
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: The Causes of Traditional Chinese Medicine, "Acupoint Songs"

author:Word and body inheritance
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: The Causes of Traditional Chinese Medicine, "Acupoint Songs"

Causes of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Teacher Xie's eyes were gentle and serious, and he smiled and said to Xiao Wang: "Xiao Wang, you have come to ask me a question, I want to test you, what are the causes of Chinese medicine?" ”

Xiao Wang immediately behaved nervously, but he still nodded and replied seriously: "Etiology, also known as pathogenic factors, pathogens, and pathogens, is the cause of diseases in the human body. The theory of etiology, which studies the concept, formation, nature, pathogenic characteristics, and manifestations of the disease, is the theory of etiology. ”

The etiology of TCM is characterized by a 'holistic view' and 'syndrome differentiation and causation'

Teacher Xie nodded and said with satisfaction, "Very good, you have a good master." The etiology of traditional Chinese medicine is also characterized by a "holistic view" and "syndrome differentiation and causation", mainly including six lewdness, seven emotions, diet, work and rest, epidemic diseases, trauma and insect and animal injuries, and some pathological products such as phlegm drinking, paralysis of blood, etc. can also become pathogenic factors. ”

Teacher Xie said: "Now, let's talk about the classification of these pathogenic factors. ”

Xiao Wang opened the notebook, and the pen quickly wrote on the paper:

First, external causes: six prostitutions, epidemics. The six prostitutions are the collective name of the six external diseases and evils of wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness, and fire, which mostly enter from the mouth and nose on the surface of the muscles, and are related to the seasonal environment, and can cause disease or transform each other. Epidemic disease is a strongly contagious external pathogenic evil qi, with a sudden and severe onset, strong contagion, and similar symptoms.

Second, internal causes: seven emotions, tiredness, diet. The seven emotions are joy, anger, worry, thought, sadness, fear, and shock. Eating disorders refer to unhealthy diets, unclean diets, or dietary preferences. Lapse refers to overwork or comfort. Excessive physical and mental strength or excessive work can cause illness due to overwork, and excessive comfort can also make qi and blood unsmooth, spleen and stomach stagnation, and bloated and weak.

Third, pathological products: congestion, phlegm drinking. The pathological product pathogenic factors are pathological products and pathogenic factors. For example, phlegm drinking is a pathological product formed by water and fluid metabolism disorders, and it can also block the flow of qi and blood, blinding the gods and causing disease, and the disease is lingering and changeable; The blood that is not smooth or does not dissipate is paralyzed blood, which can cause symptoms such as stinging lumps, bleeding and loss of honor.

Teacher Xie thought for a moment and continued: "Other causes include trauma, gold stones, water and fire burns, insects and beasts, etc. Classification of etiology is important for syndrome differentiation and treatment. You need to understand that the key to TCM treatment is to find the cause of the disease and then treat it in a targeted manner. Therefore, you should continue to study these causes in depth in your daily study and practice, and apply them to actual clinical practice. ”

"Teacher, I would like to ask you a question." Xiao Wang looked at Teacher Xie seriously, "What are the methods of Chinese medicine to explore the cause of the disease?" ”

Teacher Xie smiled slightly, nodded and said, "There are two main methods of TCM to explore the cause of the disease, one is 'syndrome differentiation and cause', and the other is 'consultation and cause'. ”

Xiao Wang grabbed his notebook, recorded it intently, and then asked curiously: "Teacher, how exactly does 'dialectical and causal' work?" ”

Mr. Xie patiently explained: "'Syndrome differentiation and causation', also known as 'examination of evidence and causation', is a unique method for us to explore and understand the cause of disease in Chinese medicine. It is mainly based on the clinical manifestations of the patient, and the cause is deduced by analyzing the symptoms and signs of the syndrome. For example, if a patient has symptoms such as headache and fever, we can determine that it may be caused by external cold. ”

Xiao Wang listened with relish and nodded again and again. He felt that Mr. Xie's explanation was very clear and easy to understand, as if doors and windows were open in his heart.

