
24W26 Product Weekly Report

author:Everybody is a product manager

In the past week, the most lively should be the AI circle.

Since OpenAI announced that it needs to cut off the supply of APIs, domestic large model manufacturers have quickly followed up, for fear that they will be preempted by others one step too late. They have given their own preferential policies, and also intimately attached various transfer tools and exclusive services, but the results are still unknown.

There is also the media speculating on Tesla's FSD entry into China some time ago, although there is no official news yet, but the CEO of Xpeng Motors has experienced it in advance and expressed his opinion. The person in charge of his own intelligent driving laughed and said that he needed to solve the problem of the small electric donkey first, and Xiaopeng has rich experience here.

For other hot events, let's take a look at this week's weekly report.

24W26 Product Weekly Report

First, it is worth paying attention to

On the eve of entering China, He Xiaopeng released an FSD experience report, and the person in charge of Xiaopeng Intelligent Driving said that Tesla's FSD could not handle the domestic e-donkey

On June 20, local time in the United States, an overseas blogger certified as an investor of Tesla said that He Xiaopeng, CEO of Xpeng Motors, personally experienced Tesla's latest self-driving system FSD V12.3.6 during his visit to the United States, and revealed that the software is expected to enter the Chinese market within this year. Musk commented on the tweet that "Chinese automakers have shown strong competitiveness on a global scale." Subsequently, Xpeng's official account responded to Musk's comment, "We wonder if there is an opportunity to borrow a Tesla equipped with FSD V12.4.1 (closed beta version) in the near future?" By the way, when you come to China, we will be happy to offer you the opportunity to test drive your new car (Xpeng Motors) and look forward to your arrival. ”

On June 25, He Xiaopeng, chairman of Xpeng Motors, shared his self-driving experience for Tesla's FSD V12.3.6 version and Waymo in California, USA. "Waymo performs better in downtown San Francisco, while FSD performs extremely well in Silicon Valley and on highway, can achieve high scores, and handles a lot of road conditions silky," he noted. He also said that he was very impressed that FSD has made great progress in the past few months, and Xpeng will also learn from FSD their excellent function points and user experience parts, "I believe that 2025 will be the moment of fully autonomous ChatGPT!" ”

On June 26, @XP Li Liyun, the head of Xpeng's autonomous driving, posted on Weibo, "It is difficult for FSD to handle the 300 million small electric donkeys in China, which is a particularly interesting topic, compared with the United States, China's road conditions are much more complicated." He said that Xpeng XNGP has rich experience in dealing with this area. It has not only experienced the verification and test of the non-motorized vehicle army in Nanning, Guangzhou, Kunming, Nanchang and other cities, but also has in-depth thinking and mature solutions in achieving the balance between the game with motorcycles and the protection of motorcycles, and at the same time will promote the application of AI to empower such in-depth hand-to-hand combat scenarios.

OpenAI "suspends" Chinese APIs, and domestic manufacturers "grab orders"

In the early morning of June 25, some developers received a letter from OpenAI, "According to the data, your organization has API traffic from regions that are not currently supported by OpenAl. From July 9, additional measures will be taken to stop the use of APIs from countries and regions that are not supported by OpenAI. ”

This also means that OpenAI announced that it will end its API services for Chinese developers.

As soon as the news came out, domestic large-scale model companies took action as soon as possible and launched "migration plans" one after another.

