
The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money

author:Civil engineering think tank

Seeing that the Jilin Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the "Notice on Further Standardizing the Management of the Quality Expert Database of Housing Construction and Municipal Infrastructure Projects", the storage conditions are not high, suitable for many people, and the registration will be completed before the end of the month.

The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money

There are two main conditions for warehousing experts, and one can be satisfied: A has a senior professional and technical title in construction engineering, B has an intermediate title or above and has a national registered professional qualification in construction engineering. It is difficult for ordinary people to get high-level, and our conventional thing is to follow the second one. Intermediate plus registration certificate, registration is our common first-class constructor, first-class cost engineer, supervision engineer, etc.

Engaged in construction engineering related professional field for 15 years, and meet one of the following conditions:

(1) Have senior professional and technical titles in construction engineering;

(2) Have intermediate or above professional and technical titles in construction engineering, and have national registration and practice qualifications in construction engineering.

The main categories of the expert database are housing construction, municipal infrastructure, and other comprehensive categories.

Therefore, it is not too difficult to become a bid evaluation expert, and now it is becoming more and more open. If you have an intermediate level and registration certificate, go ahead and apply for it. More than 1,000 or 2,000 a month is also good, and there are powerful people who have seven or eight thousand a month. The key point is that it can still be used after retirement, and it can also be evaluated. Retired full-time bid evaluation is more cost-effective, and you can travel to other places, and the travel expenses are reimbursed.

The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money
The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money

Recently, the Economic Development Bureau of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin issued the Notice on Carrying out the Application for Living Subsidies for the Introduction of Academic, Professional and Technical Talents in the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin in 2024.

The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money

Subsidy standard:

The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money

Application period: April 22 to June 30, 2024 (late application will not be accepted)

The document of the notice is based on the Implementation Measures for Incentives and Subsidies for Supporting Talent Development in the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin (Yue-Macao Audit Jing Fa Tong [2024] No. 4), which will be implemented from 1 April 2024 and will be valid until 31 December 2025.

Professional qualifications correspond to professional titles

According to the Guangdong Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development's "Correspondence between National Vocational Qualifications and Provincial Titles", the primary (second-level) and intermediate (first-level) qualifications correspond to the titles of assistant engineers and engineers in the series of engineering and technical talents in our province.

The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money
The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money

At present, in order to introduce talents, many provinces and cities have released high subsidies to attract talents from all over the world to come and develop.

Zhuhai: 350,000 yuan for senior titles, 250,000 yuan for deputy senior titles, and 38,000 yuan for intermediate titles!

Guangdong Zhuhai Human Resources and Social Security Bureau issued the "Guide to the Application for Housing (Rental and Living) Subsidies for the Second Batch of Newly Introduced Talents in Zhuhai Enterprises in 2023":

  • The subsidy for senior professional titles is 350,000 yuan/person;
  • 250,000 yuan/person subsidy for talents with deputy senior titles;
  • The subsidy for intermediate professional title talents is 38,000 yuan/person.
The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money

Zhuhai's policy has been implemented since June 2019, and will be implemented from the date of issuance and will be valid for 5 years.

According to the official website, there are three batches of announcements every year, and previously, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau announced the list of the third batch of newly introduced talent housing (rent and living) subsidy personnel for Zhuhai enterprises in 2022, and a total of 2,353 people received subsidies.

Huizhou: The subsidy for senior professional titles is 300,000 yuan/person!

The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money

The Huizhou Municipal People's Government issued the "Several Support Measures for Accelerating the High-quality Development of the Construction Industry in Huizhou", which will be implemented from July 7, 2023 and will be valid for 3 years.

  • Professional and technical personnel under the age of 50 with senior professional titles enjoy a settlement subsidy of 300,000 yuan.
  • For the first time to promote senior and senior professional and technical personnel to give a subsidy of 10,000 yuan and 5,000 yuan respectively. The details are as follows:
The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money
The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money
The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money

Dongguan: 300,000 yuan/person for senior titles, 200,000 yuan/person for deputy senior titles, and 60,000 yuan/person for intermediate titles or first-class certificates

The Dongguan Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued an announcement: before the implementation of the newly revised measures for the settlement of talents, the use of the "Measures for the Settlement of Talents in Dongguan City (Trial)" (Dongfu [2020] No. 49) will be postponed.

Among them, eligible newly introduced talents can apply for comprehensive subsidies from the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau according to the "Interim Measures for the Introduction and Training of Undergraduate Students in Dongguan City" (Dongren Shefa [2022] No. 17) and the "Interim Measures for the Introduction and Training of Innovative Talents in Dongguan City" (Dongren Shefa [2022] No. 18).

