
433, Zixi, Ziyu, Zili, and Zilai are four good friends who look at life

author:A collection of traditional Chinese culture

Zixi, Ziyu, Zili, and Zilai said in harmony: "Who can take nothing as the head, life as the spine, and death as the spine; I am a friend of those who know that life and death are alive and dead! The four of them looked at each other and smiled, not against their hearts, so they became friends.

Zixi, Ziyu, Zili, and Zilai met, as for why the party would meet, Zhuangzi didn't say, maybe it was like-minded, and it was possible to get together to eat and drink. They are all cultivators, and since the gathering naturally has to exchange experiences and reach a consensus, it has the momentum of a modern national leadership gathering. The four of them issued a joint declaration: "Whoever can take nothingness as the head, life as the spine, and death as the tail." That is, the one who can see life and death as one, I will make friends with him. As soon as the declaration came out, the four of them looked at each other and smiled, and then they became friends with each other.

Some people will definitely ask what kind of ghost is "with nothingness as the head, life as the spine, and death as the tail", although it is described in terms of human body parts, but it is certainly not a ghost. It should be the understanding and attitude of life experience, human life comes from nothingness, life is not brought, and the red stripe comes, which is the beginning of life, so it is called "headed by nothing". The existence of life runs through the whole life, although it is the main part of life, it is not the whole of the human body, so it can only be called the "spine". All life ends with death, which is the inevitable end of life, which can be called "jiri", that is, the tail vertebrae.

Although it is commensurate with the head, spine, and jiri, it is a complete body when it is one, that is to say, from nothingness to the generation of life, and then to death, although it is three different parts, they are a whole, and it is impossible to exist independently, I have never heard of a person who can do without a tail vertebrae. Even so, you shouldn't be happy because of your spine or sad because of your tail vertebrae.

In Russia, Ziyu is sick, and Ziyi asks about it. He said, "Great, the Creator of the Husband will be detained for this." ”

Soon, Ziyu fell ill. When Zici heard about it, he went to visit.

Ziyu didn't look like a patient, hugging and lying on his back, groaning in pain. Rather, it was at that time that he said, "Great! O Creator, you can make me such a strange person. ”

433, Zixi, Ziyu, Zili, and Zilai are four good friends who look at life

The back of the curly hair, there are five pipes, the Yi is hidden in Qi, the shoulders are higher than the top, and the sentence refers to the sky.

Zi Xi looked at it, not to mention, it was really weird. But seeing Ziyu hunched over, the acupuncture points corresponding to the five organs are all facing the sky, and the so-called "five tubes" are the five acupuncture points corresponding to the five organs. His face was buried below his navel, his shoulders were high above his head, and his hair was in a bun.

Among them, "Qi" is the same umbilicus. "Ju Fu" should not be the cervical vertebrae annotated in some versions, but should have the same meaning as "will pinch" in "The Human World", that is, to refer to the bun. This bun should not be the kind we see the Taoist priests on the top of their heads in costume dramas, is it similar to the kind on the heads of the terracotta warriors, it should have been on the side and back, but because the big head is facing down, now the bun is facing up.

The qi of yin and yang is in flux. His mind was idle and had nothing to do, and in view of the well, he said, "Huh! And the Creator will be detained for this. ”

Not only is the body completely in a state of dislocation. Looking at Ziyu's face again, the yin and yang qi is also messy. The pronunciation of 沴字 is lì, which originally means that the flow of water is hindered and not smooth, and by extension, it means contradictory, that is, conflicting and contradictory. What kind of state this is can probably only be understood, not spoken. Chinese can understand when they hear it, but you let him say that no one can really explain it clearly.

But what about Ziyu? There was no panic, still calm and relaxed, as if nothing happened. Probably sensing Zici's astonishment at his appearance, he staggered to the well, used the well water as a mirror, and took a picture of his own figure, and couldn't help sighing: "Ouch, hey! O Creator, you really made me such a strange person. ”

Zi Xi said: "How evil is a woman? ”

Zici asked, "Do you hate this situation?" ”

He said: "Death, what evil!" The left arm that is soaked and turned into a chicken is given because of the time and night; The right arm that is immersed in the fake is used as a bullet, and the cause is used to burn the owl; Immerse yourself in the false and turn it into a wheel, take God as a horse, and give it a cause to multiply, how can it be more controlled!

