
Haitian Eagle: It wasn't until Yu Zhaonian suddenly realized that Yu Tao's father had a dewy relationship with her!

author:Lazy insects talk about entertainment

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"Haitian Eagle" is a military drama with the theme of test pilots of Chinese aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft.

The play is directed by Liu Jiacheng, written by Zhu Xiuhai, starring Zhu Yawen, Hou Yong, Li Youbin, Du Chun, Wang Luodan special starring, Zhao Da, Guo Guangping, Tong Lei, Zhang Yao guest starring.

Haitian Eagle: It wasn't until Yu Zhaonian suddenly realized that Yu Tao's father had a dewy relationship with her!

The plot mainly tells the story of the establishment of the People's Navy carrier-based aircraft test flight team after the launch of the Chinese aircraft carrier, and the meritorious pilot Wei Zhonghua presided over the selection of the first batch of test pilots.

Yu Lingyun, a young Navy special-grade pilot, was a candidate for a test flight after driving away foreign fighters that had entered the mainland's airspace to harass him.

After entering the test flight team, Yu Lingyun and his comrades-in-arms faced tests such as 1V1 confrontation, deck lanyards, hitting the "visual wall" and anti-zone flight.

Haitian Eagle: It wasn't until Yu Zhaonian suddenly realized that Yu Tao's father had a dewy relationship with her!

Under the leadership of Wei Zhonghua, they went through hardships and finally broke through technical difficulties such as carrier-based aircraft taking off and landing, and China has also become a country that has successfully mastered these two technologies.

The young pilots in the play inherited the "spirit of the eagle of the sea and air" of the older generation, and led the Chinese carrier-based aircraft group to spread their wings and soar in the vast sea and sky.

In the vast ocean of life, there is such a woman, who holds up the sky of a home with her unyielding backbone, and writes an ordinary and extraordinary story with tenacity and love.

Haitian Eagle: It wasn't until Yu Zhaonian suddenly realized that Yu Tao's father had a dewy relationship with her!

She is Yu Tao's mother, a veteran, a good wife, and a great mother.

Her story is a hymn to sacrifice, perseverance and motherly love.

To the ocean, the name is like a deep blue in his life, vast and deep.

As a soldier, he dedicated his youth and life to the country, and at the age of 28, he died heroically in the line of duty, leaving behind an unfinished legacy.

Haitian Eagle: It wasn't until Yu Zhaonian suddenly realized that Yu Tao's father had a dewy relationship with her!

His departure is not only a grief for the family, but also a challenge for the future, especially for his young wife, Yu Tao's mother, this is a sudden wind and rain, testing her strength and wisdom as a mother.

This mother, who used to be a member of the military camp, did not choose to start her life again after being discharged from the army, but silently took on the responsibility of raising Yu Tao, and built a warm harbor for her children with her own hands.

In the long river of years, she is not only a haven for her son, but also a solid support for the elder Yu Zhaonian in the family, and interprets the meaning of "good daughter-in-law" with her actions.

Haitian Eagle: It wasn't until Yu Zhaonian suddenly realized that Yu Tao's father had a dewy relationship with her!

Her world always seems to revolve around her family, and her own happiness is often put last.

When it comes to Yu Tao's growth path, I have to mention Director Liu, a character who is particularly subtle in the background of the story.

As Yu Haiyang's girlfriend and psychological counselor, Director Liu and Yu Tao's mother were once friends in the same bed, and although the friendship between them has been diluted by the passage of time, the mutual understanding and respect still exists.

The fate of fate allowed the trajectories of these two women's lives to converge again, albeit in an embarrassing way.

Haitian Eagle: It wasn't until Yu Zhaonian suddenly realized that Yu Tao's father had a dewy relationship with her!

When Yu Tao decided to embark on his father's unfinished road and become a naval test pilot, he chose to take on this responsibility and glory alone, hiding it from his mother, just because he knew that behind those gentle and firm eyes, there was too much reluctance and worry.

After all, the secret is difficult to hide, and my mother finally learned the truth from Mr. Yu Zhaonian.