Dongren Shefa [2022] No. 18, the comprehensive subsidy standards are as follows:

300,000 yuan/person for senior professional titles;

Deputy senior title: 200,000 yuan/person;

Intermediate title: 60,000 yuan/person.

National Vocational Qualification Certificate Level 1/Senior Technician (or Vocational Skill Level Certificate Level 1/Senior Technician) 60,000 yuan/person.

The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money

In addition, there are capacity improvement training, internship subsidies, etc., the specific conditions and application methods can be seen: "Dongguan Interim Measures for the Introduction and Training of Innovative Talents" Dongren Shefa [2022] No. 18

Dongren Shefa [2022] No. 17, the comprehensive subsidy standards are as follows:

Full-time undergraduate degree in general higher education (or bachelor's degree abroad): 10,000 yuan/person;

Primary title (or professional and technical personnel professional qualification) 10,000 yuan/person;

National Vocational Qualification Certificate Level 2/Technician (or Vocational Skill Level Certificate Level 2/Technician) 10,000 yuan/person.

The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money

The specific conditions and application methods can be found in: "Interim Measures for the Introduction and Training of Undergraduate Students in Dongguan City" Dongren Shefa [2022] No. 17

Shantou: Those who have obtained the title of assistant/intermediate/deputy senior/senior will be given a subsidy of 1,500 yuan/3,500 yuan/10,000 yuan/20,000 yuan per person!

The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money

The Management Committee of Shantou High-tech Industrial Development Zone issued the "Several Measures of Shantou High-tech Industrial Development Zone on Promoting the Gathering of Talents". It shall come into force on the date of issuance, and it is clarified that:

  • For newly introduced talents with intermediate professional and technical titles or technician skills or above, and engaged in the professional field, signing a full-time labor contract with enterprises in the zone for more than 3 years, and paying social insurance (five insurances) or housing provident fund for 12 months in accordance with the provisions of the law, a comprehensive subsidy of 24,000 yuan per person per year will be given, and the maximum continuous subsidy will be 2 years.
  • For those who have obtained assistant, intermediate, deputy senior and senior professional and technical titles during the work in the enterprises in the zone, they will be given a one-time technical promotion subsidy of 1,500 yuan, 3,500 yuan, 10,000 yuan and 20,000 yuan per person respectively.
  • For those who have obtained the national vocational qualification certificate during the period of working in the enterprises in the zone, they will be given a one-time vocational skill improvement training subsidy of 1,000 yuan, 1,500 yuan, 2,500 yuan, 3,500 yuan and 10,000 yuan per person according to the categories of primary skills (level 5), intermediate skills (level 4), senior skills (level 3), technician (level 2) and senior technician (level 1).

Foshan: Professional and technical personnel with senior professional titles will be given a settlement subsidy of 300,000 yuan per person

Professional and technical personnel with senior professional titles will be given a settlement subsidy of 300,000 yuan each; Professional and technical personnel with deputy senior titles will be given a settlement subsidy of 200,000 yuan each.

The settling-in allowance will be paid in three years at a rate of 40%, 30% and 30%.

The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money
The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money

Jiangmen: Those who are promoted to the titles of deputy high school and senior will be given a one-time subsidy of 20,000 yuan and 50,000 yuan

The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money

For the technical personnel working in the city's non-public units who are promoted to deputy high and senior titles, the municipal funds will be given a one-time subsidy of 20,000 yuan and 50,000 yuan.

At the same time, the city will be deputy high professional titles or above into the scope of high-level talent assessment, of which the deputy high can directly identify the city's third-level high-level talents, Zhenggao can directly identify the city's second-level high-level talents.

The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money

Nansha, Guangzhou: If the deputy senior title or above is under the age of 45, a subsidy of 60,000 yuan will be given

The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money

The four departments of talent, science and technology, human resources and social security, and housing and construction in Nansha District jointly issued the "Eight Measures of Guangzhou Nansha New Area (Free Trade Zone) on Responding to the Epidemic and Supporting Talents to Resume Work and Production".

You can receive housing subsidies after paying social security or individual income tax for 3 consecutive months, of which assistant-level titles are under 35 years old, 20,000 yuan/person; Intermediate title under 40 years old, 40,000 yuan/person; Under the age of 45, 60,000 yuan/person.

Other provinces on the subsidy policy of professional titles

Henan: Accelerate the cultivation of high school under the age of 35 and vice high under the age of 30! A subsidy of 200,000 yuan will be given to each of these personnel

The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money

In order to speed up the cultivation of a group of outstanding young professional and technical talents under the age of 35 with senior professional titles and under the age of 30 with deputy senior professional titles, the Henan Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security issued the "Several Measures on Strengthening and Improving the Construction of Outstanding Young Professional and Technical Personnel".

