
Characteristics of a girl's growth: self-esteem and self-love, the cornerstone of a girl's growth

author:Positive life in Beijing

Self-esteem and self-love are the foundation for us to become a better version of ourselves, which means we value ourselves and feel great. If a girl knows how to respect and love herself, she knows how to respect herself, care about herself, and feel that she deserves to be respected from the outside to the inside. Such a girl will be more liked and more likely to be cared for by others. The female writer Lung Yingtai once said: "If a girl herself doesn't respect herself, can she expect others to respect her?" ”

Characteristics of a girl's growth: self-esteem and self-love, the cornerstone of a girl's growth

When we are young, it is an important time for us to form character and moral character. At that time, our ideas may not be very mature and susceptible to outside influences. The thoughts and actions we take during this time have a great impact on the rest of our lives. Therefore, Mom and Dad should guide us correctly, let us learn to respect ourselves, love ourselves, and become a good girl with self-esteem and self-love and full of positive energy.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: self-esteem and self-love, the cornerstone of a girl's growth

10-year-old Fangfang often feels that her good friend Xiaowei is better than herself in everything, no matter what aspice. In this school's singing competition, Fangfang missed Xiaowei by one point and won the second place. When she got home, Fangfang was so sad that she was about to cry, she said to her mother: "Mom, no matter how hard I try, I can't win Xiaowei, am I really inferior to her?" My body, height, and voice are not as good as hers, so what else do I have to work on? ”

Characteristics of a girl's growth: self-esteem and self-love, the cornerstone of a girl's growth

Mother listened to Fangfang's words and comforted her gently: "Fangfang, you feel sad because you have a friend who is better than yourself, right?" Fangfang nodded.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: self-esteem and self-love, the cornerstone of a girl's growth

Mom then said, "But you know what, it's actually a good thing. Because of her, you have the motivation to keep moving forward. You don't work hard to outdo her, but to make yourself better. Just like a running race, many runners need a partner to run with in order to work harder to reach the finish line. What do you think? ”

Characteristics of a girl's growth: self-esteem and self-love, the cornerstone of a girl's growth

After hearing this, Fangfang felt much better, and she said, "Mom, I understand. Having a good friend like Xiaowei, does it mean that I am actually quite good? It's just that I need to work harder, right? It is true that girls' self-esteem is not the same as that of boys. Boys' self-esteem may be a bit more stubborn, while girls' self-esteem is more sensitive and delicate. Therefore, a girl's self-esteem needs to be more carefully cared for and cultivated by parents.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: self-esteem and self-love, the cornerstone of a girl's growth

Many parents may feel that their daughter is their own, so they can educate her in any way they want, and often like to talk to her in a commanding tone. But in reality, each girl is an individual with her own thoughts and feelings. So, please don't always communicate with her in a commanding tone, and don't ask too much of her by adult standards. Instead, encourage your daughter to be brave enough to express her opinions, even if she has a different opinion from an adult. If the parents do something wrong, they should also dare to admit it, so that the daughter will feel respected.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: self-esteem and self-love, the cornerstone of a girl's growth

In addition, parents should be careful to encourage their daughter to accept and value herself, even if she is mediocre in some aspects. Everyone has their imperfections, but everyone also has their own unique brilliance and strengths. We need to teach our daughter how to play to her strengths and avoid her weaknesses so that she can be more attractive.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: self-esteem and self-love, the cornerstone of a girl's growth

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Characteristics of a girl's growth: self-esteem and self-love, the cornerstone of a girl's growth