
Why is there a large number of auxiliary police recruits, and is there a good chance that the auxiliary police will become regular in the future? Netizen: Purely by love!

author:Xiaowen said a joke

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Today, Xiaowen saw a hot topic on a certain topic: Why is a large number of auxiliary police recruited, and will there be a good chance that the auxiliary police will become regular in the future?

‬在当今社会,我们不难发现,辅警岗位的招聘越来越频繁,数量也在不断增加。 What are the social dynamics and career opportunities behind this phenomenon?


Why is there a large number of auxiliary police recruits, and is there a good chance that the auxiliary police will become regular in the future? Netizen: Purely by love!




‬也不能这么说,其实换个角度来看,不正体现了公正吗? It cannot be said that the auxiliary police work is better than the regular work, and it is arranged for others to be transferred to civil servants. With this operation, it will be said that the officialdom is dark again。。。。。。 He can go to the public examination! Is it that other conditions, such as age, education, or something, are not up to standard?

‬我听说的一个辅警转正,还不是公务员编,事业编吧。 Because I happened to run into other drug dealers, I was somehow run away. The auxiliary policeman was on the perimeter, collided, sacrificed his life to intercept, and stopped. The price was to be cut 20 times of different depths and lie for more than half a year. There have always been some slight sequelae, and the city bureau stepped forward and arranged a career editor

Why is there a large number of auxiliary police recruits, and is there a good chance that the auxiliary police will become regular in the future? Netizen: Purely by love!

‬他的意思应该是说如果辅警可以转正,就是给那些有关系有背景的人开了一条入编的路。。。 It's even more unfair

If the auxiliary police can be turned into regular police officers casually, the public security organs will not be able to support so many people.




Why is there a large number of auxiliary police recruits, and is there a good chance that the auxiliary police will become regular in the future? Netizen: Purely by love!

‬想太多[惊喜]… Now the regular wages are almost not paid, temporary workers? Are you kidding...


‬想嘛呢 原来的城管和机构改革以后的完全两个概念 雇员永远是雇员 有执法权的在编城管只有退伍军人和公开招考,雇员到了50岁也是雇员,照样听20出头的法治员的

‬想成正编,就考试,要么就见义勇为被人捅几刀,前提是没死,老想白日做梦做得久就能被收编? [funny] [funny] [funny]

‬那以前来说,你怎么不说以前当公务员都不需要考试,现在所有ZF内的临时工都会成为外包,我们这里的机关事务局所有临聘,直接打包给公司成外包,就是为了规避风险,想像以前那样赖上? No way

‬想转正不知道去考吗? There are really opportunities and channels to become regulars, do you think it is really the turn of ordinary people to enter?

‬能个锤子,天天画大饼喂这些人都财政紧张了,难道你想再煽动劳工造反? [Surprise]

Why is there a large number of auxiliary police recruits, and is there a good chance that the auxiliary police will become regular in the future? Netizen: Purely by love!

‬这个工作适合。。。 How to say it, it is only suitable for the kind of people who are demolished and compensated a lot, and more than 2,000 people do it every month, and other families are not suitable for it.


‬辅警这么多,转正的话,国家和政府也养不起。 Cost saving, so there is such a position as an auxiliary police

‬身边朋友好多做这个的,现在工资到手4000+ 过年过年都有过节费,平均一下下来5.6W左右吧,但是开销大啊,他们那圈子的人出来都是中华,晚上值班还要吃夜宵,早上下班又一起吃个面啥的,一个月下来基本上存不到钱

‬妈呀 你是干辅警的么? I really don't understand, they are all auxiliary police officers who earn two or three thousand or even one or two thousand a month, why do they look down on people who earn money through labor??? Poisonous

Why is there a large number of auxiliary police recruits, and is there a good chance that the auxiliary police will become regular in the future? Netizen: Purely by love!


‬扯淡 我也是辅警 工资就是算上五险一金才三千五 而且还是在特警支队! Year-end bonus? Haven't heard of it!

‬我就直接说辅警根本没有转正的可能,好多人想着我多熬几年混点资历转正 不可能的,现在单位逢进必考 我朋友单位辅警四十多岁了混了半辈子都没转正 正规考过公务员的小年轻才二十多岁来了就是小队长,单位是最不讲资历的地方,有能力你就上没能力混一辈子也是咸鱼,他们单位剩下的辅警现在就两类人不是官二代就是富二代,普通人根本玩不起 微薄的薪水 1,800 yuan, only pension and accident insurance, not even medical insurance, the mortgage in a small fifth-tier county town can't afford to pay, let alone get married and have children. But it's very easy to find a wife, I know a lot of friends who have worked as auxiliary police officers for a few years to bluff their wives and get married, and then quit their jobs and go to work

‬如果确实没上大学,或者没上什么好大学。 It is still a good experience to be an auxiliary police officer for a few years, and it is not bad to be a patrol special policeman, at least a good figure, in addition to policing, I also learned to wash cars and grow vegetables to clean up housekeeping. But don't do it for a long time, it's not interesting.

‬早出来早超生,在那样的单位没编制就是低人一等,你懂的。 I have been an auxiliary police officer for five years, and I came out to do some small business, about 20W a year, and I regret wasting my youth for five years.

‬为什么要举报? I drank a bottle of beer at noon last summer, rode a battery car to the town supermarket to buy things at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and was stopped for a drunk driving test before I got into the car when I came out, and as a result, I was fined 1500 for drinking and driving, and I transferred it directly to Alipay. I have a C1 book, do I have to be detained if I really follow the rules? Hello, hello, everyone.

The increase in recruitment for auxiliary police posts is an inevitable result of social development and changes in the law and order situation. For young people who want to enter the public security system, but are not qualified enough to become a regular police officer, the auxiliary police is undoubtedly a good starting point. The opportunity for auxiliary police officers to become regular also exists, but whether they can be turned into regular police officers still depends on the individual's performance and ability. Therefore, we should encourage and support auxiliary police officers to continuously improve their professional ability and comprehensive quality in their work, so as to lay a solid foundation for future career development.

In this regard, why are there a large number of auxiliary police officers recruited, and is there a good chance that auxiliary police officers will become regular in the future? 您‬对‬辅警‬有何‬看法‬? Welcome all friends to leave a comment in the comment area, don't forget to like and follow!