Set up special positions for 35 years old and below to declare the high school, 30 years old and below to declare the deputy high school!

  • Set up a certain number of ad hoc posts, for 35 years old and below professional and technical personnel to declare senior titles, 30 years old and below professional and technical personnel to declare deputy senior titles, ad hoc posts are not subject to the corresponding professional and technical post structure proportion standards, the implementation of "people post comparison, people in the post, people go to the post sales", by the human resources and social security departments overall management.
  • Eligible young professional and technical personnel aged 35 and below apply for senior professional titles, and young professional and technical talents aged 30 and below apply for deputy senior professional titles, which are not limited by the proportion of the unit structure, and are included in the management of ad hoc posts after passing the review.

35 years old and below to declare the high school, 30 years old and below to apply for the deputy high school, meet the following conditions, can directly apply for the evaluation of the corresponding professional senior title!

  • For young professional and technical talents aged 35 and below to declare Zhenggao, and young professional and technical talents aged 30 and below to apply for deputy high, in addition to meeting the application conditions stipulated in the "Henan Province High-level and Urgently Needed Talent Title Evaluation and Recruitment "Green Channel" Implementation Rules (Yuren She Gui [2022] No. 3) can apply for the corresponding senior title, further expand the scope of application and evaluation of professional titles, and other major basic research and cutting-edge technology breakthroughs, solve major engineering and technical problems, Those who have made significant contributions to the development of various economic and social undertakings, or have obtained other major original research results, can apply for and evaluate the corresponding professional senior titles in combination with different performance requirements after being recommended by international and domestic first-class experts in the same industry and by the assessment and recommendation of the employer, and are not subject to restrictions on academic qualifications, qualifications, years of experience and structural proportion.

Postdoctoral fellows who come to work in Yu will be given a subsidy of 200,000 yuan per person

  • For the new postdoctoral mobile station, workstation and innovation practice base, 500,000 yuan, 300,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan will be given to the start-up funds respectively.
  • The subsidy standard for on-site postdoctoral fellows will be raised, and the subsidy for newly recruited non-in-service postdoctoral fellows will be increased to 200,000-800,000 yuan per person for two years.
  • For postdoctoral fellows who leave the station to stay in Henan and come to work in Henan, the provincial finance will give each person a subsidy of 200,000 yuan for settling in.

Postdoctoral fellows make an exception to declare the (positive) senior title policy

  • The initial intermediate title of doctor is not limited by the proportion of the unit structure, and is directly hired by the unit after obtaining the corresponding title, and the intermediate position hired is managed separately.
  • During the period of postdoctoral work in the station, they are not subject to the restrictions on the proportion of the post structure of the public institution in the station, and the intermediate title and the deputy senior title of the application and review are not subject to the restriction of the position structure of the station. The scientific research achievements of the postdoctoral fellows during the station are used as an important basis for evaluation, and can be used when participating in the evaluation of deputy senior titles after graduation.
  • If a postdoctoral researcher is engaged in professional and technical work in enterprises and institutions in our province after the expiration of his or her term of term, he or she can directly apply for the evaluation of senior professional titles according to his scientific research ability, academic level and work results during his stay at the station; For postdoctoral researchers who have made outstanding contributions during the station, and who are engaged in professional and technical work in enterprises and institutions in our province when they leave the station or after leaving the station, they can be recommended and assessed by the station unit or employer to identify the corresponding senior professional titles.
  • If the postdoctoral fellow of the enterprise has been funded by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation or presided over a scientific research project at or above the provincial and ministerial level, and continues to stay in the enterprise after leaving the station, he can be directly recognized as the deputy senior title.

Heilongjiang: The maximum subsidy is 300,000! Under 55 years old, the monthly allowance is 1,000 yuan!

The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money

Recently, the Heilongjiang Department of Human Resources and Social Security issued an announcement on publicly soliciting opinions on the "Implementation Measures for the Construction of Professional and Technical Talents Leading Echelon in Heilongjiang Province (Draft for Comments)".

  • The provincial echelon leader should be under the age of 55 with senior titles.
  • The conditions for the reserve leader of the provincial talent echelon should be under the age of 50, with the title of deputy senior or above, or a master's degree or above.
  • The leaders of the provincial talent echelon enjoy a monthly allowance of 1,000 yuan per person.
  • With a five-year cycle, a certain number of provincial talent echelons will be funded every year, with two levels of 200,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan.
  • Support the establishment of provincial-level talent echelon units to give priority to the establishment of postdoctoral innovation practice bases, and give a one-time financial support of 300,000 yuan.

