
This disease is the "number one killer" in summer, the higher the temperature, the more dangerous it is, these acupuncture points help you clear the liver fire and spend the summer safely~

author:Health care of the great country

In the past, we have always believed that the incidence of cerebrovascular diseases is highest in autumn and winter, but in fact, summer is often also the season of high incidence.

According to statistics, when the temperature exceeds 30 degrees, the incidence of the disease is about 60% higher than usual, with an average of one person getting sick every 6 minutes, and an average of about every 6 minutes a person being disabled or even dying from the disease.

So, what are the risk factors for stroke in summer? What is the best way to help prevent and regulate?

This disease is the "number one killer" in summer, the higher the temperature, the more dangerous it is, these acupuncture points help you clear the liver fire and spend the summer safely~


Risk factor 1: heart and liver are hot

A common trigger for stroke in winter is related to cold. Stroke is usually caused by cold weather causing blood vessels to constrict, combined with blood clotting easily.

Summer, on the other hand, is about heat. In summer, it is easy to have a heart and liver fire, and liver qi stagnation leads to inflammation, which is one of the important reasons for the high incidence of stroke in summer.

Typical symptoms of heart and liver fire:

redness of the eyes and irritability in the heart; The tongue is reddish, the tongue coating is yellow, and it is prone to mouth ulcers; difficulty falling asleep, appearing as if sleeping but not sleeping; irritability and bloating; dizziness and swelling; People with high blood pressure are also prone to elevated or unstable blood pressure.

This method has the effect of clearing the heart and liver, preventing and regulating stroke.

This disease is the "number one killer" in summer, the higher the temperature, the more dangerous it is, these acupuncture points help you clear the liver fire and spend the summer safely~

❖ Four Stars Illumination Method

Xing acupoints are a general term for a class of acupuncture points, there are a total of twelve, and they are the starting point of the meridian qi of the twelve meridians from weak to strong.

There is a record in the "Book of Difficulties" that "the body of the master of the Xing is hot", that is to say, the Xing acupoint is used to treat and regulate various heat syndromes.

The four acupoints related to the etiology and pathogenesis are taken for prevention and conditioning.

First of all, in summer, the heart is hot, and the Xing acupoints of the Heart Sutra and the Pericardial Sutra related to it should be taken; In addition, the occurrence of stroke is related to the liver, and the liver and gallbladder are each other's surface and inside, so it is necessary to take the acupoints of the liver meridian and the gallbladder meridian.

Sixing acupoint is looking for this

【Lao Gong Acupoint】The palm of the hand is slightly clenched into a fist, and the position of the palm touched by the middle finger is the Lao Gong acupoint.

【Shaofu Acupoint】The palm of the hand is slightly clenched into a fist, and on the horizontal stripe of the palm between the little finger and the ring finger, it is the Shaofu acupoint.

【Interline acupoint】The seam end of the toe of the big toe and the second toe is the interline acupoint of the liver meridian.

The seam of the fourth and fifth toes is the Xiaxi point of the gall meridian.

Acupuncture on these four acupuncture points can effectively help the body regulate and prevent stroke. However, it should be noted that acupuncture is a professional practice and should be performed under the guidance and help of a doctor, and should not be performed on your own.

At home every day, you can "use chopsticks instead of needles" for massage. Choose a chopstick, and knead it in order from hand to foot and from inside to outside, that is, Laogong acupoint, Shaofu acupoint, Xingjian acupoint, and Xiaxi acupoint in turn. Each acupuncture point can be kneaded for 3~5 minutes, and it is advisable to produce a feeling of soreness locally.


Risk factor 2: phlegm stasis and fever

People with hyperlipidemia are also at high risk of stroke in summer, and special attention should be paid to prevention.

