
Guo Youcai turned around gorgeously, and the first stop of the traditional culture tour encountered a report turmoil!

author:Fengwen is often published

Guo Youcai turned around gorgeously, and the first stop of the traditional culture tour encountered a report turmoil!

Guo Youcai turned around gorgeously, and the first stop of the traditional culture tour encountered a report turmoil!

The changes in the entertainment industry are really dazzling! Let's talk about the recent popular Internet celebrity Guo Youcai, his unique live broadcast style makes people can't stop watching it, in just half a month, the live broadcast income has exceeded the million mark, and he has become a superstar in the Internet celebrity industry! However, the position of this phenomenal anchor is not so easy to sit in, and Guo Youcai also feels the crisis of his declining popularity.

Guo Youcai turned around gorgeously, and the first stop of the traditional culture tour encountered a report turmoil!

Hey, this young man is really smart, and when he saw that the momentum was not right, he immediately gave himself a gorgeous turn. He is no longer satisfied with simple singing live broadcasts, but has embarked on a national tour to promote traditional culture. This immediately exploded his fans, and they all said that they wanted to follow in his footsteps and see how he interpreted the charm of traditional culture on the stage.

Guo Youcai turned around gorgeously, and the first stop of the traditional culture tour encountered a report turmoil!

The first stop was chosen in the ancient city of Phoenix in Hunan, oops, it is really a good place with beautiful mountains and rivers! As soon as Guo Youcai appeared, the scene was crowded, and everyone took out their mobile phones to take photos and videos, for fear of missing the wonderful performance of this Internet celebrity. The live broadcast of the day was also a hot mess, the number of viewers soared, and the barrage flew all over the sky, which was even more lively than the New Year!

Guo Youcai turned around gorgeously, and the first stop of the traditional culture tour encountered a report turmoil!

But how can there be anything perfect in this world? Just when everyone was applauding Guo Youcai's performance, a storm quietly came. Some netizens reported with their real names that Guo Youcai's performance was not reported and recognized by the relevant local departments, isn't this a violation? This time, Guo Youcai was pushed to the cusp.

Guo Youcai turned around gorgeously, and the first stop of the traditional culture tour encountered a report turmoil!

However, this scenic spot is quite good at throwing the pot, they said that the performance venue is located in the commercial street outside the scenic spot, so they are not responsible for this matter. This made netizens explode, and some supported Guo Youcai, thinking that he really wanted to promote traditional culture; Others feel that he is too commercial, using traditional culture as a tool to make money.

Guo Youcai turned around gorgeously, and the first stop of the traditional culture tour encountered a report turmoil!

In fact, this is not the first time that Guo Youcai has faced such doubts. As early as June 10, in the live broadcast, he took the theme of promoting traditional culture, and was complained by some netizens. These netizens felt that his behavior was too commercial, and even equated opposition to him with opposition to traditional culture. It's really laughable!

Guo Youcai turned around gorgeously, and the first stop of the traditional culture tour encountered a report turmoil!

Now, this Guo Youcai has been reported on the first stop of his tour, which is really sweating! This netizen's real-name report undoubtedly brought a lot of pressure to Guo Youcai. He is now like being roasted on a fire, and if he is not careful, he may be doomed!

Guo Youcai turned around gorgeously, and the first stop of the traditional culture tour encountered a report turmoil!

But ah, then again, this Guo Youcai is really courageous! He dared to challenge tradition and innovate, and this spirit is still worthy of recognition. Although his performance has been reported, it does not mean that he is a bad person or an irresponsible person. After all, everyone makes mistakes sometimes!

Guo Youcai turned around gorgeously, and the first stop of the traditional culture tour encountered a report turmoil!

Moreover, Guo Youcai's transformation attempt is not fruitless. Although his national tour has encountered some twists and turns, it has also attracted a lot of attention and participation. This also shows that he still has a certain market appeal and influence. As long as he can seriously sum up the lessons and ensure that future performances are compliant and legal, then he still has a lot of room for development.

Guo Youcai turned around gorgeously, and the first stop of the traditional culture tour encountered a report turmoil!

Overall, although Guo Youcai's transformation attempt is full of controversy and challenges, it also shows his courage and determination. In the future, he also needs to continue to explore his own development path on the premise of ensuring compliance. Only in this way can you make your live broadcast career develop more permanently and stably!

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