Subsidy for vocational qualifications

Anhui: The maximum subsidy for constructors and supervision engineers is 200,000 yuan/person! The cost engineer is up to 500,000 / person!

The Anhui Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security released the "2023 Catalogue of Urgently Needed Talents in Key Areas of Anhui Province".

The "Catalogue" describes the seven elements of each industry in the form of a table, including subdivided industries, job titles, professional requirements, educational requirements, work experience, talent introduction treatment and scarcity. Among them, the subsidies for construction engineers, supervision engineers, cost engineers and other talents currently in short supply in the construction industry are as follows:

Building construction field

  • The maximum subsidy for construction engineers is 200,000 yuan/person! Minimum academic qualifications required: Bachelor's degree
  • The maximum subsidy for supervision engineers is 200,000 yuan/person! Minimum academic qualifications required: Bachelor's degree
  • The maximum subsidy for cost engineers is 200,000 yuan/person! Minimum academic qualifications required: Bachelor's degree

Prefabricated building field

  • The maximum subsidy for cost engineers is 500,000 yuan/person! Minimum academic qualifications required: Bachelor's degree

Screenshot of the construction industry content of the catalogue of urgently needed talents in key areas of Anhui Province:

The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money
The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money
The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money

The catalogue includes 11 key areas, including agriculture, manufacturing, finance, education, health, culture, mining, construction, real estate, scientific research and technical services, water conservancy and environment and public facilities management. See the following figure for details:

The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money

Educational requirements: The minimum educational requirements for the required talents, there are four levels of education, namely: junior college, bachelor's degree, master's degree, and doctorate.

Work experience: The working hours required for the required talents are: less than 3 years, 3-5 years, 5-10 years, more than 10 years, and no limit.

Talent introduction treatment: There are five levels of salary for the required talents, namely: less than 100,000, 10-200,000, 20-500,000, 50-1 million, and more than 1 million.

Degree of shortage: The shortage of posts is divided into three categories: very scarce, relatively scarce, and generally scarce, which are marked with "★★★", "", ★★ and ★ "" respectively.

Zhejiang: To obtain this kind of intermediate certificate, you can directly identify as an engineer! The maximum subsidy is 5,200 yuan!

The Zhejiang Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security issued the "Implementation Plan for the Cultivation Project of Digital Technology Engineers in Zhejiang Province". This implementation plan has been implemented on September 16.

The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money

The key points are as follows:

  • For those who participate in the digital technology engineer training project and meet the conditions for the application and evaluation of professional titles in our province, those who have obtained the primary professional and technical level certificate can be directly identified as assistant engineers; Those who have obtained intermediate professional and technical level certificates can be directly identified as engineers; Those who have obtained the senior professional and technical level certificate can directly apply for the evaluation of senior engineers.
  • Trainees who have obtained the training certificate and meet the declaration conditions stipulated in the national occupational standards can be organized by the training institution to apply for the relevant vocational and professional technical level assessment to the evaluation agency.
  • Within the administrative area of our province, eligible workers can apply for vocational training subsidies from the human resources and social security departments of their household registration, permanent residence, and places of job search and employment, and graduates in the graduation year can apply for subsidies from the human resources and social security departments where the school is located. Each person can enjoy it no more than 3 times per year (the same occupation and the same level cannot be enjoyed repeatedly).
  • The subsidy is 2200-5200 yuan (see the table below for details).
The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money

Jiangsu: To obtain such certificates, the maximum subsidy is 4,300 yuan/person!

The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money

The Jiangsu Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security and the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Finance jointly issued the Notice on Strengthening and Improving the Management of Vocational Skills Training Subsidies, which will be implemented from June 1, 2023.

Jiangsu Province's 2023 government-subsidized vocational skills training occupations (types of work) catalogue (the first batch) includes prefabricated occupations in the construction industry, BIM and other related occupations.

Category A (according to the subsidy benchmark: the maximum subsidy for category A is 4,300 yuan/person):

  • BIM application of prefabricated buildings
  • Prefabricated building constructor
  • Ancient builders

Category B (according to the subsidy benchmark: the maximum subsidy for category B is 3,500 yuan/person):

  • Prefabricated building assembly construction
  • Quality inspection of prefabricated buildings
  • Production of prefabricated building components
  • Building Information Modelling Technician L/S
The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money
The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money
The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money
The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money
The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money
The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money
The strongest side hustle: A first-level constructor plus an intermediate can enter the expert pool and secretly earn extra money

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