Ziyu replied: "Not really, what is there to dislike? If the Creator is not satisfied, and intends to continue his great work, say, by turning my left arm into a rooster, I will use it to report the dawn of the morning. (I can't help but wonder, what if it's a hen?) Turn my right arm into a projectile, and I'll shoot birds with a slingshot and roast them to eat. Turn my tail vertebrae into wheels, and transform my soul into a horse, (and I'll become Autobots - I'm Optimus Prime, looking at my distant homeland, Cybertron, no, off topic). I just travel with it, and I don't have to think about renting a car, hiring a driver, and other trivial things.

And the husband wins, the time also; The loser, Shun also. Peaceful and smooth, sad and happy can not enter also, the so-called county solution in this ancient world.

And people's gains, even if they are lives, are just time, and they are obtained at the right time. Loss, the passage of life, just conform to the way of heaven. If a person can be content with the coming and going of the opportunity and adapt to the changes in the situation, sorrow and happiness will not intrude on his heart, which is the mysterious thing that has been called "county solution" since ancient times.

The so-called county solution, in the "Health Master" chapter, talked about the emperor's county solution, that is, the emperor of heaven to solve people in the upside down. There is a difference here, this time there is no need for the Emperor of Heaven, and he will relieve himself from hanging upside down. For the sentence "when the time is good, and the sorrow and happiness cannot be entered", whether it is the time or the time, it comes from the heart of the person, and the object of the intrusion of sorrow and happiness is also the heart of the person. The starting point to untie your heart knot is still in your own heart, will the Emperor of Heaven help you solve it? Of course not, only you can solve your own knots, and only you can solve your own knots is the right way.

And those who can't self-extricate themselves, things have knots, and husbands and things are not good for a long time, how can I be evil! ”

Is there anyone who can't help himself with hanging upside down? Of course there is, and it should be that most people can't solve it, can't sort it out, and can't solve it. Binding people's hearts is often the pursuit of material desires. Moreover, it has been a long time since man cannot conquer heaven, so why should I have anything to dislike it? ”

In the end, Ziyu's attitude towards those who can't explain himself reflects his state of being able to deal with things at peace, and Zici can ask questions like "what is the evil of women", does it also reflect some problems?

Oerzi came to be sick, panting and dying. His wife wept around her. Zili asked him and said, "Wow! Avoid! No sorrow, change! ”

Soon, Zilai fell ill again, and it was said that he had difficulty breathing, and he was afraid that he would die soon. When Zili heard about it, he went to his house to offer condolences. As soon as I entered the door, I saw Zilai's wife and children gathered around Zilai's collapse and wept. (I wanted to say that I was gathered around the bed, but I suddenly remembered that there didn't seem to be a "bed" at that time) Zili scolded: "What are you doing! What are you doing! Don't hang around, do what you need to do! (In Shandong dialect, it should be very charming). Don't disturb his transformation! Wrong! Variation! Wrong! Variation! It's not right, it should be a transformation between life and death. ”

Leaning on his household and saying: "Great! Will Xi Yi you be ? Will you be ridiculed? Do you think you are a rat's liver? Do you think you are a worm's arm? ”

It must have driven out the wife and children who came to Zilai, and Zili leaned against the door and said to Zizi, "Great! What will you become, O Creator? And where will they send you? Will it turn you into a rat's liver? Or will it turn you into an insect's arm? ”

What kind of meaning does Zili want to express in these words to Zili? Of course, it can't be that you want to see the joke, as confidants, they all know that death is one thing, that is to say, in their opinion, even death is just an inevitable experience of life, and it doesn't matter if you are worried or happy. Zili may have used these few words to explain their shared values and outlook on life, saying that they were coming to visit, more like the last exchange and communication when death came. It's like when a practitioner has attained positive results and is about to ascend, as a confidant, you should say, "Congratulations! Congratulations! ”。 If you fall to the ground crying at this time, "You can't die!" What should I do if you die?! It is estimated that the cultivator can only have black lines on his face, eager to tell the world, "I really don't know him."

