
Hip cocking doesn't have to be a squat, these 6 yoga poses are just as effective!

author:Yuyu loves yoga

The buttocks are the part of us that we want to shape, tighten, and condition. The gluteal muscles are the largest muscle group in our body, and our gluteal and hamstring muscles are responsible for the stability of the pelvis as well as the strength and flexibility of the hips. When properly trained, these muscles help keep our lower back and joints healthy by improving our motor function and balance.

Hip cocking doesn't have to be a squat, these 6 yoga poses are just as effective!

Our gluteal muscles are made up of three main muscles: the gluteus maximus (which makes up most of the muscles in our hips), the gluteus medius and the gluteus minimus, which are responsible for the adduction and abduction of the hips.

Hip cocking doesn't have to be a squat, these 6 yoga poses are just as effective!

When these three muscles are well regulated, it improves hip flexibility, rotation and extension, while also preventing imbalances, in addition to preventing injuries and improving functional movements (standing, sitting, walking, etc.). Strong gluteal muscles also help keep our whole body balanced.

Hip cocking doesn't have to be a squat, these 6 yoga poses are just as effective!

Yoga is an excellent way to strengthen your glutes without using equipment. Because yoga uses our own body weight to build muscle, it is an effective way to get in shape with a low risk of injury. The following exercises can help you improve your glute shape, strengthen your glute muscles, and improve flexibility.

Hip cocking doesn't have to be a squat, these 6 yoga poses are just as effective!

1. Tiger pose

Prepare for a four-legged kneeling position. Lift your right leg until it is parallel to the ground. Reach forward with your left arm to further challenge your core. From here, arch your back, pull your right knee towards your chest, bend your left elbow and tap your right knee. This tightening exercises your core, and when you extend your arms and legs again, you strengthen your larger glutes (glutes). Inhale as you extend and exhale as you contract your abdomen, keeping your hips steady and parallel to the ground. Repeat 5-10 times, then switch sides. Feel the burning and naturally lift your buttocks!

Hip cocking doesn't have to be a squat, these 6 yoga poses are just as effective!

2. One-legged downward facing dog pose and hip turn

Start with downward facing facing dog, stretch your right leg up and back, and as you breathe, focus on your glutes and use your raised leg against gravity. Hold here for 5-10 breaths, then bend your right knee and lift it to one side, opening your hip. If you feel balanced, rotate your knees in a circular motion to add hip circles. The rotation of the hips engages the smaller gluteal muscles (gluteus medius and gluteus minimus) in movement. Do 5-10 large circles with your right knee and repeat on the other side. After a few weeks of daily practice, your hips will feel stronger and more flexible!

Hip cocking doesn't have to be a squat, these 6 yoga poses are just as effective!

3. Crescent pose

Start with a downward facing dog with your right foot forward, lift your torso upwards, stretch your arms, or fold your hands in front of your chest. Keep your front knee bent and elongate your lower back, feeling your hip bone in front tilt slightly upwards so you can focus your core strength and help create a safe and stable posture. Once the pelvic alignment is in place, you can straighten your back leg as much as possible. This pose will strengthen the gluteus maximus muscles of the back leg and the lateral hip of the front leg. Hold 5-10 times, repeating on the left side.

Hip cocking doesn't have to be a squat, these 6 yoga poses are just as effective!

4. Warrior 3

In this classic balance pose, you'll use the outer gluteal muscles of your standing leg (gluteus medius and gluteus minimus) and the strong gluteal and hamstring muscles that lift your leg. From Crescent Pose, lean forward, put your weight on your front foot, and keep your hips level as you lift your back leg away from the mat. The neck, ribcage, and hind legs are as close to parallel to the ground as possible. You can put your hands together in front of your chest, or spread them open. As you inhale, focus on your hip muscles by strengthening and straightening your leg raises. As you exhale, focus on core attachment and lengthening your lower back.

Hip cocking doesn't have to be a squat, these 6 yoga poses are just as effective!

5. Phantom chair pose

Starting from a standing position, pull your hips back to knee level while shifting your weight to your heels and lengthening your tailbone toward the mat. This asana will give your hamstrings and glutes a workout. To add an added challenge, Phantom Chair Pose - Leg Press Up - Back to Warrior 3 and then back to Phantom Chair Pose, which is a deep hip workout!

Hip cocking doesn't have to be a squat, these 6 yoga poses are just as effective!

6. Locust formula

This is an excellent head-to-toe pose that strengthens the entire back. Lie on your stomach with your arms at your sides. To start, lengthen the tailbone toward the heel so that the waist is not pinched. Using the muscles of the middle back and upper back, lift the shoulders, arms, and torso off the mat, keeping the back of the neck aligned with the rest of the spine. Then lift your legs off the ground and work your glutes and hamstrings.

Hip cocking doesn't have to be a squat, these 6 yoga poses are just as effective!

Focus on using the base of your hips (gluteus maximus) to lift your legs, not the muscles of your lower back. Hold for 5 breaths, stretch your legs and feel the strength of your hips and hamstrings. Repeat 3 times.

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