
Is Qi Lin's remark of "son debt repayment father" correct? Morality kidnaps the rich second-generation father

author:Hua Yuhan

Although Zhang Jianguo's daughter's repentance is a little too abrupt, at least this is the most effective execution case since the launch of "Executive Judge".

Maybe it's because it's just a grudge between the family in the end, or maybe it's because the loyal sister-in-law doesn't want to compete with the sister-in-law for the family property.

The "Zhang Jianguo Case", which finally made Chu Yun change his attitude towards Qi Lin, was just a by-product of Qi Lin's successful resolution of family conflicts.

Is Qi Lin's remark of "son debt repayment father" correct? Morality kidnaps the rich second-generation father

But when the rich second-generation Liu Zeguang drove a Maserati under his personal name, he crashed an innocent female student into a fifth-degree disability.

Although he did not hit and run, he refused to fulfill his obligation to pay compensation, and people saw the possibility of the second Fang Qiang appearing from him at a glance.

is also a doting mother (father), and the same young man who is idle all day long, the only difference is that Liu Zeguang is not as lucky as Fang Qiang, and he does not have a judge cousin who can resist the beating for him.

Is Qi Lin's remark of "son debt repayment father" correct? Morality kidnaps the rich second-generation father

In the face of his wife's bottomless doting and connivance for his son, Liu Chuan, as a father, finally made the decision not to use money to solve the trouble for his son after throwing millions into the bottomless pit.

But when Qi Lin heard that Liu Chuan, as the father of the executor Liu Zeguang, actually said in front of him that he did not plan to compensate the victim for the rebel son, although he didn't say anything, his expression showed confusion and suspicion.

Perhaps in Qi Lin's view, it is a natural thing for the son to repay the debt, even if it is not stipulated by the law, even if Liu Zeguang is already an adult with independent criminal responsibility at the legal level.

Is Qi Lin's remark of "son debt repayment father" correct? Morality kidnaps the rich second-generation father

Although when I saw that the victim's family finally got the compensation they deserved from Liu Chuan's father, I was not only happy for the family, but also thought that Liu Chuan did not completely deserve to pay the money in the end.

But as an objective ordinary person, when I heard Qi Lin's words that subverted my cognition and rationality in order to make Liu Chuan take the initiative to bear his son's mistakes and debts, it was difficult for people to be calm.

It may be said that Qi Lin, as a judge of the enforcement court, even opened the mode of moral quotation to the family of the person subject to execution in order to completely end the case.

Is Qi Lin's remark of "son debt repayment father" correct? Morality kidnaps the rich second-generation father

As an adult, although Liu Chuan is Liu Zeguang's father, although he has the financial ability to repay this legal debt for his son.

But when Liu Chuan is actually not obliged to do this, at least at the moment when he is unwilling to continue to throw money into the bottomless pit of his son, no one can force him to do so.

But when Qi Lin heard the real reason why Liu Chuan refused to pay for his son, he actually put aside the law and started a moral offensive against Liu Chuan.

Is Qi Lin's remark of "son debt repayment father" correct? Morality kidnaps the rich second-generation father

In Qi Lin's eyes, Liu Chuan is not only an incompetent father, but also should take the initiative to pay compensation and apologize to the victim's family on behalf of his son in the name of an incompetent father.

Because the son is not the fault of the father, because Liu Chuan gave birth to Liu Zeguang, because Liu Zeguang is the son that Liu Chuan has raised for many years.

Therefore, if Liu Chuan does not pay this huge penalty for his son, then he is a failed father, a father who takes the initiative to evade responsibility, and a father who loves his son as much as his mother.

Is Qi Lin's remark of "son debt repayment father" correct? Morality kidnaps the rich second-generation father

In Qi Lin's eyes, in the eyes of Qi Lin, a rotating judge, as long as he can be at the top of the list in terms of case completion rate, no matter what means he uses against the person subject to execution, it is acceptable to him.

Whether the money is Liu Zeguang himself, or his father is out for his son, or even his mother can sell something, as long as the money is given, everything is easy to say, and everything can be crossed without a trace.

Just as no one cares how Fang Qiang transferred the property to his name, no one cares about Liu Zeguang's malicious transfer of property and his huge amount of gambling.

Is Qi Lin's remark of "son debt repayment father" correct? Morality kidnaps the rich second-generation father

Fang Qiang and Liu Zeguang, the cousin of one of them as a judge and the other as the son of the big boss of a logistics company, as long as they finally let the enforcement court close the case, no one will mention anything about them after that.

Although there is no complete ending of Liu Zeguang, Fang Qiang, who can transfer the ownership by himself, not only still hangs around outside, but also because Dong Ming sold the shares to him at the beginning, he has become a sweet spot in the eyes of many business elites.

Just as as Liu Chuan is willing to take the money, as a judge, Qi Lin doesn't care who the money is, and he doesn't care if the house he bought is in his aunt's name or his cousin's name.

Is Qi Lin's remark of "son debt repayment father" correct? Morality kidnaps the rich second-generation father

The interpretation of "Executive Judge" is written here for the time being, and more wonderful interpretations will be listened to next time.

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