
Lenovo: 6 AI highlights, let the silicon base awaken

author:Quantum Position

Yunzhong is from the Au Fei Temple

Quantum Position | 公众号 QbitAI

From the plough of the agricultural revolution to the steam engine of the industrial revolution to the computer of the information revolution, every technological leap has profoundly reshaped our world.

Today, AI is a new production tool that has swept the world, giving thousands of industries an unprecedented miracle of change, and this revolution is not only a technological leap, but also the dawn of silicon-based intelligence.

How does AI empower producers? How is AI rewriting hardware? How to realize the era of silicon-based intelligence?

In the 2024 CVC Venture Capital Week, Lenovo Venture Capital will focus on the development trend of the AI industry with nearly 50 portfolio companies, jointly write the era of silicon-based intelligence, and open the future of AI.

Lenovo Ventures 2024 CVC Ventures Saturday Big AI Highlights Get a sneak peek

1. The robot group was unveiled, opening the future world of harmonious symbiosis and co-creation between man and machine

Lenovo: 6 AI highlights, let the silicon base awaken

△ Star Movement Era Humanoid Robot "Little Star"

Humanoid robots, wheeled robots, industrial robots, logistics robots, service robots......

At Lenovo Ventures 2024 CVC Venture Capital Week, you can have an intimate interaction with the "robot family", such as taking a selfie with a humanoid robot, controlling a wheeled robot to dance, and asking a service robot to bring you a cup of coffee, fully experiencing the fun of human-computer interaction.

2. Climb into the cockpit of the future aircraft and experience the green technology of low-altitude travel

Lenovo: 6 AI highlights, let the silicon base awaken


The new urban transportation system allows urban shuttles, sea navigation, tunnel crossings and low-altitude flights to seamlessly connect with each other, weaving a future transportation network that "goes up to the sky and into the ground".

At Lenovo Ventures 2024 CVC Venture Capital Week, you can see the cool appearance of the latest electric eVTOL and eCTOL aircraft up close, and have the opportunity to climb into the cockpit to experience the thrill of a pilot and experience the technological future of new energy low-altitude travel in advance.

3. Pure electric supercars and unmanned minibuses were unveiled to experience the "wisdom" of AI transportation

Lenovo: 6 AI highlights, let the silicon base awaken

△路特斯纯电超跑SUV ELETRE、路特斯纯电超跑轿车EMEYA繁花

Lotus' all-electric supercar SUV ELETRE and all-electric supercar sedan EMEYA Fanhua will be unveiled at the Venture Capital Week, stunning demonstration of the ultimate product charm presented by lightweight design and aerodynamics, awakening the driving instinct.

Lenovo: 6 AI highlights, let the silicon base awaken

△ Qingzhou Zhihang Dragon Boat series driverless bus

Self-driving minibuses become "old drivers", who can understand instructions and consciously abide by traffic rules, allowing you to witness the mobility intelligence of the future city.

4. AI your life, experience AI to become an all-round assistant

Lenovo: 6 AI highlights, let the silicon base awaken

△ Digital lifelike, digital human Cyber Feather

At Lenovo Ventures 2024 CVC Venture Capital Week, you can have an in-depth conversation with the AI-powered digital human, and feel its nuanced expressions and rich and delicate emotions.

You can also experience the changes that AI models have made to our lives in a more tangible way, such as AI empowering programmers to write code, AI becoming interviewers, and AI turning into legal counsel...... AI is becoming a powerful assistant for human beings to live an efficient life.

5. Come here to explore the next big opportunity for computing power breakthrough

Lenovo: 6 AI highlights, let the silicon base awaken

△进迭时空SpacemiT Key Stone™ K1芯片

At Lenovo Ventures 2024 CVC Venture Capital Week, you can explore the next big opportunities for computing power breakthroughs with us, quantum computing, optical computing, and brain-like computing......

We will show you the practical application of a series of cutting-edge computing products, see the "convergence of hundreds of rivers" of computing power in the future, and witness the "soaring" of computing power.

6、Family Day专场,AI与童心的温馨邂逅

Lenovo: 6 AI highlights, let the silicon base awaken

We have specially planned a special Family Day event to create a fun and inspiring science and technology playground for children.

Children will have the opportunity to get up close and personal with cutting-edge technological innovations, such as sitting in the cockpit of an aircraft, taking photos with new energy sports cars, and having conversations with AI robots. Here, technology is no longer a distant concept, but has become accessible and interesting.

About Venture Capital Week

The main purpose of Lenovo Ventures' "CVC Venture Capital Week" is to show the forward-looking layout and investment achievements of Lenovo Ventures in the field of science and technology with CVC positioning to the technology industry and mainstream media, and to present the high-quality projects of member companies to Lenovo inside and outside, promote multi-party docking and cooperation, and promote the implementation of ecological synergy.

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Lenovo Group, the 2024 Lenovo Venture Capital CVC Venture Capital Week invites nearly 50 outstanding portfolio companies, which are divided into four theme exhibition areas: AI infrastructure, AI empowering knowledge workers, AI reshaping hardware benefiting manual workers, and AI+ transportation outdoor exhibition area, comprehensively showcasing the scientific and technological achievements of Lenovo Venture Capital investing in AI for more than 10 years, as well as the progress of scientific and technological innovation and ecological cooperation of invested companies.

Everyone is welcome to scan the code to register and go to a science and technology event together!

Lenovo: 6 AI highlights, let the silicon base awaken

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