Zilai said: "Parents and sons, east and west, north and south, obey their orders." Yin and yang are to people, not to parents.

Zilai heard Zili's words and replied: "Children should obey their parents, regardless of whether they are south, south, or north. People are more to yin and yang than they are to their parents.

It doesn't matter if "no wings" have long wings or not, it should mean "no more". The so-called "yin and yang" here Many scholars believe that Zili should understand the creator mentioned by Zili, I think it is not accurate, and the "other" in the following should refer to the creator. But yin and yang should be the origin of the formation of all things, including human beings, not the rules. If it is a rule, it is the Tao, and the one who controls the rules is called the Creator.

He is close to my death and I don't listen, I am fierce, what is his sin? The husband is big to carry me in shape, to work me to live, to grow old, and to die for me. Therefore those who are good to me live, so good to me to die.

The Creator wants me to die, but I don't listen, that's my unwarranted disobedience, what is the Creator's sin? (What's more, even if I don't obey my fate, it's useless, can I still bargain with God?) Moreover, heaven and earth have carried me into the form of my person, so that I can live in hard work, let me grow old and enjoy pleasure and comfort, and finally let me die and rest in peace. Therefore he who treats me well gives me life is also out of kindness to me and gives me death.

This is the relationship, the life given to me by heaven and earth, let me experience a lifetime, whether it is glory and wealth, or poverty, life and death are part of this process, so life is also happy, death is also sad.

Today, Daye casts gold, and Jin enthusiastically says: 'I will be a hammer!' Daye will be regarded as ominous gold.

Like a blacksmith smelting metal objects, a piece of iron jumps out and shouts, "My life is up to me!" I added this sentence. I must become a sword! The master blacksmith doesn't praise him for his ambition, he thinks, "Fuck! Hell, this must be a piece of demon iron possessed by a demon", and refining you into a sword? It's not bad if you don't find a boy to pee on it to go evil, and it's okay.

Now the form of a prisoner said: 'Human ears! Human ears! 'The Creator will think that he is an ominous.

Now, as soon as the Creator created a humanoid object, the thing cried out for joy, "I am human, I am human." "What would the Creator think? (What the hell is this?) Must be an ominous person.

I guess if I think about it again, rub it and rub it and it will become a rat liver, a bug leg or something.

Today, with heaven and earth as the furnace, and creation as the great ye, it is evil and unavoidable! ”

Now, once I regard heaven and earth as a melting pot of refining tools, and the creator as a great blacksmith, why not go where I am refined? ”

Cheng Ran Sleep, Suddenly Awake.

How to understand the last two sentences is a bit difficult, as for what "become a person, sleep; I don't know what kind of meaning I want to express, is the artistic conception of life and death, feeling and sleeping the same or similar?

After Zilai and Zili said these words, they fell into a deep sleep, which can also be said to continue the process of his life and death. Wake up suddenly, maybe it's the beginning of another life, it doesn't matter if it's a mouse liver or a worm's leg, to experience a different life, worm life may be the whole of life.

Zhuangzi's attitude towards life is most likely to be criticized for not wanting to forge ahead, but his knowledge and understanding of life is unparalleled, and this height, depth, and even deep understanding of the essence is not comparable to other philosophers of the same period. This is also the reason why Lao Zhuang is so fascinating.

Some scholars think that Zhuangzi's article is a placebo for losers, but this is not necessarily the case. Whether it is success or failure, whether it is hard work or not wanting to forge ahead, this is the attitude. But it is by no means the eyes of the world, I can see the essence of the world, and it will let me go with the flow, but it may also make me work hard and forge ahead, the same is the process of life, the dull is a life, the wonderful is the same life, you can like the bland, but you can't interfere with my wonderful!