"What about 'asking for a doctor'?" Xiao Wang asked again.

Mr. Xie replied with a smile: "'Seeking the cause of the disease' is to understand the cause of the disease through communication with the patient. For example, asking patients about their lifestyle habits, diet, mood changes, etc., may become the trigger for the occurrence of the disease. ”

Hand Taiyin Lung meridian acupoint song

Hand Taiyin Lung Eleven Acupoints, Zhongfu Yunmen Tianfu Column,

The second time is the chivalrous white ruler, and the second hole is the most lacking in the column,

Through the canal Taiyuan under the fish, it refers to less merchants such as leek leaves.

Hand Yang Ming large intestine meridian acupoint song

Hand Yang Ming acupoint from Shangyang, two and three valley hidden,

Yangxi is partial to the past and warm, and the lower and lower are three miles long,

Quchi's elbow greets five miles, and the arms, shoulders, and bones rise,

Tianding floats abruptly and catches the hair, and finally ends with 20 incense.

Zuyang Ming stomach meridian acupoint song

Forty-five acupuncture points are full of yangming, and the four white giant beard scriptures are weeping,

The ground cang, the cheek car, the next juncture to the people,

The water bursts into the gas house and the lack of basins, and the gas house is searching,

The middle and lower milk roots of the window milk are not allowed to bear the beam door,

Close the door Taiyi slippery meat, Tianshu Wailing Dajuli,

The return of the waterway is angry, and the rabbit goes to the yin city,

Liangqiu's nose is three miles, and the bottom of the mouth is huge,

There is Fenglong under the huge void, and the river is chongyang and the valley is the same,

The inner courtyard is strong against the Yangming acupoint, and the end of the big toe and the second toe ends.

Foot Taiyin and Spleen meridian acupoint song

The foot is too yin and the spleen is from the thumb of the foot, and the hidden white first starts from the inside,

Most of the capital Taibai step-grandson, Shangqiu went straight to the three yin sex,

Leaking valley machine Yinling Spring, in front of the blood sea Kei Gate,

The abdomen of the house is big and horizontal, and the abdomen mourns and eats Dou Tianxilian,

Zhou Rong is full of chests, and the twenty-one acupoints are too yin.

Hand less yin heart meridian acupoint song

The hand is less yin and the heart is from the extreme spring, and the green spirit is less than the sea spirit is complete,

Under the door of the Yin Shen Sect in Tongli, Shaofu Shaochong is beside the little finger.

Hand sun small intestine meridian acupoint song

The hand sun passes through the small intestine acupoint, and Shaoze goes to the end of the little finger first,

Between the carpal bones of the front valley and the back stream, the yang valley must be the same as the elderly,

Zhizheng Xiaohai shoulders chastity, and Yu Tianzong is in the wind,

In the middle of the curved shoulder, the skylight is on the sky,

There are nineteen acupoints in this meridian, and there are cheeks into the listening palace.

Foot Sun Bladder Meridian Acupoint Song

Sixty-seven sun meridians, eyes are bright and bamboo,

The eyebrows are straight up, and the five places are connected to the sky.

Luo but the jade pillow on the side of the pillar of heaven, the big wind gate leads the lungs,

Yin heart, diaphragm, liver and gall bladder, spleen and stomach, three coke kidneys, Yu Ci,

Qi Daguan small arms are white, and the upper and lower hips are in the middle and back,

Hui Yang must be taken next to the next jiri, and there are attached points in the three lines,

The soul of the house and the temple of the gods, the door of the soul is closed,

Yang Gang Yishe and stomach warehouse, the door of the Zhi room even the cell,

The rank side supports the Yinmen acupoint, and the floating side is the Yang,

The committee went to the lower Heyang, and the reinforcement and the mountain were second-long,

Flying tarsus sun to Kunlun, servant Shen vein through the Golden Gate,

The Jing bone bundle bone is close to the valley, and the outer side of the little toe is found to the yin.

