroine Xue Fangfei made the audience applaud. She not only clarified her goals, but also drew a clear line with the male lead. This kind of plot setting that doesn't drag the mud and water is really addictive.

The audience was pinched by Yu Zheng again? Respecting the audience and listening to the audience is a quality that should be had

Of course, in addition to the attractive plot, the cast of "Ink Rain and Clouds" is also a highlight. The combination of Wang Xingyue and Wu Jinyan is eye-catching, and the interaction between the two in the play is even sweeter. In order to meet the expectations of fans, Yu Zheng also specially arranged a variety of interviews, live broadcasts and magazine cover shoots. No, the side story has already started filming in full swing, and it is said that even the "daughter" is there! This speed is really admirable.

But having said that, Yu Zheng's success this time relied on his respect and listening to the audience. In this era of "fans are king", it is rare to be able to really take the needs of fans to heart. Yu Zheng not only actively cooperated with the audience's interaction, but also rushed to shoot the side story while the iron was hot. This kind of pampering for fans is really touching.

The audience was pinched by Yu Zheng again? Respecting the audience and listening to the audience is a quality that should be had

Overall, the success of "Ink Rain and Clouds" is not accidental, it has successfully attracted the attention of the audience with its concept of respecting the audience and satisfying the audience's emotional value, as well as a strong cast and compact plot setting. And Yu Zheng also successfully turned over with this drama, from "black" to "light black", and is even expected to become "pink". It seems that in the entertainment industry, as long as you work hard, you can always gain the love and recognition of the audience.

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