
Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding

author:Juice entertainment

The drama of "Sister Lang 2024" has finally come to an end!

Looking back, this year's popularity has been slightly inferior to that of previous ones since the announcement of the list, after all, few of the 36 sisters can carry the field.

But fortunately, there are some fresh blood joining, such as Chen Lijun in the opera industry, which is refreshing ⬇️

Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding

Several foreign sisters have contributed to international exchanges, and there are also Internet celebrities, former e-sports players, etc., who have entered the whole sister group to bloom.

Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding

Now, after five performances and two full months, the list of groups has finally been settled!

Let's take a look at the ⬇️ sisters who made their successful debut

Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding

There are a total of 12 people, and the first place is also C, which belongs to Chen Haoyu; The second place is Chen Lijun, who has always been very popular;

3rd Shang Wenjie; Qi Wei, who was the most popular in the previous issues, ranked 4th;

followed by He Jie and Liu Xin, who were born as supergirls;

Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding

singers Yuan Yawei and Sa Dingding ranked 7th and 8th;

The last few on the list are Cai Wenjing ⬇️, who has attracted attention because of her tiger personality

Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding

There are also Liu Yan and French sister Joyce;

The last one is Han Xue ⬇️, who has high requirements for herself, but is not recognized by the audience

Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding

Needless to say, the middle and last sisters in the rankings don't have much attention, and I don't think everyone's attention is too big.

And there will be no big difference in their subsequent resource allocation in this position.

I just don't know if they are satisfied with this result.

Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding

has always formed a group, and the first and second are always the ones with the most attention and controversy, and then there are the card players who have no chance to form a group.

Let's take a look at the card slot first, ranking 13th is Zhang Yuxi ⬇️, who has a delicate appearance and is known as "walking modeling".

Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding

Zhang Yuxi, a debut offended the sound engineer, opened his mouth to sing to silence the audience,

After singing, the backstage repairer shed tears, but she still broke out of the sky with her excellent beauty and rushed to the hot search.

Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding

This early mango probably didn't notice her, including herself, she didn't expect to be noticed by the audience.

was able to stay until the last issue and became a card player, which is not bad for her who is not strong.

Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding

The most puzzling thing is Nicole Zheng, who is ranked last after her.

Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding

At present, everyone is very puzzled by Zheng Nicole ranking first, and the comment area has opened a big mockery of the program group ⬇️

Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding
Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding
Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding

Some say that the program group is like a joke, and some say that the program group is outrageous,

What's even more strange is that Zheng Nike is the ace member of the K-pop girl group, needless to say about her singing and dancing strength, she is probably the most qualified to be a girl group among the 36 people in this session.

As a result, "Riding the Wind and Waves" became the last place, and it was also inexplicable and difficult to convince the public...

Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding

Let's look at the top two, first of all, the first place is Chen Haoyu

In the first phase of the debut competition, she went on stage barefoot and sang a song "Wild Child", her small body has great energy and is full of explosiveness.

Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding

After singing, the audience began to notice this sister who had no such person in the entertainment industry,

found that she debuted for many years, was born as a singer, and signed with a gold record company (but it was acquired not long after), and then fell silent for several years and began acting.

Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding

She has a beautiful appearance, stood out among thousands of people and was selected by the director of "The Legend of Ruyi".

In the follow-up, he also starred in ⬇️ dramas such as "Yi Nian Guan Mountain", "Kyushu Ethereal Record" and "Asking the Heart".

Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding

Although everyone was not very impressed with her at that time,

But after being on "Sister Lang", these experiences were turned out again, and they seemed to have become dusty pearls in the hearts of some people.

Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding

In addition, her own strength is not bad, she has attracted many fans in the show, and her ranking is rising steadily.

From 22nd in the first performance, he rose to 14th, 6th, and in 2nd for the fourth time.

In the end, "Living Up to Expectations" won the first place on the final night and won the C position ⬇️

Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding

In fact, the bullish fan data, her popularity is indeed quite high,

At present, the front row of the comment area is also her fans, and her words are unified, which is "well deserved". ⬇️

Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding

Let's look at the second place Chen Lijun

Chen Lijun exploded on the Internet through "New Dragon Gate Inn",

At that time, Childe's "evil smile" amazed everyone,

Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding

In order to better promote the opera, the unit agreed that she appeared in the variety show "Sister Lang" in the entertainment industry.

At that time, her joining brought a lot of heat and attention to Sister Lang.

At the beginning of the first phase, the stage presented a song "Mandate of Heaven" in a dramatic tone, and the transformation of a sword Mulan and a thought of Wukong made the audience enter the pit ⬇️ vertically

Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding

Although as a drama actress, she is not good at pop singing and dancing, but her singing voice and figure are not weak.

Her original intention of coming to this stage was also to promote opera at the beginning, and the subsequent stages were all persuaded by her unique characteristics to convince the audience, ranking 3rd on the first stage, and her group ranked first in her first performance.

Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding

In fact, on the whole, Chen Lijun's "comprehensive ranking of works" in "Sister Lang" is the highest, and the first place has the most works.

The number of views of individual works on the web is also the highest of all people.

Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding

But probably because she is not a person in the entertainment industry, and she still has a system, so it is unlikely that she will be a C and a champion.

Presumably to make up for it? The program team gave a title of "Riding the Wind and Waves Person of the Year" to appease fans [I want to be quiet]

Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding

Now the biggest controversy about this list is still on Chen Haoyu in the C position

In the last live broadcast, the audience was dissatisfied because of her votes, and she shouted "make a ticket" on the spot.

Now controversy is inevitable, and the opinions of netizens are quite interesting ⬇️

Sister Lang is in a group! Chen Haoyu's C audience was dissatisfied, Chen Lijun won second, and the automatic draft was scolding

What do everyone who has watched the show say?

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