
The first "one-word horse" girl who rushed out of the examination room that year was surprising

author:Keep a diary with your baby

In 2020, as soon as the college entrance examination ended, a girl was the first to rush out of the examination room excitedly, and jumped a few beautiful "one-word horses" in the air.

When the reporter interviewed her, she said: Because I am a special student in aerobics, I subconsciously do the "one-word horse" action when I am excited, and I want to play and relax after the college entrance examination.

The first "one-word horse" girl who rushed out of the examination room that year was surprising

Luo Zixin is an art examination student, she originally wanted to apply for Qingdao University, but a month before the exam, she heard that the China Academy of Art also began to recruit aerobics students, which is her long-favorite school, so she did not hesitate to target the China Academy of Art.

In order to get into the school of her choice, she trains 4 times a day.

may have finally come to the closest step to his dream, on the day of the professional exam, Luo Zixin was excited and nervous, and made a mistake in the first exam. She quickly adjusted her mindset and came out on top in second place.

This means that she has one foot in the door of the China Academy of Art.

The first "one-word horse" girl who rushed out of the examination room that year was surprising

In the end, Luo Zixin finally walked into the college entrance examination room with perfect performance and self-confidence, however, how did she do in the end?

After the scores came out, she only scored 457 points, and when she heard the news, netizens blew up.

For a while, Luo Zixin became the target of ridicule from many netizens, "I just got this score, who gave you confidence?" "With this achievement, where did the arrogant 'one-word horse' get the courage at the beginning?"

What everyone doesn't know is that a score of 457 points may only be able to take two or three books for ordinary people, but for Luo Zixin, a special student, as long as the cultural score is not less than 342 points, she can go to a very good school, and this score is better than the normal college entrance examination for her, and she was finally admitted to the Sino-American College.

The first "one-word horse" girl who rushed out of the examination room that year was surprising

Many netizens who didn't know what was going on not only didn't buy it, but also sneered on the Internet, saying that it was because Luo Zixin was popular, and the school opened a "back door" to her, until the vice president of the China Academy of Art came out to clarify, and the matter slowly cooled down.

This report on the 2020 college entrance examination is that we have to enter a deep reflection, the rapid development of society, the pace of children's cultural education is getting faster and faster, all kinds of cram schools on weekends, and the lectures and test papers inside and outside the classroom during the week have been filled with life, it seems that in the eyes of all parents, academic performance is the benchmark and representative of all the measurement of a child, and the child's good and bad moments are linked to the grades, so can the grades represent everything? The answer is no, in educating children at different stages of life, interpreting the heart and radiating brilliance may be exactly what parents should advocate.

The first "one-word horse" girl who rushed out of the examination room that year was surprising
The first "one-word horse" girl who rushed out of the examination room that year was surprising

Learn to pay more attention to your child

Many parents always think that children with backward grades are the thorn in the side of teachers and classmates, just like Luo Zixin, who is in her youth, judges and ridicules at will just because she does not meet the public's expectations of her confident attitude, but she is not willing to really go into her inner world to understand her.

In order to realize her dreams and aspirations, she is more willing to put in the effort and sweat for them, which is a good moral character.

The first "one-word horse" girl who rushed out of the examination room that year was surprising

In many families, parents think that the most important thing in everything is academic performance, children with good grades can always be liked by parents, but grades do not mean that everything can be proven, development is all-round, no one in the world can be perfect, adults always give high hopes, but in fact, they just don't want to admit that their children are ordinary, and there are many things worth paying attention to in addition to grades, such as character, hobbies, specialties, and what kind of talent parents should pay attention to.

Some children are good at dancing, some children are good at singing, but they can achieve certain results in their own fields and slowly carry them forward, and some children are weak in this aspect but have advantages in other aspects, which can slowly help him develop his advantages and help children learn and grow happily in self-confidence.

The first "one-word horse" girl who rushed out of the examination room that year was surprising
The first "one-word horse" girl who rushed out of the examination room that year was surprising

Teach your child to build self-confidence correctly

Luo Zixin is lucky, after malicious speculation and abuse of online inequality, it is a very remarkable thing to be able to sink his heart and focus on the road under his feet. Even while being personally attacked and subjected to online violence, she also tried to do her own thing with her heart, and finally succeeded.

The impetuous social atmosphere will lead a huge wind direction from time to time, many people always follow the trend and lack of thinking, others will always be angry when they speak badly, and they will lose confidence when they encounter cynicism, in fact, self-confidence comes to themselves, many times we will know that the truth is not the case, but it will still be completely crushed by the other party's words.

I think of a sweet-looking girl in high school, who was commented by others on the fat side, and always wore a mask with a hunched back in the hot summer, so she spent her three years of high school in this way, and has been spending it in self-denial, because her parents always think that she is not perfect enough, in fact, she doesn't know that she is also a beautiful scenery in the eyes of some people.

The first "one-word horse" girl who rushed out of the examination room that year was surprising

Self-confidence comes from learning to accept oneself, not blindly obeying others and gradually hating oneself, it is a process of gradually falling in love with oneself, parents should establish their children's self-confidence, and the role of parents in psychological education is very important.

The process of building self-confidence in children's psychology should not be underestimated, confident children will always face problems with a positive and optimistic attitude, and slowly achieve a better self, and the psychology of inferiority often makes people fall into the abyss, slowly reject anyone's praise, and become gloomy.

We should always encourage our children, discover their strengths and extend them, so that they can shine in their own lives!

The first "one-word horse" girl who rushed out of the examination room that year was surprising
The first "one-word horse" girl who rushed out of the examination room that year was surprising

Don't categorize children by grades

The words "excellent students" and "poor students" always appear frequently in students, is it true that children with good grades must be excellent, and children with poor grades have no future?

The children of my colleague's family have excellent grades since they were young, and they are always praised by others at the dinner table.

But this child is very introverted, does not like to talk to people, always dodges his eyes, and has a bad mentality, she will shine when her grades are good, and she thinks she is useless when her grades lag behind slightly, and then she suffers from depression for a long time.

If parents are too concerned about their children's performance or grades, and children also think that they are qualified to be a good child only if they have good grades, they are slowly depressed under pressure.

The first "one-word horse" girl who rushed out of the examination room that year was surprising

Grades are not a ruler to measure the level of excellence of children, every parent should look at the problem equally, scores can not determine everything, there will be many different test papers in life, the style and content of each exam are not repeated, we should pay more attention to the child's own world, the shortcomings are slowly filled, the advantages are slowly extended, so that the child's inner construction can be more three-dimensional, add a satisfactory answer to their own life!

Children are the best books that parents should read carefully and read carefully, parents are pioneers and builders in the construction of the psychological level, and we should pay more attention to the truth, goodness and beauty inside and outside the soul in an all-round way!

The first "one-word horse" girl who rushed out of the examination room that year was surprising

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