
Look down on life and take it easy

author:Child-English Painting
Look down on life and take it easy
Look down on life and take it easy
Look down on life and take it easy
Look down on life and take it easy
Look down on life and take it easy
Look down on life and take it easy
Look down on life and take it easy
Look down on life and take it easy
Look down on life and take it easy

Life is like a drama with an unpredictable ending, sometimes the sun is shining, sometimes it is cloudy. We always hope that life will be smooth sailing, but it often backfires and we struggle to move forward with stumbles. However, when we realize that it is never life that gets better, but that we accept it calmly, the door to growth quietly opens.

Accepting it calmly is not a compromise and admitting defeat in life, but a kind of inner open-mindedness and wisdom. Nine times out of ten, if every setback makes us fall into resentment and depression, how bleak will the road of life be? On the contrary, when we bravely face reality, accept the imperfections of life, and deal with them with a peaceful heart, we can find a turning point in difficult situations and draw strength from adversity.

Accepting the impermanence of life is the first lesson of growth. We can't control our fate, we can't predict what tomorrow will bring. But when something happens suddenly, it's better to face it calmly than panic and resist avoidance. Just like Shi Tiesheng, he lost his legs at the most arrogant age, which is undoubtedly a heavy blow that life has given him. However, he calmly accepted the arrangement of fate, and used the pen as a sword in a wheelchair, carving out a literary path of his own. He once said, "The limits of destiny can be eternal, but the unyielding challenge cannot be imminent." It is this attitude of acceptance and active struggle that allows him to achieve self-transcendence, and also makes his spirit shine brightly in the midst of difficulties.

Accepting calmly does not mean being content with the status quo and doing nothing, but still loving life after recognizing the truth of life, striving to change what can be changed with a peaceful mind, and accepting what cannot be changed. As Romain Rolland said, "There is only one kind of heroism in the world, and that is to love life even after recognizing the truth of life." "Throughout the ages, countless people with lofty ideals have persevered in difficulties, risen up in setbacks, and interpreted the true meaning of calm acceptance and unremitting struggle with practical actions. Su Shi had a rough life and was repeatedly belittled, but he accepted it calmly with an open heart, not only did he not feel sorry for himself, but left a well-known poem in every place of exile for the well-being of the local people. This kind of calmness and optimism in the face of adversity has greatly improved his life realm.

In real life, we often feel anxious and miserable because of the pursuit of perfection, and we will collapse because of temporary failure. However, when we learn to accept the imperfections of life, accept our own shortcomings, and face the ups and downs of life with a more relaxed attitude, we can find that every setback is an opportunity for growth, and every ordeal is a sublimation of life.

Growing up is a long journey, and in the process, we will meet all kinds of people and things, and we will also experience a lot of laughter and tears. But as long as we have the courage and wisdom to accept it, we can move forward firmly in the waves of life, so that our souls can continue to be nourished and grown.

Therefore, it is not life itself that gets better, but our heart that is gradually strengthening in the wind and rain. When we learn to accept life's challenges with a positive attitude, growth will come and life will be more abundant and meaningful. Let's open our hearts, bravely accept everything in life, and run hard towards a bright future.