Foot less yin and kidney meridian acupoint song

Twenty-seven yin and kidneys, and the spring is obedient and the sea comes out,

Taixi bell even water spring, re-slip to build a letter to build Binli,

The horizontal bones of the yin valley tend to be bigger, and the air pockets are full of injections.

Yu Shang Qu Shiguan squatting, Yin Du Tonggu pylorus straight,

1 step, 9 corridors, 1 god, 7 seals, 0 out, 1 spirit, 1 ruin, 3, 4 gods, 6 Tibet, 1 Yuzhong, Yu Fubi.

Hand syncope yin pericardial meridian acupoint song

The nine points of the pericardium are near, and the Tianquan Qu Ze is recognized,

Occasionally make the inner pass lose the Great Tomb, and the middle finger of the Lao Palace is exhausted.

Hand Shaoyang Sanjiao Sutra Acupoint Song

Shaoyang Sanjiao from the scriptures, twenty-three points from the passing,

Zhu Yang Chi Li in the liquid gate, and the branch ditch will be Zongfeng,

The three yangs are injected into the four defilements, and they are injected into the cold of the patio.

Eliminate the shoulder acupoints, the sky and the sky will be windy,

The cranial angle of the cranial veins is auricular door, and the upper line of the hip is empty.

Foot less yang gallbladder meridian acupoint song

Foot Shaoyang meridian pupil hair, forty-four acupoints travel,

Listening to the meeting, the jaw is disgusted, the skull is suspended, and the sideburns are curled,

Rate Gu Tianchong floats white times, and the yin is full of bones,

Yang Bai wept and opened his eyes, and his mind was empty,

Fengchi shoulders well abyss armpits long, tendons said Yuejingmen Township,

With the pulse of the five pivots of the Tao continued, the ring jumped in the city,

Yangguan Yangling Fuyangjiao, Waiqiu Guangming Yangfu Gao,

The ruins of the hanging bell mound are full of weeping, and the five heroes of the earth are closed.

Foot syncopation yin liver meridian acupoint song

Foot syncope Yin Sutra 14, Da Dun line Tai Chong is,

Zhongfeng Ligou with Zhongdu, knee Guan Ququan Yin Bao times,

Wuli Yin Lian is in a hurry, and the chapter door is in the late stage.

Ren Mai Cave Song

Twenty-four in the middle of the vein, the perineum lurks in the two underworld,

Before the bone, the middle pole is in, Guan Yuan Shimen Qi seaside,

Yin Jiaoshen Que water, in front of the middle navel in the lower navel,

The upper belly is juque and the dove tail, and the atrium is in the middle of the jade hall,

The purple palace canopy follows Xuanji, and the Tiantu Lianquan bears the pulp end.

Song of the Cave

Supervise the pulse in the middle of the line, the twenty-eight acupoints are strong and strong,

Waist Yuyang closed into the door of life, and the central center of the spine was long,

The tendons shrink to the Yang Guiling Platform, and the Shinto body pillar Tao Dao opens,

The big vertebral dumb door is even the wind house, and the brain is strong in the back top row,

Before the top of the meeting, the fontanelle will be on the star court,

The gutter ends on the lips, and the gums are in the gap between the teeth.

A summary table of the etiology and pathogenesis of TCM

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: The Causes of Traditional Chinese Medicine, "Acupoint Songs"
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: The Causes of Traditional Chinese Medicine, "Acupoint Songs"
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: The Causes of Traditional Chinese Medicine, "Acupoint Songs"
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: The Causes of Traditional Chinese Medicine, "Acupoint Songs"
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: The Causes of Traditional Chinese Medicine, "Acupoint Songs"
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: The Causes of Traditional Chinese Medicine, "Acupoint Songs"

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