
Purifying Humanity Chapter 101: The Plan

author:Dust in the dust

Emperor Wu hurriedly explained: "Actually, what I mean is that Brother Kyushu and Brother Tokyo are both pillars of the country and are related to the safety of the country. If they all stay with me, it will have a profound impact on the country. In fact, it is enough to give us a few second- and third-grade talents, such as Miao Mulan, she is Brother Kyushu's person, if there is anything, Brother Kyushu can still arrange Miao Mulan to do it remotely, and the effect is the same. ”

  Emperor Wu's level of explanation is not high, since he has said this, Zhao Jiuzhou has no choice but to respond: "Okay, I will arrange for Mulan to come over." ”

  Yan Meidan laughed at herself: "I'm already the second-in-command, since Mr. Wu won't take him in, I'll also arrange for someone to come." ”

  Emperor Wu hurriedly smiled to resolve the embarrassment: "Don't you dare to accept it, such important people as you have come to me, and no one in the military tent can do it." Besides, at present, it is relatively safe on this island. It's really not good, can't we postpone moving in for a month or two? ”

  Zhao Jiuzhou's ring machine suddenly sounded, this is an emergency contact ring machine, and he usually only wears this ring machine when he has a meeting. For non-urgent tasks, no one will contact him using this number.

  After Zhao Jiuzhou connected, he heard the first sentence, although he was controlling his facial expressions, through his eyes, he could still see that he had encountered something unusual.

  The call lasted about ten seconds, and the communicator was built into the ear drum, so outsiders could not know the content of the call.

  Zhao Jiuzhou looked at Minister Chen, the two have been friends for many years, and they know each other's inner thoughts through their eyes, Minister Chen nodded, signaling that this matter can be said.

  Zhao Jiuzhou said in a deep voice: "One of our very important docking people died, and besides, he has a family of six, and there is no one left alive." ”

  Wang Kaiwen stood in front of the window of Ran Yaokun's office, looking at this bustling city, as if he had lost his way and had lost his sharp eyes.

  There are just the two of them in the office, Ran Yaokun's face turned a little pale at this time, originally he was listening to Wang Kaiwen in his seat, when Wang Kaiwen told him about the murder of Xu Wenzhao and his family, he was stunned for a while and stood up and walked to Wang Kaiwen's side, and asked in a trembling voice: "When did it happen?" ”

  Wang Kaiwen said in a deep voice: "Just now, Yang Junjie specially called me, saying that they got the news that several important people had visited the worry-free group, and also said that Director Zhao of the Q Division had a lot of their core information. I don't know what he meant by that. Lao Xu and I have a very good relationship, I didn't know he was a double agent. This matter has been fermented to the point of heat, and I have a hunch that similar things will happen again from now on. ”

  Ran Yaokun asked, "Did Yang Junjie kill the person?" ”

  Wang Kaiwen shook his head in a sneer: "I'm not sure, even if he didn't do it, he must know the inside story." Since he took over, he has been dissatisfied with me. Yaokun, I have an ominous premonition that it may be me who will have an accident next. ”

  Ran Yaokun looked at him, a little surprised.

  Wang Kaiwen continued: "Lao Xu is deeply trusted, what I didn't expect was that Lao Xu was a two-faced person, and I don't know how much news Lao Xu revealed. In short, they have long been suspicious of us people. Last time, I went with you to go to Wu Huangla to invest, and this matter has been secretly investigated by Yang Junjie. I've always wanted to get out of their grasp, but I'm too deep to get out. ”

  Ran Yaokun closed his mouth tightly, and his breathing was getting heavier.

  "Yao Kun, as long as you keep your niece and nephew at a distance from Wu You, I guess you shouldn't be in any danger. After all, you only got the investment of the Worry-Free Group, and you have not been close to Emperor Wu for a long time, although you have promised to join the nationality of the Wu State, you have not yet entered the core layer of the Worry-free Group. As long as you keep your distance from now on, you will be safe. ”

  "Don't you really have no way out?"