  • Zhipu will provide developers with a series of migration training from OpenAI to GLM with 150 million Tokens (50 million GLM-4 + 100 million GLM-4-Air); Provide customers with a token gift plan that is equal to OpenAI's usage scale, a reciprocal concurrency scale, etc.
  • Baidu Qianfan has launched a large-scale model inclusive plan, which will provide services such as 0 yuan call, 0 yuan training, and 0 yuan migration for newly registered enterprise users from now on. Among them, the Wenxin flagship model is free for the first time, and the ERNIE3.5 flagship model is free of 50 million tokens, and the main model ERNIE Speed/ERNIE Lite and the lightweight model ERNIE Tiny continue to be free; For OpenAI migration users, an additional ERNIE3.5 flagship model Tokens package with the same scale as OpenAI will be given. The above promotions are valid until 24 o'clock on 25 July 2024.
  • Alibaba Cloud Bailian announced that it will provide OpenAI API users with the most cost-effective alternative to China's large models, and provide Chinese developers with 22 million free tokens and exclusive migration services.
  • 010000 launched the "Yi API Two-Fold Replacement Plan" and launched a service for OpenAI users to migrate to the Yi series of large models. New customers who currently register to use Yi API will be given a 100 yuan credit immediately; The platform will also give 50% of the amount to the account, with no cap, providing users with longer-term discounts. In addition, the 010,000 Things API will also provide Prompt compatible tuning service support.
  • Tencent Cloud released a solution for enterprise users to migrate large models. Tencent Cloud provides a variety of models in different versions and sizes, such as Hybrid Pro, Standard, and Lite, which users can choose from. Newly migrated enterprise users can get 100 million tokens of Tencent's hybrid model for free. It will also provide free exclusive migration tools and services for new migrating enterprise users.
  • iFLYTEK announced the launch of the "iFLYTEK Xinghuo API Inclusive Policy", which launched a number of free and ultra-low discount services for development teams and entrepreneurial teams affected by the "supply cut". The five "inclusive policies" of the API for developers include: the Spark Lite version is free forever, the Spark Pro version is free for 1 month, the Spark Max version is free of 100 million tokens, the first public release of the Spark 4.0 Ultra version is buy one get one free, and 1V1 support services for technical experts are provided.
  • Mobvoi announced the launch of the self-developed large model "Sequence Monkey" for OpenAI API users. "Sequence Monkey" fully adapts the open interface platform to OpenAI, realizes one-click migration, provides OpenAI API users with 200 million Token voice migration subsidies, and provides technical support for migration services.
  • Baichuan Intelligent announced the special launch of OpenAI's zero-cost migration plan, which will give away 10 million tokens for free to participating users, and announced that the Assitants API is free to use. At present, the interface of Baichuan Intelligent Open Platform is fully compatible with OpenAI API, supports zero-cost migration, and has more functions. With the help of Baichuan technical experts to answer questions at any time, developers can complete API migration in five minutes.
  • The 360 Intelligent Brain Model announced the OpenAI user migration plan and launched a limited-time giveaway campaign to encourage new users to sign up for the API platform. According to the plan, users who newly register on the API platform before July 31 can receive 100 million 360 gpt-pro tokens or 250 million 360 million gpt-turbo tokens for free.

About this event, the authors of the platform have already begun a heated discussion:

Second, product dynamics

DingTalk announced that it is open to all large model manufacturers

On June 26, the "Make 2024 DingTalk Ecological Conference" was held in Beijing. At the meeting, DingTalk announced that it would be open to all large model manufacturers to build the most open AI ecosystem in China. In addition to the Tongyi large model, six large model manufacturers, including MiniMax, Dark Side of the Moon, Zhipu AI, Orion Starry Sky, Zero One Everything, and Baichuan Intelligence, have reached cooperation with DingTalk. At present, the total number of DingTalk ecosystem partners exceeds 5,600, of which more than 100 are AI ecosystem partners. DingTalk AI is called more than 10 million times a day.

The large model participates in the 2024 college entrance examination, and three domestic AIs such as bean bags are admitted to the first line of liberal arts

On June 24, GPT-4o ranked first in the total score of liberal arts with a score of 562 in the newly released college entrance examination new course standard I large model evaluation report released by Geek Park.

Among domestic products, ByteDance's bean bag won the first place, with a score of 542.5 points. The evaluation and evaluation of the large model college entrance examination is exactly the same as the Henan Provincial Examination paper, and the admission score line of the Henan college entrance examination shows that the admission score line of a batch of liberal arts undergraduates is 521 points, and domestic AI such as bean bags have successfully rushed to the first line.

