
The woman sends these signals to show that she is partial to you, don't believe it

author:Uncle Qiao
The woman sends these signals to show that she is partial to you, don't believe it

When two people are together, the woman takes herself as the center of her life, only thinks about her own interests, does not take into account your feelings, and when you ask her to occupy some of her time, she will appear a little impatient and often deal with you.

When she does something that disappoints you, and you give your opinion, and you really hope that she can get better and be able to restrain your face, but the woman doesn't take your opinion seriously, and she still indulges and doesn't consider your feelings, obviously she doesn't have a place for you in her heart.

If a woman has a good impression of you and is willing to give you the opportunity to get close to her, she will naturally treat you kindly, and you will be able to perceive her affection for you by looking at her attitude towards you. In fact, women release these signals to show that she is partial to you, don't believe it!

The woman sends these signals to show that she is partial to you, don't believe it

1. You look for her and give you a "response" as soon as possible.

When you look for her, the woman's attitude is very cold and just coping with you.

When you send her a message, she is too lazy to reply to you, and the message you send her often ends up being "stoned in the sea", and she does not respond to you, and the woman will snub you like this, obviously not taking you seriously.

If a woman is truly in love with you, she sees you pleasing to the eye and wants to have further contact with you, after receiving your message, she will read it quickly and reply to you as soon as possible, and at the same time, when you are looking for her, she will put down the things in her hand and entertain you seriously.

The woman sends these signals to show that she is partial to you, don't believe it

2. If you make a mistake, you will be willing to give you a "chance".

When you make a mistake, the woman tears her face directly at you and yells, "You get out of here." ”

Women have a very bad attitude towards you, they are unwilling to give you a chance to change, they will break up with you at every turn, and they will not give you hope of recovery, women are so ruthless, which means that she is not interesting to you and does not want to have in-depth dealings with you.

On the contrary, a woman has a love for you, looks at you pleasing to the eye, and often focuses on your advantages, even if you show your shortcomings and do something wrong, she will also give you a chance to change, which makes you feel that she is very generous, in fact, women can't do without you, and want to be with you, so they will release such a signal.

The woman sends these signals to show that she is partial to you, don't believe it

3. You give your opinion, and she will take into account your feelings.

When the opposite sex is together, he will inevitably have a time of negligence, at this time, you give an opinion, hoping that he can take care of your feelings and be able to accommodate you, but the man can't listen to your opinion and doesn't take your feelings seriously at all, which means that she is not interesting to you.

If a woman is emotionally attracted to you and prefers you, she will naturally take into account your feelings, and she will pay attention to her image in front of you.

When you give your opinion on her affairs, she will listen to you, take your opinion seriously, often accept your suggestions with an open mind, make changes silently, and often bring surprises to your life.

The woman sends these signals to show that she is partial to you, don't believe it