
Chen Haoyu won the first place in "Sister Lang", is it expected by everyone, or is it the script?

author:Eat melon Xiaodong

"Riding the Wind 2024" has finally come to an end after a few months. The presence of "Riding the Wind 2024" this year is not very strong, and it can even be said that after the broadcast of "Singer 2024", not many people have paid attention to it, and they have all gone to watch "Singer 2024". This can be said to be Mango's variety show, which also proves that Mango's variety show is indeed quite strong.

Chen Haoyu won the first place in "Sister Lang", is it expected by everyone, or is it the script?

When "Riding the Wind 2024" first aired, many people were speculating about who would be the first place this time. After all, in the previous seasons, the first place candidate is still quite easy to guess.

The first season is Serenity, there is no doubt about it, and the popularity is really high. The second season is Na Ying, so there is no need to question it, after all, Na Ying's strength is there. The third season is Wang Xinling, Wang Xinling was not the candidate that the program team focused on at the beginning, but Wang Xinling's popularity was too high, and the program team compromised. The fourth season is Chen Jiahua, Ella's performance in the show is very good, she is responsible and capable, she can be elected as the first place, and the audience is convinced.

Chen Haoyu won the first place in "Sister Lang", is it expected by everyone, or is it the script?
Chen Haoyu won the first place in "Sister Lang", is it expected by everyone, or is it the script?

And this year's first place is actually Chen Haoyu, which makes many people unexpected. You must know that before Chen Haoyu participated in the show, many people didn't even know who Chen Haoyu was, which can be said to be a counterattack script. From obscurity to first place, this is how much it takes to go through to be able to reach the top.

Chen Haoyu won the first place in "Sister Lang", is it expected by everyone, or is it the script?

Chen Haoyu is a singer and an actor. Many people may know her as an actress. Chen Haoyu has not starred in a lot of works, nor is he a role out of the circle. Therefore, there are really not many people who know Chen Haoyu, and his popularity is really not high. When seeing the list of "Riding the Wind 2024", many people even thought that Chen Haoyu was here to make up the numbers.

Chen Haoyu won the first place in "Sister Lang", is it expected by everyone, or is it the script?

The reversal really came quickly, Chen Haoyu got out of the circle with "Wild Son" when he was on the first stage, and many people have sung the song "Wild Son", but it is still a little difficult to get out of the circle. This also proves that Chen Haoyu's singing strength is quite good.

Chen Haoyu won the first place in "Sister Lang", is it expected by everyone, or is it the script?

In the next few performances, Chen Haoyu was steady and steady, and more and more people paid attention to Chen Haoyu. Although Chen Haoyu's popularity has been rising, I really didn't think that she would be the champion, the so-called "dark horse" is like her.

Before the show was broadcast, regarding the candidates for the champion, most netizens chose Shang Wenjie, Qi Wei, Chen Lijun, Liu Xin, Yuan Weiya and others, after all, the strength of these people is recognized as relatively strong. Qi Wei's strength may not be enough, but her popularity is quite good, and there are quite a lot of connections with mango, so it is not an accident to become a champion.

Chen Haoyu won the first place in "Sister Lang", is it expected by everyone, or is it the script?

Chen Haoyu's counterattack can be said to have made many people see hope, which is different from Wang Xinling's counterattack. Wang Xinling already has a strong fan base, but he has not developed in the mainland over the years, and as soon as Wang Xinling appears, he is the youth of many people, and his popularity is very high. And Chen Haoyu was not very well-known at the beginning, and he counterattacked all the way and became a champion, which can be described as very inspirational.

Chen Haoyu won the first place in "Sister Lang", is it expected by everyone, or is it the script?

Of course, there is another theory on the Internet for this result, which means that this is the script, which was deliberately arranged by Mango. Doesn't arranging a person who is not very popular but has a certain strength to slowly grow into a champion proves the fairness of the show? After all, on the surface, Chen Haoyu does not have a lot of connections with mangoes.

Chen Haoyu won the first place in "Sister Lang", is it expected by everyone, or is it the script?

In any case, Chen Haoyu has a certain strength, and he is also deeply loved by the audience in the show, which is quite good for this result.

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