
The deputy senior professional title has 38 years of service, and he will retire from government institutions in 2024, and the pension will be about how much

author:Idyllic farming

Uncle Zhang is about to retire, but he is not full of expectations like other people who are about to retire, but because of the worry about his pension, he can't sleep at night. After 38 years of hard work in the government, he should have been full of confidence in his future life, but the calculation method and amount of the pension have become a big stone in his heart.

In this special year of 2024, the pension insurance reform of government institutions is in a transitional period, and the old and new policies are intertwined, making the calculation of pensions complex and elusive. Uncle Zhang was worried that his pension would not be enough to maintain his retirement life, so he approached his old friend Professor Li, who had been retired for two years, for advice.

The deputy senior professional title has 38 years of service, and he will retire from government institutions in 2024, and the pension will be about how much

Professor Li met Uncle Zhang while watering the flowers in the community garden, and the two old friends sat on a bench and talked about retirement. Professor Li first shared his life after retirement, reading books, walking his dog, and traveling with his wife every day, and living a very comfortable life. This made Uncle Zhang even more worried about whether his pension was enough.

However, Professor Li quickly calmed Uncle Zhang's emotions and began to explain in detail how the pension was calculated. He told Uncle Zhang that the calculation of pensions is divided into two schemes, the old scheme is mainly based on length of service and rank, while the new scheme pays more attention to individual contributions. According to Uncle Zhang's seniority and rank, he calculated a pension of about 6,000 yuan according to the old plan. However, Professor Li then told Uncle Zhang that due to the policy transition period, the final pension will take the higher value of the new and old schemes.

The deputy senior professional title has 38 years of service, and he will retire from government institutions in 2024, and the pension will be about how much

Then, Professor Li patiently explained the calculation process of the new scheme, including the basic pension, personal account pension and transitional pension. When the final pension amount was mentioned, Uncle Zhang's eyes lit up - according to the new plan, his pension may be as high as more than 7,800 yuan. This number made the doubts in Uncle Zhang's heart disappear, he breathed a long sigh of relief, and his tense face finally relaxed.

Professor Li took the opportunity to encourage Uncle Zhang, telling him that his retirement life is not only about relying on his pension, but also about continuing to use his professional expertise or cultivating new hobbies to enrich his life. He also shared the experiences of several old colleagues he knows who worked as consultants and opened small shops after retirement, which not only increased their income, but also made their lives more meaningful.

The deputy senior professional title has 38 years of service, and he will retire from government institutions in 2024, and the pension will be about how much

Uncle Zhang was deeply inspired after hearing this, and he said that he had always had a dream of writing a book, but he was too busy with work to realize it. Now that I'm retired and have free time, I can write a book properly. After hearing this, Professor Li clapped his hands in agreement, and said that he also had some books on financial management that he could recommend to Uncle Zhang to study.

The two old friends continued to talk about their retirement plans and expectations under the sunset. They agreed that retirement is not the end but the beginning of a new life, and with a stable pension and a positive attitude towards life, they will be able to live a happy and happy retirement life.

The deputy senior professional title has 38 years of service, and he will retire from government institutions in 2024, and the pension will be about how much

This little story conveys an important message: we don't have to worry too much about retirement as we face this important turning point in our lives. The country's pension policy is constantly improving, aiming to ensure our old age. At the same time, we should also actively prepare and plan for the future, whether it is continuing to use our professional expertise or cultivating new hobbies, we can make our retirement life more colorful. The most important thing is to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, face the future life with a positive attitude, and believe that our retirement life will be as full and sweet as ripe fruit.

In this special year of 2024, many friends who are about to retire or have already retired are facing the problem of pension calculation and retirement planning. Through the dialogue between Uncle Zhang and Professor Li, we can learn about the calculation method and influencing factors of pension, as well as the various possibilities of retirement life. This not only gives us a clearer understanding of pensions, but also provides useful inspiration for us to plan for retirement. Let's cherish the present and plan for the future, so that our retirement life is both secure and fun.

The deputy senior professional title has 38 years of service, and he will retire from government institutions in 2024, and the pension will be about how much