
It's me on the other side of the sea

author:Goodbye Entertainment

On the other side of the sea lies endless stories and tranquility, a kind of spiritual yearning and release. The topic of #一起去看海 always stirs up a longing for the distance, imagining the light touch of the soft sand, the salty breeze blowing on the face, and the simple and fun life on the #海滩. In the happy life of #seaside, every moment is like the most precious gift of nature, making people forget the troubles of the world and just want to immerse themselves in the embrace of #nature.

It's me on the other side of the sea

♂️ With less social hustle and more closeness to nature, #假日beach is the ideal place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. The Mannings you mentioned sounds like the perfect corner for the soul to "rot", and one can't help but look forward to the long days of living there, waking up every day by the gentle sound of the waves.

It's me on the other side of the sea

The interesting stories in the photos, especially the moment in the upper right corner of P2, make people feel the joy through the screen, as if they participated in the heart-to-heart laughter together. These casual beauties are the most precious memory fragments of travel.

It's me on the other side of the sea

️ Although Wanning's commercial atmosphere is slightly stronger, and there is less primitive tranquility compared to Weizhou Island, each place has its own unique charm. The sunset on Weizhou Island is poetic and picturesque, enough to be engraved in my heart and become an eternal scenery. Wanning, on the other hand, brings a different experience to people with its convenience and diversity.

Accommodation advice is always an important part of a trip, and your reminder of "don't stay in Sun Moon Bay" draws attention to the actual inconvenience, especially for friends who don't ride small electric donkeys. Tianxin Village seems to be more attractive as an alternative because of its convenience and relatively good facilities. However, with this comes the price level unique to #Mannings, which may require us to enjoy the scenery while also making small budgetary sacrifices.

Thank you for sharing, which gives us a more comprehensive understanding of Mannings, and also provides a valuable reference for friends who plan to travel to the beach in the future. When choosing a travel destination, balancing natural beauty with the convenience of life, and finding the little place that makes you most comfortable is the greatest meaning of travel.