
How to do a good job in the "second half of the article" when installing elevators? Huangpu has revised the Guiding Opinions

author:Shanghai Huangpu

In recent years, the installation of elevators in existing multi-storey residential buildings in Huangpu has been "full power", from "individual production" to "mass production", running out of gratifying "acceleration". While making every effort to promote the installation of elevators, how to do a good job in the second half of the "management" article is also the focus of the government's concern and residents' concern.

Recently, the reporter learned that in response to the crux of "who will manage" and "how to manage", our district has newly revised the "Guiding Opinions on the Follow-up Management of the Installation of Elevators in Existing Multi-storey Residential Buildings in Huangpu District" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guiding Opinions"), which has made normative guidance on the key issues of follow-up management of the elevator, such as the follow-up management plan for the installation of elevators, the follow-up fund management of elevators, and the management of elevator use safeguard measures, so that the follow-up management of elevators is more standardized and orderly, so that residents after the elevators have no "worries".

How to do a good job in the "second half of the article" when installing elevators? Huangpu has revised the Guiding Opinions
How to do a good job in the "second half of the article" when installing elevators? Huangpu has revised the Guiding Opinions


Advance intervention of the property in an orderly "takeover"

In Liyuan New Village, the installation of elevators in Building 19 has been well received by residents since it was completed and put into use in June. With a clean and tidy environment inside and out, and a comfortable car, the residents have truly realized the happiness of "one-click direct".

And all this is inseparable from the daily cleaning and management of the property staff in the community. In 2021, Huangpu District took the lead in the city to issue the "Guiding Opinions on the Follow-up Management of the Installation of Elevators in Existing Multi-storey Residential Buildings in Huangpu District", which clearly pointed out that the elevators were taken over by the "property". At present, more than 320 elevators that have been completed in Huangpu District have all been taken over. "At the beginning of our vigorous promotion of the ladder, we determined the principle of 'simultaneous construction and management'. When the project was signed, the property takeover had been reached by the neighborhood committee, the property committee, the property management committee and other three parties, and it was determined in the form of an agreement. The District Housing Management Bureau said.

How to do a good job in the "second half of the article" when installing elevators? Huangpu has revised the Guiding Opinions

The newly revised "Guiding Opinions" is further clarified that all property service enterprises should actively play their professional advantages in accordance with relevant requirements, in the consultation of opinions, on-site construction, follow-up management and other links, participate in the installation of elevators throughout the process, and take the initiative to undertake the entrustment of the owners of the installation of elevators on the basis of fairness and reasonableness and consensus, and provide management services for the use of elevators.

What if the property management company is replaced in the middle of the process and the property service contract is terminated during the performance of the management agreement? The newly revised "Guiding Opinions" make it clear that the original property service enterprises shall provide management services for the use of additional elevators in accordance with the provisions of the entrusted management agreement, and in accordance with the "Shanghai Residential Property Management Regulations" and other relevant provisions to the construction unit or the owners' committee to hand over the property management housing, common part of the operation and management files, the balance of public revenue and other information and property, shall not obstruct the new property service enterprises to settle in the community or refuse to withdraw from the community property services on the grounds of entrusted management of the installation of elevators; The new property service enterprise should facilitate the original property service enterprise to perform the management responsibility of installing elevators.

In addition, property service enterprises and community property management personnel who actively participate in and promote the follow-up management of the installation of elevators and complete the takeover will be given certain special rewards.

How to do a good job in the "second half of the article" when installing elevators? Huangpu has revised the Guiding Opinions


After the elevator is added, the follow-up management cost "how to manage"

In Huangpu, how to manage the follow-up funds of the elevator? In general, a "team of 3" is formed. After the elevator is installed, the follow-up management fee of 100,000 yuan will be deposited into the condominium account of the three people in the bank. To withdraw electricity bills, property fees, and maintenance premiums, the "group of 3" must go to the bank together to withdraw money from the condominium account, and then go to the relevant institutions to pay it, which is very troublesome.

The newly revised "Guiding Opinions" suggests that the owner of the installation of elevators entrusts a fund management company to manage the management funds for the installation of elevators, deposit the elevator construction costs and follow-up management funds into the special account for the management of the installation of elevators, and sign a custody agreement.

How to do a good job in the "second half of the article" when installing elevators? Huangpu has revised the Guiding Opinions

The "Elevator Butler" fund custody mode is opened by Shanghai Real Estate Transaction Fund Management Co., Ltd. in the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to provide elevator management fund custody services for the owners of the elevator installation, no service fee is charged, and the funds in the sub-account are settled according to the current benchmark interest rate of the People's Bank of China for the same period.

The custodian platform allocates funds according to the actual electricity, maintenance and property management costs, and when the balance of the custodian account changes, the fund supervision company will promptly inform the owner of the elevator by sending mobile phone text messages.

At present, the "Ladder Butler" account has covered 10 streets in Huangpu District, and a total of 133 units have been contracted, effectively avoiding problems such as difficulties in fund raising, changes in management personnel, and shirking of management responsibilities.

How to do a good job in the "second half of the article" when installing elevators? Huangpu has revised the Guiding Opinions

In Huangpu, the follow-up management mechanism for the installation of elevators in existing multi-storey residential buildings is becoming more and more perfect. The reporter noted that in the newly revised "Guiding Opinions on the Follow-up Management of Existing Multi-storey Residential Elevators in Huangpu District", it has also been added that the existing multi-storey residential elevators with a service life of more than 15 years will be included in the old elevator renewal plan, and the old elevator transformation subsidy will be applied, the old elevator safety assessment will be implemented, and the old elevator will be updated and transformed to form a full life cycle management mechanism.

Reporter / Wang Yuehua

Editor / Fan Lujia

Photo / Huangpu District Rong Media Center data map

Please indicate that it is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Huangpu

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