
Intimidation with a knife, driving without a license, verbal abuse of others, has been detained!

author:Xinzhou Net
Intimidation with a knife, driving without a license, verbal abuse of others, has been detained!

Recently, a short video of 1 minute and 17 seconds was widely spread in the WeChat group, in which a man with a meandering accent held a controlled knife to intimidate and abuse others, which aroused social concern and caused a bad impact.

Intimidation with a knife, driving without a license, verbal abuse of others, has been detained!

It is understood that at about 9 o'clock in the morning on June 21, the Patrol Town Police Station of the Hequ County Public Security Bureau received a 110 report that there was a dispute on a road in Xiaoyi Village, and someone was holding a knife.

Intimidation with a knife, driving without a license, verbal abuse of others, has been detained!

After receiving the police, the police quickly rushed to the scene to deal with it. After investigation, the police had a verbal altercation with Zhang on the way to the wrong car, and during the dispute, Zhang took out the controlled knife he was carrying from the car he was driving, intimidated and abused the reporter. In the process of investigation and evidence collection, the police found that the vehicle driven by the offender Zhang did not hang a motor vehicle number plate in accordance with the regulations, and was an unlicensed vehicle.

Intimidation with a knife, driving without a license, verbal abuse of others, has been detained!

Upon inquiry, the offender Zhang confessed to the above illegal facts. At present, the Hequ County Public Security Bureau has administratively detained Zhang in accordance with the law, and at the same time confiscated a controlled knife that he illegally carried.

Source: Hequ Public Security

Intimidation with a knife, driving without a license, verbal abuse of others, has been detained!