CEO of Huggingface: China is a global leader in the field of open source large models, and Alibaba Qwen-2 is the first in the open source large model ranking

In the early morning of June 27, Clem, co-founder and CEO of Huggingface, a world-renowned open source platform, said on social platforms that in order to provide a new open source large model ranking, 300 H100 pairs of more than 100 mainstream open source large models in the world, such as Qwen2, Llama-3, mixtral, Phi-3, etc., were newly evaluated on benchmark test sets such as BBH, MUSR, MMLU-PRO, GPQA, etc. The results show that Alibaba's latest open-source Qwen2-72B instruction fine-tuned version has become the first in the open source model rankings, and China is in a leading position in the field of global open source large models.

3. Operational dynamics

Heytea's new name, Xiao Ni Gardenia, was accused of rubbing the edges

According to Oriental Finance and Economics, recently, some netizens complained that the pronunciation of Heytea's new milk tea "Little Milk Gardenia" was suspected of rubbing the edges, causing discomfort. Some netizens also said that they were embarrassed when ordering offline.

Oriental Finance randomly asked the staff of the Heytea store, and the other party said that the name was set by the company, and there was no problem with consumer reactions.

Air Travel Big Data: Inbound and Outbound Air Ticket Bookings During the Summer Travel Period Increased by 93% Year-on-Year

According to the big data of air travel, as of June 27, during the summer travel period of 2024 (July 1 to August 31), the number of domestic route ticket bookings exceeded 18 million, an increase of about 23% over the same period last year; The planned number of inbound and outbound flights is about 145,000, and the number of inbound and outbound air ticket bookings is nearly 7 million, an increase of about 93% over the same period last year, and the top 10 popular inbound and outbound destinations are: Bangkok, Seoul, Tokyo, Osaka, Hong Kong, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, London, Phuket, and Macau, China. (Securities Times)

Cainiao has set up seven cross-border merchant centers to tailor international express services for small and medium-sized merchants

Cainiao announced that it plans to land seven cross-border business centers throughout the year, radiating 20 industrial belts across the country, and the first stop will be settled in Yiwu. By strengthening the construction of local service teams and tailoring cost-effective international express solutions for small and medium-sized overseas merchants, it can save up to 5-10% of logistics costs. The Cainiao International Express team will rely on the localized operation of the merchant center to provide customized logistics services for local small and medium-sized businesses, such as one-click merchant entry, multi-ERP system docking, etc.; In addition, in the face of the problem of door-to-door pickup, Cainiao's "one-piece pickup" can cover more than 100 cities across the country, and there is no minimum pickup order limit.

Fourth, good article recommendation

Like operating systems, large models are subject to open-source and closed-source controversies. Some large model principles are open source for the benefit of mankind, and more choose closed-source commercialization; Behind the controversy over the opening and closing of large models, there are several core problems

In 2020, the author wrote an article analyzing the rise of JD Health and its layout in the medical field, expressing concerns about the purchase willingness of JD family doctor users and the overlap with the function of family doctors in the medical system. Now 4 years have passed, JD Health's business model has been adjusted, and the author has also tried to disassemble the JD Health APP again to see what business can replace JD Family Doctor, which was originally in the C position.

Founded in 2012 and listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 2020, Snowflake set the largest IPO in the history of a software company, soaring 111.61% at the opening, with a market value of $70.7 billion at one point, and PS was more than 50 times. While the stock price is now "halved" from its peak, Snowflake remains one of the most valued stocks in the enterprise software market.

How does Snowflake sustain high growth? What is the marketing growth strategy from the different stages of 0-1 and 1-N? Starting from the development history, this article focuses on the key marketing growth strategies in three stages.

5. Wonderful Q&A

Q: Why can't I customize the duration when I purchase a membership?

Almost all of them are monthly, quarterly, and annual memberships, and I have never seen a platform that customizes the membership for x months. Why is that?

Welcome to the onlookers:

This article is worth paying attention to, product dynamics, and operation dynamics, and is selected from the summary of the express news column, and the information comes from CCTV news, Sina Technology, interface, Finance Associated Press, surging news, and every economic network

The question comes from the Q&A platform under which everyone is a product manager - ask every day, welcome all friends to communicate and learn~

This article was originally published by @星月说财报 on Everyone is a Product Manager. Reproduction without the permission of the author is prohibited

The title image is from Unsplash and is licensed under CC0

The views in this article only represent the author's own, everyone is a product manager, and the platform only provides information storage space services

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