
In marriage, depending on whether a woman is smart enough, you can make it clear with these five things

author:Muxue sunset

Yang Jiang once said:

"Love is romantic, but marriage is realistic. In marriage, we must learn to tolerate and understand each other in order to spend the trivialities of life together. ”

It is true that marriage is not only a practice in life for a woman, but also a compulsory course for a lifetime.

In life, those really smart and powerful women, when managing their marriages, know how to let go and adopt a strategy of following the trend.

Therefore, their marriages are often because the husband is very caring, the children are very obedient, and the mother-in-law is very loving.

In short, in marriage, to see whether a woman is smart enough, you can make it clear with these five things.


In the face of marital conflicts, she will never be treated with a cold war

In married life, there will inevitably be conflicts and disputes between husband and wife. At this time, a smart woman will definitely not choose the Cold War.

Because she knows that the Cold War will only make problems accumulate more and more, and make the relationship between husband and wife weaker and weaker. Instead, she will choose to communicate openly and honestly, using her gentleness and reason to resolve conflicts.

In marriage, depending on whether a woman is smart enough, you can make it clear with these five things

I remember that in the TV series "Marriage Defense War", there is a scene that is impressive. The couple quarreled over a trivial matter, and the woman did not choose to be silent or cold, but took the initiative to sit down and talk to the man.

She first expressed her feelings with her husband, and then communicated the problem from the other party's point of view, and finally both of them realized their problems, and the conflict was naturally resolved.

There is a famous saying that says, "Communication is the bridge of the heart." "A smart woman always knows how to use communication to solve problems, not to use cold war to avoid problems.


I don't ask my husband to be perfect, and I don't want to reform my husband strongly

Many women have a common problem in marriage, which is to want their husbands to be perfect. But how can there be a perfect person in this world?

A wise woman knows that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and husbands are no exception. She doesn't demand perfection from her husband, and she doesn't try to force him up.

There is an old saying: "When the water is clear, there are no fish, and when people are observed, there are no fugitives." "A wise woman knows that in marriage, she must learn to be tolerant and understanding, rather than blindly asking the other person to change.


Never fight against my mother-in-law

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is a major problem in marriage. Many women do not handle the relationship between their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law well, resulting in a mess of their married life.

However, a wise woman knows that the contradictions between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law often stem from misunderstandings and estrangements between each other. Therefore, she will not choose to confront her mother-in-law, but will use understanding and tolerance to resolve the conflict.

In marriage, depending on whether a woman is smart enough, you can make it clear with these five things

Imagine what a smart woman would do if there was a conflict between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law? She may take the initiative to talk to her mother-in-law to understand her thoughts and feelings; Or give a small gift to show your concern and respect. In this way, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will naturally ease a lot.

As the saying goes, "Home and everything prosper." "A wise woman knows that only when the family is in harmony can a happy married life be fulfilled. Therefore, a wise woman will use her wisdom and hard work to create a warm and harmonious family atmosphere.


Do not control children in the name of love

Children are the hope and future of husband and wife. However, many women often make a mistake in the process of educating their children - to control their children in the name of love.

They always want their children to grow and develop according to their own wishes, but they ignore the children's personality and needs.

However, a wise woman knows that children are independent individuals who need their own space and choices.

Therefore, she will not control the child in the name of love, but will guide the child with understanding and support. She respects children's interests and hobbies and encourages them to explore the world and pursue their dreams.

As it says in the book "The Little Prince": "Every child is a star, and they need to be understood and respected." "A wise woman knows how to do this, allowing children to thrive in a free environment.


Don't complain about your husband, and occasionally pretend to be confused

In married life, many women will complain about various shortcomings and deficiencies of their husbands. However, a wise woman knows that complaining will only strain their relationship with each other. Therefore, she will not choose to complain about her husband, but will tolerate his shortcomings and shortcomings with tolerance and understanding.

In marriage, depending on whether a woman is smart enough, you can make it clear with these five things

At the same time, a smart woman will occasionally pretend to be confused. She knew that there were some things in a marriage that didn't need to be taken care of. Occasionally pretending to be confused can resolve some unnecessary conflicts and make your married life easier and more enjoyable.

For example, when her husband forgets something important, she will pretend not to know and then remind him lightly.

This will not embarrass the husband and will make it easy to solve the problem. Such a woman is always able to handle various relationships with ease in marriage, making married life more harmonious and satisfying.


There is a good saying:

Powerful women, when managing marriage, know how to take a step back and open the sky.

Yes, in family relationships, if you make more concessions and give more tolerance to loved ones, there will naturally be more room for happiness.

In short, whether a woman is smart enough in marriage can be made clear by these five things. A wise woman will manage the relationship with wisdom and love to make the marriage tree evergreen.

If you also want to be a smart woman, start changing yourself now!

Finally, I wish all women a happy marriage, obedient and intelligent children, and gentle and loving mothers-in-law.