
CPPCC "Please come to negotiate" focuses on the optimization of the business environment Hu Yongchun asked for the value-added reform of government services as the traction to provide strong support for the development of enterprises

author:Yongkang release
CPPCC "Please come to negotiate" focuses on the optimization of the business environment Hu Yongchun asked for the value-added reform of government services as the traction to provide strong support for the development of enterprises
CPPCC "Please come to negotiate" focuses on the optimization of the business environment Hu Yongchun asked for the value-added reform of government services as the traction to provide strong support for the development of enterprises

On the afternoon of June 27, the CPPCC held a consultation meeting on "Promoting the Value-added of Government Services and Continuously Optimizing the Business Environment". Hu Yongchun, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, was invited to hold special consultations with CPPCC members and business representatives on the theme of promoting the value-added reform of government services and optimizing the business environment. Hu Jihe, chairman of the CPPCC, presided over the meeting, and city leaders Solang Luobu, Hu Zengzeng, Huang Ruiyan, Zhu Zhiang, Lu Yi, Zhu Pengnian, Wang Xiangyu, Chen Meiya and Xu Ning, secretary general of the CPPCC, attended the meeting.

At the meeting, representatives of the CPPCC members at the provincial, Jinhua and Yongkang levels, together with the representatives of enterprises, interacted with the heads of relevant departments on key issues such as value-added reform, precision services and localization construction according to the results of preliminary research and personal experience. Before the meeting, the CPPCC set up a special research group to find out the truth and check the actual results of the promotion of the value-added reform of our municipal services through visits, discussions, inspections and studies, and put forward consultation opinions and suggestions through discussion and research. The research team said that the value-added reform of China's municipal services has been effective and effective, but there is also room for improvement. In order to promote the value-added reform of government services in depth and comprehensively create an optimized and upgraded version of the business environment, we must adhere to the goal of "the least number of matters, the simplest procedures, the most refined materials, the most time-saving, and the lowest cost", so as to change the concept, consolidate the ideological foundation, and create a more satisfactory service ecology for the masses; Highlight the value-added service, continue to write the "re" word article, and create a more efficient service system; Pay attention to the construction of experience, achieve value-added models, and create a more distinctive service model.

CPPCC "Please come to negotiate" focuses on the optimization of the business environment Hu Yongchun asked for the value-added reform of government services as the traction to provide strong support for the development of enterprises

After listening attentively to the speeches, Hu Yongchun affirmed that the topic selection of the CPPCC's "Please Come to Consultation" activity was accurate, the questions were accurate, and the suggestions were forceful. He said: "Please come to the consultation" is an important platform for giving play to the role of the CPPCC as a special consultative body. Through this platform, the municipal party committee and the municipal government can not only listen to opinions and suggestions, help accelerate the existing work, but also learn from everyone, jointly create a good atmosphere for concerted efforts to grasp development, and also make publicity and promotion on key tasks and important achievements. Since the beginning of this year, the CPPCC has focused on the center, served the overall situation, and actively acted, focusing on the "five wars and two strengths", making suggestions and offering good strategies, submitting a number of high-quality proposals and suggestions, and submitting a batch of social conditions and public opinion information full of people's livelihood temperature, providing an important reference for the decision-making of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, condensing the "wisdom of the CPPCC" and showing the "responsibility of the CPPCC". The Municipal Party Committee will, as always, attach importance to and support the work of the CPPCC, and hope that the CPPCC members will give full play to the important role of democratic supervision, strengthen the supervision and support of the work of the Party committee and government, and jointly contribute to building the "World Hardware Capital, Quality and Vitality Yongkang".

Hu Yongchun emphasized that the value-added reform of government services is a traction starting point to promote the leap from convenient services to value-added services, and is of great significance to promote the optimization and improvement of the business environment and the "No. 1 Reform Project" and promote the high-quality development of the private economy. Since last year, in accordance with the deployment of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, our city has actively promoted the value-added reform of government services and achieved a series of phased results. The essence of the value-added reform of government services is service, focusing on value-added, the key is to solve the problem, and rely on numbers for collaboration. In the next step, it is necessary to grasp the fundamental needs of enterprises, focus on the whole life cycle of enterprises and the whole chain of industries, integrate policy measures and service matters, and make the value-added reform of government services practical and effective through deepening understanding, consensus and cohesion, and publicity and strengthening, so as to make productivity and competitiveness and further enhance the sense of identity of deepening reform. It is necessary to drive the reform and reshaping of the system and mechanism with problem solving, highlighting "more efficient problem solving, more convenient direct enjoyment of intelligent distribution, and more accurate drying evaluation", through the two-wheel drive of institutional innovation and digital empowerment, and the coordination of the government, society and market, to provide strong support for the development of enterprises and further enhance the sense of gain of the enterprise masses. It is necessary to adhere to the optimization of government service methods and processes from the perspective of enterprises, strive to build a one-stop service ecology, provide precise and characteristic services, change "acceptance agency" to one-stop solution and one-stop service, realize "easy to handle, fast and easy to do" government services, and further enhance the experience of the enterprise masses. It is necessary to adhere to the working model of "high-level scheduling, integrated operation, flat coordination, and integrated management", strengthen the all-round service of project landing, the all-factor guarantee of enterprise development, the promotion of compliance reform and the whole chain of flexible supervision, promote the overall improvement of the industry with value-added services, and further enhance the satisfaction of the enterprise masses.

Hu Jihe pointed out in the summary that it is necessary to firmly establish the concept of "everyone is a business environment, everything is related to the business environment", effectively enhance the endogenous driving force of the value-added reform of government services, accurately grasp the key tasks of the reform, adhere to the goal orientation, strengthen the coordination and linkage, build a strong service carrier, improve the efficiency of reform, form a strong joint force with the participation of the whole society, and comprehensively create a value-added service ecology of co-construction, sharing and win-win.

Financial media reporter: Chen Xiaosu

Fusion Media Editor: Hua Kuo

Proofreading: Ying Xuyi

First instance: Dong Bibing

Second trial: Ying Fangmeng

Final review: Wang Yu

CPPCC "Please come to negotiate" focuses on the optimization of the business environment Hu Yongchun asked for the value-added reform of government services as the traction to provide strong support for the development of enterprises

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