This discovery was undoubtedly a huge shock to her heart, but what she showed was not blame, but deeper understanding and support.

Haitian Eagle: It wasn't until Yu Zhaonian suddenly realized that Yu Tao's father had a dewy relationship with her!

In order to better understand her son's work and protect his son's career from being affected, the mother adopted a seemingly contradictory but wise approach:

Through the phone call with Director Liu and the meeting with relevant leaders, she had an in-depth understanding of Yu Tao's working environment and challenges, and at the same time, she chose to hide all this in her heart and accompany her son's growth with a silent support.

This kind of forbearance and sacrifice is the most profound interpretation of maternal love.

In this story, we can't help but express our highest respect and sympathy for this mother.

Haitian Eagle: It wasn't until Yu Zhaonian suddenly realized that Yu Tao's father had a dewy relationship with her!

Her greatness lies not only in facing the hardships of life alone, but also in her love that surpasses herself, and her courage to bear everything silently for the sake of her children's future.

Her life may be full of hardships and sacrifices, but it is these that have forged her extraordinary soul.

We hope that in both real and fictional scripts, the screenwriter can give more warmth and care to such a character, so that she can usher in her own rainbow after experiencing wind and rain.

Haitian Eagle: It wasn't until Yu Zhaonian suddenly realized that Yu Tao's father had a dewy relationship with her!

Because every mother who pays so silently like her deserves to be treated gently by the world.

Under this sky woven by love and sacrifice, her story is the brightest star.

Under Yu Tao's mother's seemingly calm face, there is a deep nostalgia for the past years and endless expectations for the future.

She knows that her son's choice is not only the inheritance of his father's legacy, but also a continuation of her military spirit.

Haitian Eagle: It wasn't until Yu Zhaonian suddenly realized that Yu Tao's father had a dewy relationship with her!

In the dead of night, she would gently flip through the old photo albums, and those yellowed photos recorded the laughter and tears of the family, and also witnessed her growth from a young girl to the pillar of the family today.

Every time you turn the page, it is a remembrance of the past and an expectation for the future.

In the call with Director Liu, the hearts of the two former comrades-in-arms were comforted for a long time.

Haitian Eagle: It wasn't until Yu Zhaonian suddenly realized that Yu Tao's father had a dewy relationship with her!

Although time has passed and their lives have different priorities, the friendship based on understanding and trust has not dissipated.

Director Liu not only provided detailed information about Yu Tao's work, but also gave Yu Tao's mother a lot of encouragement and suggestions as a person who came over.

This friendship across time and space, like a beam of light, illuminates her way forward, allowing her to feel the warmth from the outside world while supporting her son.

The meeting between Yu Tao's mother and the dean was more like a battle without gunpowder.

Haitian Eagle: It wasn't until Yu Zhaonian suddenly realized that Yu Tao's father had a dewy relationship with her!

With the wisdom of a mother, she skillfully inquired into every detail of her son's work, and at the same time, with the dignity of a veteran, she maintained due restraint and decency.

She knows that her words and deeds may affect her son's future, so she chooses to bury all her worries and insecurities deep in her heart, showing the greatness and selflessness of maternal love with an almost detached attitude.

The society's praise and sympathy for such a woman is not only a recognition of her personal qualities, but also a tribute to all mothers who have been silently dedicated.

Haitian Eagle: It wasn't until Yu Zhaonian suddenly realized that Yu Tao's father had a dewy relationship with her!

Her story, like a low-chanted ballad, echoes in countless ordinary families, reminding us that behind every success, there is such a great mother or mothers, who use their lives to weave the warp and weft of love and support the sky of their home.

We should remember that the real heroes are often not in the spotlight, but in those days of silent labor.

Yu Tao's mother, and thousands of mothers like her, interpret the true meaning of maternal love with their own actions, and teach us what sacrifice is, what perseverance is, and what unconditional love is.

Haitian Eagle: It wasn't until Yu Zhaonian suddenly realized that Yu Tao's father had a dewy relationship with her!

In the days to come, may the world give them more understanding, respect and love, so that they can enjoy the sweetness and tranquility of life while protecting their families.

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