
To divide "Taiwan independence" elements, we must start with the punishment list

author:Liu Fufeng

Text—Liu Fufeng

Not long ago, the mainland's "two procuratorates and three ministries" issued an opinion on punishing "Taiwan independence" diehards for separatism and inciting separatist crimes, which caused an uproar on the island of Taiwan. Many "Taiwan independence" diehards of varying degrees have asked themselves in their hearts: Are their past words, deeds, and deeds already within the legal net of punishment under the "Anti-Separatism Law"? Will they be arrested and sentenced? How many years was sentenced? Indefinitely? The death penalty?

To divide "Taiwan independence" elements, we must start with the punishment list

The most fearful in my heart is probably Lai Qingde; If he continues like this, he will be the first offender to be sentenced heavily. As a result, he planted his fear on the 23 million people in Taiwan, and nonsense that 23 million Taiwanese people would be "sentenced". He is playing an alternative "law does not blame the public," which is a wolf-like ferocity and a rabbit-like timidity, and most of the DPP politicians in the Taiwan region have this kind of virtue.

To divide "Taiwan independence" elements, we must start with the punishment list

On the island of Taiwan, when the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), Lai Ching-te, and their ilk were in a state of panic, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China issued another message, making it clear that the mainland's relevant "Opinions" were formulated in strict accordance with the law, and that the punishment should be treated as a crime. He said that if "Taiwan independence" diehards take the initiative to abandon their "Taiwan independence" separatist stance, no longer carry out "Taiwan independence" separatist activities, and take measures to mitigate and eliminate harmful consequences or prevent the harm from expanding, and comply with relevant regulations, they may not be investigated for criminal responsibility in part or even in whole according to law. The mainland is using legal means to "blend leniency and severity" with "Taiwan independence" separatists and to use political offensive to "apply both soft and hard." Doing so is conducive to creating division and dismantling the "Taiwan independence" forces, and it is based on their performance that they will give a way out and stay alive, and the majority of the "united front" will be isolated and attacked by a handful of people. The mainland has used such a policy to defeat countless enemies, and the current Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and "Taiwan independence" separatist forces in the Taiwan region are just a piece of cake.

To divide "Taiwan independence" elements, we must start with the punishment list

Of course, for such a divisive strategy to work, it will not be enough to say so. For "wide" to be useful, there must first be "strict"; In order for "soft" to be effective, it must first be "hard". The most pressing task of the mainland at the moment is to punish the "Taiwan independence" diehards, investigate and collect evidence for the criminal suspects on the "list" that has been published in a short period of time, arrest them or bring them to trial in absentia, convict them according to law, and make a big announcement to the world. Only in this way can certain "Taiwan independence" diehards give up their separatist stance and stop carrying out "Taiwan independence" separatist activities. Those who recognize the general trend may be able to abandon the darkness and turn to the light, and strive for meritorious service.

This article was originally published in "Oriental Daily", original title: "Fighting the War of Division, a Piece of Cake"

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