
Model workers preached into the post station and warmed people's hearts with high temperature condolences

author:Ningde Station of Southeast Network

On June 27th, sponsored by the Ningde Federation of Trade Unions, the "Mindong Affairs of the World, I Will Talk About New Thoughts" Ningde Model Workers and Craftsmen Entered the Trade Union Post Station, and walked into the Dongqiao Environmental Sanitation Department Trade Union Station, and the Dongqiao Development Zone Damenshan Police Station Huandong Lake Patrol Team Trade Union Station.

Model workers preached into the post station and warmed people's hearts with high temperature condolences

"I am a medical worker, and everyone's profession has a common feature is that there are no weekends, no holidays, no day and night, as long as the work requires us, we will stick to the post......" At the event site, in 2020, Lin Yanmei, a model worker in Ningde City and director of the Discipline Inspection Office of Ningde Rehabilitation Hospital, made a speech entitled "Writing the Oath of Joining the Party on the Front Line of the War against the "Epidemic", and vividly interpreted the spirit of model workers and craftsmen with her own work experience.

Model workers preached into the post station and warmed people's hearts with high temperature condolences

The growth experience of model workers has benefited a lot. "By listening to the model worker's preaching, I deeply realized the importance of responsibility and responsibility, and inspired us to have the courage to take responsibility in our daily work, fulfill our responsibilities, and protect the safety of the party." Xu Zenghua, police captain of the Damenshan Police Station of the Dongqiao Branch of the Ningde Public Security Bureau, said. Wang Caiqiao, a sanitation worker at Dongqiao City Appearance Municipal Service Center, also said that by learning the advanced deeds and valuable experience of model workers, the enthusiasm of sanitation workers has been stimulated, their professionalism has been improved, and they have jointly contributed to the cleanliness and beauty of the city.

Model workers preached into the post station and warmed people's hearts with high temperature condolences

After the model worker lecture, the Ningde Federation of Trade Unions also carried out a high-temperature condolence activity, sending milk, Wang Laoji and other heatstroke prevention and cooling condolences and condolences to high-temperature outdoor workers such as public security police, sanitation workers, etc., thanking them for their perseverance in high temperatures, and telling them to pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling, and scientifically arrange work and rest time. (Mindong Daily Xinningde client reporter Wu Ningning)

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