  Wang Kaiwen's eyes flashed with a look of hope: "I used to think I was one of the most successful people in the world, but now I realize that I am just a puppet under capital." Firmly controlled and toyed with by them, without a trace of resistance, at their mercy. ”

  Ran Yaokun said: "Can you tell me, what exactly did you do?" ”

  The corners of Wang Kaiwen's mouth curled, and he smiled, with a very bitter smile: "I don't say, maybe in your heart, I am still a character, and I can still be your brother." Having said that, you will look down on me, and then despise me, and look down on me. ”

  Ran Yaokun said: "You and I are both businessmen, and few businessmen are clean. Ci is not in charge of the army, righteousness is not in charge of money, businessmen are generals, and companies are fought for. As long as it does not involve damage to national interests and legal aspects, I think it is normal. ”

  Wang Kaiwen looked at the crisscrossing roads and continuous traffic under the high-rise buildings, and confessed to Ran Yaokun: "I have hurt the country and damaged the interests of the country, but I have done it very cleverly, and no one can see it." I always thought I was patriotic and would never do anything to betray my country. Sometimes, once you are manipulated by interests and honor, you can't even notice it when you do it. In short, even if I turn myself in now, I will probably be sentenced to life imprisonment. ”

  Ran Yaokun said: "Then it is better for you to confess everything you know to the country and atone for your guilt than to continue now." Didn't you have a connection with that guy named Yang Junjie? ”

  Wang Kaiwen turned around, his voice suddenly became much louder, and his expression became more solemn at this moment: "Yang Junjie is only a small role at best, and in the whole plan, he can't get into the stream at all." This is no longer an action of one country against another, but a joint strangulation operation of several countries. A character like me, in the whole event, is just a small detail. You may not feel the horror of this conspiracy, and it is even more serious than the division of Yanhuang by the Eight-Nation Alliance. They wanted to completely wipe out Emperor Wu and his island nation, and they were completely destroyed at one time. ”

  Ran Yaokun exclaimed: "Then today they went to visit Emperor Wu, which means that Emperor Wu also knows about this conspiracy against him today?" ”

  Wang Kaiwen's voice dropped a little, and his expression was still very solemn: "Eighty percent know, I don't know how they will deal with it." And we are likely to be wiped out, and if so, maybe we will see each other for the last time. ”

  Ran Yaokun said: "This is in Yanhuang, where did they get so many people?" ”

  Wang Kaiwen smiled helplessly: "Yanhuang has never lacked traitors, especially with such a large population base as Yanhuang, it is even easier to cultivate traitors." I had always thought I was patriotic, but it wasn't until a few days ago that I suddenly woke up to the fact that I was already unwittingly a traitor. Even the people on the island of the worry-free group, who are not bad for money, have their dark lines. Sometimes it's not about money, it's about the weaknesses of individuals, and they are very good at taking advantage of other people's weaknesses to blackmail. For example, some people go for money, some people go for power, and some people go into the water because their family's safety is threatened. In short, they will use all the methods to get you. ”

  Ran Yaokun's face also sank: "It seems that I thought it was simple." ”

  Wang Kaiwen said: "I didn't expect that things would develop so seriously at the beginning, this is the real duel between capitalists and politicians. You and I are all small fish and shrimp in this duel. In the face of great wealth, killing is only the most basic means. I even wondered, will this cause a third world war? And I am more or less a small key point in the cause of this Third World War, is this considered an "honor"? ”

  Ran Yaokun didn't answer and asked: "Are you ready to sacrifice?" What about Ziyue's nephew? Without your protection, even if I try my best to protect him and take care of him, with his dependence on you, do you think he can go on strongly? ”

  When this sentence came to Wang Kaiwen's sore spot, his originally solemn expression suddenly twitched a few times, his eyes were red, and he said weakly: "I have calculated many times in my heart, and this time, no matter what, Emperor Wu and his island country will not be able to resist it." It is nothing more than three results, the first one, Emperor Wu moved to Kauai on time, then these countries united and sentenced Wu to various crimes. If Emperor Wu doesn't want to die, he will hand over all his property, and in the end, Kauai will also be taken away by the United States. Emperor Wu could only return to China at that time, but at that time he had nothing. There are three people around him, and they will definitely be taken away by various countries, and even if they can't be used for it, they will never be let back. ”

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