
Riding the Wind 2024 Group Night: Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Han Xue's Vocal sparked heated discussions

author:Wilderness Life 321
Riding the Wind 2024 Group Night: Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Han Xue's Vocal sparked heated discussions

Chen Haoyu's outstanding performance and Han Xue's affectionate singing at a critical moment sparked widespread heated discussions. However, Han Xue's interpretation of "Growing Up with 10,000 Pounds" has been criticized and spoofed by some netizens. In fact, the song is profound and touching, but it has attracted many negative comments because of Han Xue's interpretation. Although Han Xue's performance is slightly insufficient, her love for music and sincere feelings have not been fully affirmed.

Riding the Wind 2024 Group Night: Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Han Xue's Vocal sparked heated discussions

Under the spoof behavior of many netizens, Han Xue showed excellent tolerance, took the initiative to participate in it, and resolved the misunderstanding in an interactive way. However, this malicious meme made her awaken to the need to solemnly express the seriousness of this song, and call on the public to respect the art and creators, and avoid treating it as a joke. This contempt for art not only harms the rights and interests of artists, but also reveals the shortcomings in online culture.

Riding the Wind 2024 Group Night: Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Han Xue's Vocal sparked heated discussions
Riding the Wind 2024 Group Night: Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Han Xue's Vocal sparked heated discussions
Family background and personal growth
Riding the Wind 2024 Group Night: Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Han Xue's Vocal sparked heated discussions
Riding the Wind 2024 Group Night: Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Han Xue's Vocal sparked heated discussions

Han Xue has performed well since she was a child, and was selected for the Suzhou Children's Choir at the age of six, shaping her profound artistic heritage and unique talent. It was this kind of artistic stage that won her the favor of the well-known director Ma Chucheng and started her acting career. Although the Shanghai Theater Academy stipulates that juniors are not allowed to participate in film and television performances before, with such enthusiasm, Han Xue resolutely chose to leave the campus and firmly pursue her dream of being an actor.

Riding the Wind 2024 Group Night: Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Han Xue's Vocal sparked heated discussions

Han Xue seized the opportunity with her outstanding image and timely grasp, and quickly became popular on social media, and the dubbing short film she released received hundreds of millions of views on Weibo, and even detonated the public discussion of #Weibo should give Han Xue a hot search#. However, due to the wrong way of handling the lip-syncing incident, his career suffered a serious blow. Although he was unable to defend himself due to his injury, the audience still remembered his mistakes.

Riding the Wind 2024 Group Night: Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Han Xue's Vocal sparked heated discussions
Riding the Wind 2024 Group Night: Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Han Xue's Vocal sparked heated discussions
Professional Principles and Public Image
Riding the Wind 2024 Group Night: Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Han Xue's Vocal sparked heated discussions

Han Xue firmly stands in the entertainment industry with four principles - not to regard herself as an industry insider, rigorously refuses to have emotional entanglements with her peers, and is absolutely resistant to filming kiss scenes. This unique way of doing things has shaped her distinctive public image, but it has undoubtedly opened the door to a bottleneck in her career. For example, the crew of the movie "Lust and Caution" once threw an olive branch to her starring Tang Wei, but missed the opportunity because she was unwilling to appear in the exposed scene.

Riding the Wind 2024 Group Night: Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Han Xue's Vocal sparked heated discussions
Riding the Wind 2024 Group Night: Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Han Xue's Vocal sparked heated discussions
Riding the Wind 2024 Group Night: Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Han Xue's Vocal sparked heated discussions

In 2016, Han Xue publicly expressed her position on social platforms due to a dispute with a doctor. She directly expressed her inner dissatisfaction with a blog post titled "I'm sorry, I'm angry". Despite Han Xue's subsequent explanation, the incident forced the doctor to leave his job and had a negative impact on his public image.

Riding the Wind 2024 Group Night: Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Han Xue's Vocal sparked heated discussions
Internet culture and public attitudes towards art

The Han Xue incident actually reflects the influence of the current Internet environment on the concept of art appreciation, and further elaborates that with the rapid development of the Internet, people often pursue short-term entertainment effects and ignore the deep meaning and emotional resonance of artworks. This phenomenon is not uncommon among artists of all ages.

Riding the Wind 2024 Group Night: Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Han Xue's Vocal sparked heated discussions

Although the banter of netizens is lacklustre, its significant influence on the art world cannot be underestimated. Practitioners need to be clear about the value of art in the online environment, rather than overly critical. The Han Xue incident should lead us to examine the artistic outlook of today's Internet culture, and actively advocate for maintaining a more harmonious and respectful Internet ecological environment.

Han Xue's future outlook
Riding the Wind 2024 Group Night: Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Han Xue's Vocal sparked heated discussions
Riding the Wind 2024 Group Night: Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Han Xue's Vocal sparked heated discussions

After the ups and downs of acting, Han Xue has always adhered to her principles and created a unique and charming image. His performances and speeches in each performance demonstrate profound values and deep thinking. As for the future, whether Han Xue can win the praise of the public again, or continue to pursue her artistic dream, will undoubtedly arouse the keen attention of all walks of life.

In her journey of performing arts, Han Xue not only shows the process of self-tempering and perfection, but also reflects the images of the interaction between artists and the public in today's society. His continuous innovation and breakthroughs not only reflect the respect for the value of art, but also convey insight into the inner world of the artist. In the face of the ever-changing environment of the entertainment industry, how Han Xue will position her role is worthy of our common attention and expectations.

Riding the Wind 2024 Group Night: Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Han Xue's Vocal sparked heated discussions

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