This disease is the "number one killer" in summer, the higher the temperature, the more dangerous it is, these acupuncture points help you clear the liver fire and spend the summer safely~

According to traditional Chinese medicine, hyperlipidemia belongs to phlegm stasis, and the viscosity of blood stasis increases and blood flow slows down; In the summer, the weather is hot, sweating is easy, and the blood is more concentrated. When the "heat" outside meets the "heat" in the body, the symptoms of stasis are more obvious, and the probability of stroke is greatly increased.

Therefore, it is extremely important to maintain the stability of blood lipids in summer. With moxibustion, it has a good conditioning effect on hyperlipidemia.

Fat lowering in summer, moxibustion helps

As a traditional treatment method of traditional Chinese medicine, moxibustion has a long history.

This disease is the "number one killer" in summer, the higher the temperature, the more dangerous it is, these acupuncture points help you clear the liver fire and spend the summer safely~

In the "Introduction to Medicine", the mechanism of moxibustion for fever is clarified: "If the heat is moxibustion, the heat will be discharged, and the fire will be dry."

Through the warm stimulation of the meridian acupuncture points through thermal moxibustion, it can not only warm the meridians and dispel cold, strengthen the circulation of qi and blood in the body, but also effectively prevent stroke in summer with heat and diarrhea, reduce lipids and phlegm.

Acupuncture points suitable for moxibustion and lipid reduction in summer

【Baihui Acupoint】It has the effect of raising yang and reducing phlegm turbidity, which can improve the state of the brain and help prevent the occurrence of encephalopathy.

【Lower Wrist Acupoint】This is the phlegm acupoint, which is connected to the navel and moxibustion, and at the same time can help warm and replenish the kidney yang.

[Zusanli acupoint] can help strengthen the spleen and dissolve phlegm.

This is the best acupuncture point for the human body to dissolve phlegm, located at the midpoint of the line between the knee eye and the outer malleolus.

Note that if you choose to do moxibustion at home, you should pay attention to safety and avoid burns.

This disease is the "number one killer" in summer, the higher the temperature, the more dangerous it is, these acupuncture points help you clear the liver fire and spend the summer safely~

During the moxibustion process, keep a distance of 3 cm between the moxa sticks and the skin, if you feel hot, you can elevate the moxa sticks or move them in parallel, it is recommended to moxibustion 2~3 acupuncture points each time, and each acupuncture point can be moxibusted for 10 minutes. After using the moxa sticks, also pay attention to check and extinguish the fire.


Risk factor 3: Blockage of qi and intestines

Lack of qi is an important cause of stroke in summer. Among them, the intestines mainly refer to the intestines.

This disease is the "number one killer" in summer, the higher the temperature, the more dangerous it is, these acupuncture points help you clear the liver fire and spend the summer safely~

This is because the weather is hot in summer, and it is easy to sweat, and the intestinal fluid decreases and the moisturization decreases.

In addition, in summer, people prefer cold drinks, barbecue, beer, etc., these eating habits are very harmful, which affects the peristalsis of the large intestine, may cause severe constipation and other conditions, increase brain pressure, and are also prone to stroke.

In view of this situation, the following 4 acupuncture points can help us regulate the blockage of qi in the intestines.

The four acupoints regulate the large intestine

The branch groove point is located below the horizontal stripe on the back of the hand, at the midpoint of the same body size of three inches.

The Tianshu acupoint is located two inches to the left and right of the navel, about two and a half finger widths.

The Upper Giant Void Point is located on the lower leg, starting from the outer knee and eye, and measuring down to the midpoint of the two four fingers.

The abdominal knot point is located about two inches below the navel, that is, the junction of two and a half fingers and four and a half fingers.

In fact, it is not necessary to be so precise in daily life, and a large area of stimulation of these acupuncture points can achieve the effect of clearing the intestines.

The specific operation method: put the palm on the navel, draw a circle around the area counterclockwise and knead, rub the branch groove point with the side palm, lift the giant void point, and use the large and small thenar to push both sides of the navel obliquely.

This disease is the "number one killer" in summer, the higher the temperature, the more dangerous it is, these acupuncture points help you clear the liver fire and spend the summer safely~

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